Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts

Monday, April 19, 2021

Even calling NASA's helicopter on Mars a helicopter is a gross exaggeration: It's a frickin' drone and doesn't even have room for Buzz Lightyear

Dimensions: Fuselage (body): 5.4 in × 7.7 in × 6.4 in

Someone should tell NASA Mars helicopter team that a Wright Brothers moment requires a HUMAN piloting a PLANE

NASA scores Wright Brothers moment with first helicopter flight on Mars :

"The twin-rotor whirligig's debut on the Red Planet marked a 21st-century Wright Brothers moment for NASA . . .. NASA engineers affixed a tiny swath of wing fabric from the original Wright flyer under Ingenuity's solar panel before sending it on its way to Mars."

Nothing captures the ridiculous character of the present exaggerated age better than this celebration over a 3-meter helicopter flight on Mars


                                                                                                         Dare Mighty Things!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Who is dumber, Sheila Jackson Lee of flag on Mars fame, or the people of Texas who keep reelecting her since 1995?

The flag on Mars story from 1997 was reported here.

For Lee's more recent embarrassments of Yale University, the US Congress and Texas, see here.

A caller to Steve Gruber this morning incorrectly attributed the flag on Mars remark to Maxine Waters.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Light on Mars

Pretty dang weird: Rover captures light emanating from the surface of Mars.

Story here.