Showing posts with label asteroids. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asteroids. Show all posts

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Missing us by 180k miles yesterday, asteroid 2024 MK was only discovered on June 16 and was one of the 60% larger than 140 meters still unknown


Gee that's . . . not a happy thought.

The asteroid, named 2024 MK, is estimated to measure about 480 feet (146 meters) across, which is greater than the height of a 40-story building or the Great Pyramid of Giza.


A sucker that size could destroy London, England:

"If [an asteroid as big as Dimorphos] were to fall on the city of London, windows would break over the whole south east of England and the damage in [the Greater London] area would be very extreme," Collins said. "There would be no survivors in the center of London because of the impact itself and also because of the severity of the air blast." ...

While asteroids of this size crossing the path of our planet are rare, astronomers estimate that 60% of near Earth asteroids larger than 140 meters are still unknown. 

NASA said it came in at 152.4 meters.

European Space Agency said it came as close as 180k miles.

Talk about giving two weeks notice.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

NASA Psyche Mission headed to iron and nickel-rich asteroid possibly worth quadrillions

 The current value of ~208,874 tonnes of all the gold ever mined is only $14.47 trillion, so the discovery and mining of huge new supplies of precious metals could cause a deflationary depression . . . some day.

Launch date is October, arriving in 2029. 

Stories here and here.

Meanwhile we can exchange worthless pieces of paper for all kinds of stuff made in China.

Seems fair.