Showing posts with label COVID-19 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label COVID-19 2020. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

US COVID deaths at Johns Hopkins roared right through 342k this evening from just under 339k this morning


Speaking of phony, between 49% of you and 74% self-report mask-wearing compliance

 There's no way in hell that's anywhere close to true with coronavirus cases soaring by 10 million in two months.

You're all lying through your teeth.

If the Christians exaggerate their church contributions by between 51-115%, it's impossible any of this mask-wearing data is reliable anymore than was the polling data for Biden.

Once you realize the phoniness of China's coronavirus numbers, other things it reports, like GDP, only remind you of the same thing


Tuesday, December 29, 2020

CNN: Wuhan coronavirus cases more like 500k not 50k

China has been lying about everything for a long time, like a rug.

Its coronavirus statistics flatlined long ago.

95k cases total to date? Fewer than 5k deaths? C'mon man!

The infection rate quoted in the article implies 260k infections in Hubei apart from the 500k in Wuhan.

At a current global case fatality rate running to 2.18% and 1.75% in the US, you're talking deaths anywhere between 17k and 13k, not 4,777. But honestly, even that is low-balling it. China has 1.4 billion people in it. 17k deaths there compared with 337k in the US? Seriously? 

The biggest joke here isn't China's numbers. It's the people who believe them.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Big news of the day: Russia admits its COVID deaths aren't 54k but are a much higher 186k

The new calculation is based on an evaluation of excess death data compared with current projections for deaths based on prior years of death data. The US' CDC does the same routinely and that data confirms that US COVID death data is close though underestimated. 

Places like China, Iran and North Korea however will never tell the truth.

Follow the (gullible) science lol:

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Shall we dispel the COVID is just the flu myth once and for all?

 Cumulative announced US COVID cases through 12/26/20 = 19,023,776

Cumulative announced US COVID deaths through 12/26/20 = 332,011

That works out to 1.745% of all COVID cases dying.

In any given year in the US, 30 million people get the flu. 

If 1.745% of 30 million died, that would come to 523,500 deaths, about 17 times worse than the average reality of 30,000 flu deaths annually.

That's the difference between 0.1% and 1.745%, which Rush Limbaugh could never figure out.

US COVID-19 deaths are exploding in December 2020 because cases exploded by 126% in November and 178% in December compared with October 2020


Thursday, December 24, 2020

US COVID current hospitalizations on 12/23/20 hit a record 119,463 with California, Texas and New York worst hit in the nation in that order

 California's situation (blue in the graphs) is now mimicking New York's troubles (gray) in the spring, but not on a population-adjusted basis. Percent of hospital beds dedicated to COVID in California is also rising sharply.

Texas (pink) is reprising its experience in the summer in all categories.

Pennsylvania (not shown) is having a similar experience right now to number three New York.

Systems which find themselves under pressure from the pandemic have lattitude to refrain from performing elective procedures to free up beds. Doing so, however, comes at a cost to hospitals which depend on those procedures to remain profitable.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

US COVID deaths in the Johns Hopkins data blew right through the 320k mark today

 The total was 319k+ this morning and this afternoon is already 321k+

Current hospitalizations for the disease hit a new all-time high for a single day yesterday of 115,351

Monday, December 21, 2020

US COVID daily new deaths made a new high of 3,668 on 12/16/20 in the Johns Hopkins data


December 2020 is going to set a record for US COVID-19 deaths

 US COVID deaths have averaged 2,488 per day in the first twenty days of December 2020. Projected through the 31st that will result in over 77,000 deaths.

April 2020 had been the worst month for deaths to date with 58,836.

Monday, December 14, 2020

US COVID deaths hit 300k in the Johns Hopkins data this evening

 A couple of days earlier than I had expected.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Drudge headline saying Alabama is running low on hospital beds is total BS, linked story doesn't say that, data shows only 15% of hospital beds in Alabama are occupied by COVID patients


US Coronavirus update through 12/12/20

 Deaths per day from COVID by state since Jan 22 through Saturday 12/12/20:

NY  122
TX  80
FL  69
CA  65
NJ  62
IL  47
PA  44
MI  40
MA  36
GA  34
OH  27
LA, IN  24
AZ  23
NC  20
CT, TN  19
MD  18
SC, MO  17
VA, MN 16
MS, AL  15
CO, WI  14
AR, IA  11
WA, NV, KY  9.

Deaths per day from COVID monthly have leapt from 763 in October to 1,250 in November to 2,496 in the first twelve days of December. If the current December rate per day is sustained it will top April's 1,961 and May's 1,330.

Current hospitalizations for COVID were approximately 30k at the beginning of October, 47k at the end of October, 92k at the end of November, and at a new high of 108,487 on 12/12.

Mask-wearing and social distancing, where practised, have been insufficient by themselves to stop transmission since the lockdowns, where implemented, have been lifted. The entire US strategy hasn't been worthy of the name under Trump, and it won't be under Biden, either.

What was required was: temporary lockdowns to slow the spread, and then a permanent regime after opening of 1) mask-wearing, 2) social distancing, 3) universal testing, 4) isolation of the infected, and 5) tracing the contacts of the infected, followed by testing, isolation and tracing for an indefinite period until transmission became minimal and a vaccine became available.

This was the program enunciated by Dr Michael J Ryan of the World Health Organization on March 13. It has hardly been followed but for a few countries. And it's a scandal that the American CDC and NIH haven't insisted on this.

COVID-19 remains the 3rd leading cause of death in the US behind heart disease and cancer.

The compound daily growth rate for COVID deaths measured weekly is threatening to return to spring levels:


Peak US daily deaths from COVID in the Johns Hopkins data to date occurred on 12/11/20 with 3,309 which was 25.6% of the total global deaths from COVID on that date of 12,921


Thursday, December 10, 2020

US COVID deaths blew right through the 290k mark this morning in the Johns Hopkins data

 Deaths were approximately 289.5k early this morning, but blew right through that in short order to get almost to 292k tonight.

107,258 are currently hospitalized.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

US COVID deaths crossed the 280k mark today in the Johns Hopkins data

 Current hospitalizations through yesterday were 101,276 at