Showing posts with label Canada Freedom Convoy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Freedom Convoy. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2022

LOL, obsessive truck tire slasher Juliette Kayyem thinks there's a whole CONVOY of colluders behind the Buffalo shooter

 But that lone wolf language fails us in an era when hate and radicalization now serve as a proxy for the collaborative herd, for the co-conspirators and colluders. Gendron wasn’t alone. His mission was effective because he was supported by an apparatus that provided the ideology and means for the hunt. Based on evidence from a manifesto that he reportedly posted Thursday night, Gendron did not perceive himself as being alone: He had his people; they were there for him.


State terror is OK, got it? She's a Harvard man, see, a former Obama official.


Monday, February 21, 2022

Canada's House of Commons endorses the tyranny of Adolf Trudeau

The motion to confirm the declaration of emergency passed 185-151, with the New Democrats voting in favour alongside the minority Liberal government.
His supporters and allies were too afraid for their own elected positions, thinking Trudeau would call an election if they voted to deny the emergency declaration.
Democracy is a bitch. 

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Sympathy for the Canadian truckers is actually higher than Trudeau's approval rating

Steven McGuire, here
... a recent poll suggested that 46% of Canadians have some sympathy with the truckers, even if most disapprove of their methods. That’s higher than Trudeau’s own approval rating. ... The demands of the truckers look more reasonable every day, and Trudeau’s resistance more unnecessary. ... the truckers are rallying against what they view as unacceptable uses of government power. So what does Trudeau do? He asserts even more power. ... what has he done to earn the trust of the Canadians who oppose vaccine mandates? He’s bulldozed over their concerns and insulted them. Now he’s acting as if they’re an existential threat to the country. Like American liberal elites, Trudeau doesn’t realize that he’s part of the crisis of legitimacy in Western democracies.


The Financial Times says Trudeau has gone too far invoking the Emergencies Act against the peaceful protest of the Canada Freedom Convoy, calls restrictions on truckers' cross border travel "government over-reach"


Canadian leader Justin Trudeau’s invocation of the Emergencies Act this week in response to the occupation was a step too far, however. The measures are designed to respond to insurrection, espionage and genuine threats to the Canadian constitution rather than peaceful protest, no matter how irritating and inconvenient. The right to such protest is fundamental to a free society. Such protests often involve inconveniencing people, whether that means the pickets of striking workers, Britain’s anti-climate change group Extinction Rebellion, or the Freedom Convoy. 

The editorial oddly refers to the draconian financial repression undertaken by Trudeau under the Act without actually condemning it, saying only in a general way that the government's response has been illiberal and mishandled.
Trudeau's henchman, Chrystia Freeland, has had a long association with The Financial Times from the 1990s.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

The Nazi past of the family of Canada's Chrystia Freeland, financial henchman for Adolf Trudeau, isn't some fabrication

 The Globe and Mail in 2017:

Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper in occupied Poland that vilified Jews during the Second World War. ...

Ms. Freeland has never acknowledged that her grandfather was a Nazi collaborator and suggested on Monday that the allegation was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.


Super Mario echoes Adolf Trudeau: "The unvaccinated are not part of our society"


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Canada's parliament has to agree to Adolf Trudeau's power grab within a week or it's a no-go

The powers announced by Mr Trudeau go into effect immediately - but his government has to present it to the House of Commons and the Senate within a week and needs a green-light or the proclamation would be revoked. 


Drudge nearly mum on Canada abuses in wall-to-wall Ukraine coverage


Canada's House of Commons defeated yesterday a conservative measure calling on the federal government to offer a COVID-19 exit plan by the end of February, the same day as Trudeau invoked emergency powers

The Conservative push to have the Liberal government present a plan to end federal vaccine mandates and restrictions by the end of the month was struck down on Monday.

The motion was defeated 185 to 151, with the Liberals, NDP, and Greens, for the most part, voting against the move and the Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois voting in favour of it.


Canada's government is not responsive to the will of the people.



Trudeau suspends democracy in order to save it


Trudeau literally practices the politics of personal destruction


It took Hitler three years to exclude Jews from German economic life, Trudeau only two


Bill Maher: Justin Trudeau sounds like Hitler


Le petit tyran


Monday, February 14, 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022

LOL, the cops moved in to retake the Ambassador Bridge this morning after the truckers left early, but by 5:30pm it was a stalemate again as the people of Windsor took their place