Thursday, May 30, 2024
Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Ann Coulter goes off the rails, blames the Tea Party for Obamacare
She forgets that Obamacare was passed in March 2010, months before the "Tea Party" swept the US House in an historic win with the help of Freedom Works & Co.
. . . the Tea Party candidates lost us a lot of races and Senate seats. We would not have Obamacare if it weren't for a lot of the Tea Party candidates running against incumbent candidates.
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
LOL, my progressive neighbor lady was trying to set me straight on COVID-19 the other day by insisting that the case fatality rate was 3.4%
Which was true . . . way back in March 2020.
She's still using talking points from over a year ago, which she cuts and pastes into her emails.
The lights are on, but no one is home.
I liked her better not knowing this, alas.
For the US to date the cfr is 1.6% and globally to date it's 2.05%, per Johns Hopkins this morning.
Notice, by the way, the imprecision in the popular press below, which was widespread at the time and even came out of Anthony Fauci's own mouth, mixing up case fatality rate and mortality rate. Mortality rate is usually expressed in deaths/100k/year, case fatality rate as a percentage of cases dying, which fluctuates constantly, obviously.
The cfr has been in steady decline, and consequently the mortality rate for the second year of the pandemic is going to be much lower than for the first year.
You can repeal the 19th Amendment, but you can't repeal the hysteria.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Thursday, December 23, 2010 Fawns Over Senator Murcowskie (RINO-AK)
Monday, October 4, 2010
On Suffering Women's Suffrage
You hardly see the current flow;
When a small breeze obstructs the course,
It whirls about for want of force,
And in its narrow circle gathers
Nothing but chaff, and straws, and feathers:
The current of a female mind stops thus,
and turns with ev'ry wind;
Thus whirling round, together draws
Fools, fops, and rakes, for chaff and straws.
-- Jonathan Swift, 1713