Showing posts with label Glenn Kessler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Glenn Kessler. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2019

Wow, WaPo's Glenn Kessler almost becomes Rush Limbaugh, doubts Bernie's $1 trillion bailout claim

If anything, Bernie underestimates the scope of the secret loans during the financial crisis ten years ago. The Freedom of Information Act inquiry which brought them to light went all the way to the Supreme Court. Ben Bernanke only relented at the last second.

Discount Window lending behind the scenes during the crisis period soared into the multi-trillions of dollars by the time it ended in 2010 while everyone was fixated on the shiny object known as TARP ($700 billion, about a tenth the size of the generally accepted figure of $7.7 trillion). That's probably why TARP was undertaken to be honest: Oh look! A deer!

The DW loans were made to all kinds of entities for whom normal lending had disappeared. In too many cases very questionable collateral was put up. The loans were ultra-cheap, at rates unavailable to homeowners defaulting on their comparatively much more expensive mortgages because they had lost their jobs. Many of the loans rolled over and over and over again for protracted periods to keep the entities from going under, while Bush & Co. and then Obama & Co. did nothing for Joe Six-pack. Many millions lost their homes while businesses which should have gone bankrupt did not.

Hard to believe this clueless so-called fact checker still has a job.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Powerline Blog finds story behind WaPo archives paywall about people celebrating on 911 in New Jersey which WaPo's Glenn Kessler somehow couldn't . . .

. . . or wouldn't find in fact-checking Trump's claim he saw thousands in Jersey celebrating on TV.

At a minimum there were people celebrating on Jersey rooftops as they watched the catastrophe unfold.

Still waiting for the video, but that'll be like waiting for the news media to replay video from the attacks at all.

Story here and here.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Hillary retells the lie about trying to join the Marines in 1975, Glenn Kessler doesn't do the math

From WaPo, here:

“He looks at me and goes, ‘Um, how old are you. And I said, ‘Well I am 26, I will be 27.’ And he goes, ‘Well, that is kind of old for us.’ And then he says to me, and this is what gets me, ‘Maybe the dogs will take you,’ meaning the Army.” –Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking at a breakfast, Manchester, N.H., Nov. 10, 2015

One Clinton story that has often been greeted with skepticism is her claim, first made in 1994, that she once tried to join the Marines in 1975. On the campaign trail, she brought up the story again [... above].

Can this story be confirmed?

For the reasons given Kessler gives the claim two Pinocchios out of four for truthfulness, "subject to change if more information becomes available."

More information?

When Hillary got married to Bill Clinton October 11, 1975 ("Let's see, what should I do, quit both my jobs at the University of Arkansas and my private law practice and join the Marines, or get married to Bill Clinton?"), she was two weeks from her 28th birthday, not her 27th.

She wasn't 26, going on 27, as she claimed this week.

Not only that, a recruiter from the era went on the record years ago stating the military was desperate for bodies at the time, taking people up to age 35, and that the Marines never made quota until the Iranian hostage crisis of 1979.

Add two Pinocchios, and the whole damn woodshop.

h/t Chris Plante