Showing posts with label Hillary 2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hillary 2011. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Female Dem. Gov. of NC Gets Hysterical Over Growing Tea Party Power

As reported here:

I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that.

She calls herself Bev Perdue.

This is obviously a desperate ploy to short-circuit Tea Party anger and get it to go away out of sheer fatigue and get it accustomed to the idea of the increased power of the state under Obama. The outcome would be two more years of the status quo, with a divided Congress doing nothing because that's the way Sen. Harry Reid wants it.

What's next? Suspension of presidential elections? 

This is a small depression by comparison with historical depressions, but a woman governor of a southern state completely loses her mind and calls for a blatantly unconstitutional recourse to tyranny to get us over it.

Did FDR propose such a measure under far worse circumstances?

If ever there were an argument to deny the vote, and the right to serve in office, to women, this is it.

No more Sarah Palins. No more Michele Bachmanns. No more Hillary Clintons. No more Debbie Blabbermouth Schultzs. No more Nancy Pelosis. No more Laura Ingrahams. No more Tammy Bruces. No more Barbara Boxofrocks. No more Jennifer Granholms.

No more . . . Ann Coulters.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Secretary of State Hillary Mussolini

Whose Side Are You On?

So asks Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of the US House.

Glenn Greenwald notices that in saying so, the Obama regime sounds just like the Bush regime.

None dare call it liberalism.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Savage Asks: Why Now? Why Get "bin Laden" on Sunday?

To wipe the royal wedding off the news cycle, because Obama wasn't invited. The I-Me-My-Narcissist excuse.

Sorry, nice dig, but too short-sighted, and it underestimates the size of that narcissistic ego, whose fortunes all hinge on race. If Obama suddenly appeared white, it would all be over in an instant.

Re-election is the goal. Ending the war in Afghanistan is the one obstacle he can still affect. The end of "bin Laden," who may well have died long ago, leads easily to closure of that debacle. Alexander the Great might have concluded as much, who got bogged down and fought until he was tired, and needed to move on.

So find a victory, declare it, and get the hell out.

The original plan had called for the first withdrawals, after the ramp-up, "the surge," to begin this summer. The "bin Laden" victory in May provides the necessary praeparatio to start them. Ending America's longest war "successfully" will make Obama popular with the troops and with the people, who all are weary.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Democrats For Bush's Iraq War 110, For Obama's Libya War 0

That constitution thingy, well, it just doesn't apply here according to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, because an international agreement trumps it, which will come as quite a surprise to the Americans who have to fight it, and the rest of us who have to pay for it. But hey, who cares, they're all volunteers, right?

Peter Wehner for Commentary reminds Hillary Clinton that when it comes to unilateral wars, she at least got to vote for the last one:

On October 10-11, 2002, the House voted 296-133 in favor of the Use of Force Resolution, while the vote in the Senate was 77-23. All told, 110 Democrats in the House and Senate voted in favor of going to war – including then-Senator Hillary Clinton . . ..

The rest is also instructive, here.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Sec. of State Hillary Clinton Likens Half of America to Tucson Shooter and to Islamic Extremists

Speaking in the United Arab Emirates, as reported here by Reuters:

"The extremists and their voices, the crazy voices that sometimes get on the TV, that's not who we are, that's not who you are, and what we have to do is get through that and make it clear that that doesn't represent either American or Arab ideas or opinions," she said.

Did Jared Lee Loughner yell "Allahu Akbar!" before he opened fire?