Showing posts with label Jessica Valenti. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jessica Valenti. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

Jessica Valenti: The snowflake/safe-space phenomenon is all the fault of feminism

And darn it, it just hasn't spread far enough.

The tantrum against intractable human nature continues.

One of feminism’s biggest successes was creating an alternative culture for girls and women seeking respite from mainstream constraints. Girls worried about unrealistic beauty standards, for example, can turn to the body positivity movement. Those of us who find traditional media’s treatment of women unappealing can read feminist blogs and magazines; female college students who have critical questions about how gender shapes their lives can take women’s studies classes.

From social media campaigns to after-school equality clubs, feminism has birthed dozens of online and real-life spaces where girls can find alternatives to the sexist status quo.

But boys and young men who are struggling have no equivalent culture.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Feminists aren't just emotional, they're so emotional they're redundant

Jessica Valenti for The Grauniad, here:

When so many of us feel powerless, seeing the extraordinary power of one woman felt like a cathartic release. A reminder of what is possible, and of what our daughter – and ourselves – deserve.

So emotional are such feminists that saying "felt like a catharsis" isn't good enough. It has to be "a cathartic release".

And which catharsis isn't a release? And which catharsis isn't felt?

Where is Camille Paglia when we need her? Or is she so old now that she too succumbs to such nostalgia for emotion?

Powerlessness knows no sex. Just ask any old couple married for forty or fifty years. Or a baby, if it could talk.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

And just a reminder: Wikileaks told us "journalist" Jessica Let's Shame 'em Valenti "worked with" the Hillary Clinton campaign against Bernie Sanders, using her Guardian column so there'd be no "fingerprints"

Because Bernie had the temerity to call Planned Parenthood part of the establishment, an offense against the holy sacrament of abortion.

Wikileaks here and here and Valenti here (the column she was "writing . . . as we speak").

Sha sha sha shame, but it is The Grauniad.

Jessica Valenti, feminazi wife of Talking Points Memo publisher, has her work cut out for her shaming Trump voters

. . . Oh well, goodbye
One down in Mike Pence, only 61,898,583 to go, as of this morning.

Story here.