Hello? Sum ting wong wit da app. |
“We have no sense when results might come in," said [Mao fangirl] Anita Dunn, a senior adviser to Biden. "We are, as other campaigns are, very concerned with what they might release: the alignment numbers are not adding up." “It’s a total meltdown,” she added. ...
Sanders' supporters were already crying foul. [WaPo slogan stealer] Rep. Ilhan Omar, who campaigned for Sanders in Iowa this weekend, tweeted, "Democracy dies in the darkness!”
Elizabeth Warren's campaign and its allies barely contained their fury at the state party’s bungling of the caucuses. “It’s a mess,” [a trail of tears] campaign manager Roger Lau told reporters. "I think that every single second that passes where we don't get a final result is concerning." ...
The candidates addressed supporters late Monday, not waiting for results. Despite the delay in reporting, Sen. Amy Klobuchar [noted for throwing binders at people] said her campaign knew it was “punching above our weight.” ...
The results delay came after anecdotal reports from precinct caucus chairs early Monday, who said they were having issues with their caucus night reporting apps. The app, developed by the Democratic Party, helps the chairs do the math to help figure out which candidates will meet the viability thresholds Monday night. And it’s a tool to feed the ultimate results to the party in real-time. ...
In Polk County, county Democratic Party chair Sean Bagniewski said only about 20 percent of the chairs would actually be able to use it. “We’re telling everyone to phone it in at this point," Bagniewski said earlier in the day. But that may have set off the next snafu: the phone lines then jammed up.