Tuesday, December 29, 2020

CNN: Wuhan coronavirus cases more like 500k not 50k


China has been lying about everything for a long time, like a rug.

Its coronavirus statistics flatlined long ago.

95k cases total to date? Fewer than 5k deaths? C'mon man!

The infection rate quoted in the article implies 260k infections in Hubei apart from the 500k in Wuhan.

At a current global case fatality rate running to 2.18% and 1.75% in the US, you're talking deaths anywhere between 17k and 13k, not 4,777. But honestly, even that is low-balling it. China has 1.4 billion people in it. 17k deaths there compared with 337k in the US? Seriously? 

The biggest joke here isn't China's numbers. It's the people who believe them.