Showing posts with label Rick Wilson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Wilson. Show all posts

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Diana West concludes that wankers Rick Wilson and Kevin Williamson far exceed the Roger Stone standard for offensive rhetoric set by the sanctimonious Brent Bozell

What it is with these two men and masturbation is not, Glory Be, our concern; rather, it is their hellish level of discourse. I am wondering whether [L. Brent Bozo] will be issuing another righteous statement, as [he] did regarding Roger Stone, calling for "the media to shun" this noxious pair (and others, as you will see) and "denounce [them] in no uncertain terms"?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Republican dickhead Rick Wilson calls Trump supporters a bunch of wankers

Takes one to know one.

Story here.

Best line from the comments section:

"If I had a head like his, I'd have it circumcised."

Wilson got his start working for G. H. W. Bush and Lee Atwater.