Showing posts with label FDA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FDA. Show all posts

Thursday, February 27, 2025

RFK Jr cancels regular March meeting of flu vaccine panel which determines for which flu strains vaccines will be developed for next fall and winter


A crucial March meeting of vaccine advisors to the Food and Drug Administration has been canceled without explanation, a member of the advisory panel told CNBC on Wednesday. ... CDC data shows the flu has caused up to an estimated 910,000 hospitalizations since October, which puts the season on track to be the most severe in at least a decade. ...

Reported here.

The barbarians are inside the gates.

Friday, January 27, 2023

You can donate your own blood for your own use, you know


How would you know? Because they said so lol?
Gay people are the most promiscuous on the planet.
Meanwhile . . .

Autologous donors have long been permitted to donate blood for their own use even if they do not meet certain donor eligibility criteria that apply to allogeneic donors because autologous donors are not exposed to new transfusion-transmitted infections in receiving their own blood. 



Wednesday, December 22, 2021

FDA finally grants emergency use authorization to Pfizer's Paxlovid, a protease inhibitor which may dramatically reduce hospitalizations for people diagnosed with COVID-19

 From the story:

The U.S. has purchased 10 million courses of Pfizer’s treatment, Paxlovid, in a $5 billion deal. President Joe Biden said in November that his administration is working to ensure that the treatments are free and accessible. Biden said last month that delivery would start by the New Year and continue through 2022.  

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

The FDA is letting thousands die of C19 as it moves with the speed of a glacier to grant emergency use authorization to new antiviral pills proven to work

 FDA doesn't give a shit about saving lives in an emergency.

So what should we think of the FDA keeping the drug, called Paxlovid, out of the hands of the infected? The FDA’s advisory committee won’t meet to approve the Merck drug until after Thanksgiving, according to the FDA’s website . The meeting is an entirely virtual one, so this isn’t a matter of getting all the advisory committee members into one place. It’s just a matter of scheduling. The earliest we could get Paxlovid into doctors’ offices or pharmacies is mid-December. 



Sunday, November 7, 2021

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Pfizer funded study shows effectiveness against infection tumbles from 88% to 47% by month seven: Like they never knew this from the trials?

Do you think the campaign to scare everyone into getting vaccinated would have succeeded if that had been reported up front before the FDA gave emergency use authorization?

The chicanery here is very deep, but at least the big bad Delta variant bullshittery is disposed of:

The decline in efficacy for infection is “most likely due to waning and not caused by delta or other variants escaping vaccine protection,” Pfizer chief medical officer for vaccines Dr. Luis Jodar said.

It is claimed the two-dose regimen is 90% effective against hospitalization for six months.

But there is not one single word in this story about how vaccinated people still spread the virus.

Not one.

Friday, September 24, 2021

It's kinda hysterical on the day when CDC overrules FDA on C19 boosters that Clay and Buck bring on that dope Republican Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas to say he's glad CDC did it

Way to go, Brownies!








Hutchinson is a confused dope. He wants Republicans to be more tolerant of gender-bending for adolescents because . . . freedom!, and then applauds CDC overruling the FDA and making vaccine boosters available even though the FDA wanted a pause until there was trial data available to support the move.

This is the same guy who banned local mask mandates in April but by August said he regretted it.

CDC story overruling FDA on C19 boosters is just line ten news at Drudge

Seems like kind of a big deal that the freedom everyone thinks they have because of the shots now depends on having another one . . . and then probably another one, and another one, and another one, and . . ..

The July 4th outbreak in Provincetown, MA, already proved that the vaccines don't stop the spread, which is why the CDC ignominiously reversed itself on mask guidance when the study came out later that month. Another study in a Texas prison has proven the same thing in the interim. 70% of fully vaccinated inmates were infected anyway.

Vaccinated people are spreaders, and put them together in close quarters and they become superspreaders.

The CDC's own data out in two studies in August and September shows that effectiveness falls off within months of vaccination, especially among older people, and that breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise because of it.
They simply don't want to say this out loud because it means the vaccines, if not definitively a complete failure, aren't at all living up to expectations.
The booster decision says it for them.
The problem with this, however, is that they've been insinuating all along that this latest wave of cases and deaths is all the fault of the India variant, not the vaccines. The India variant is "special".
The vaccines didn't prevent the Delta wave, but the solution is supposed to be more of the same vaccines in the form of a third shot?
This is laughable, and it's the biggest story of the year.
Surging breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in coming months will be blamed on: NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE GETTING THE THIRD SHOT!

But Drudge wants to be respectable now. That's why the story isn't the headline.



Friday, September 17, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

So The Lancet has published a paper by the two retiring members of the FDA which says booster shots are not recommended right now

What a hoot.

The paper, the SCIENCE, comes out a week before Biden is expected to announce booster shots.

The scientists in The Lancet review include Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review, and deputy director Phil Krause. Both are departing the FDA after they were reportedly frustrated over the ... booster shots. ...

They said there are risks to distributing boosters too soon, including the potential for side effects such as a rare heart inflammation condition known as myocarditis, which is more common after the second dose of mRNA vaccines. ...

wide distribution of boosters is “not appropriate at this stage in the pandemic.” 


Friday, June 11, 2021

Three experts have resigned from an FDA advisory panel over FDA approval of Biogen's Aduhelm because there's no evidence it works

At this rate there won't be anyone left to resign when the FDA approves coronavirus vaccines next year or the year following.

Story here.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

According to Mitch Daniels, injuries from mass vaccination with experimental new technologies which do not have FDA approval are just collateral damage

"That, just as medicines have side effects, almost all actions produce collateral consequences, often collateral damage."

His remarks are a cavalcade of crazy, not the least of which is:

"We can overcome even the biggest obstacles and be the masters of our fates and our futures."

You know, just like Amelia Earhart and Gus Grissom.

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Racist FDA is going to ban menthol cigarettes

I never thought I'd admit that there is, in fact, systemic racism in America, but there it is.

What's next, fried chicken and watermelon?


Ain't it great to be a Democrat?

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Death toll after COVID vaccines climbs to 1,637, CDC denies link

They never got the chance to offer the lifesaving gift. Doctors were doing everything they could to get Kurill stable, but nothing seemed to work. Hawley said his daughter’s liver, kidney and heart shut down. Hawley, who was with his daughter when she died, said it didn’t make any sense. She died, he said, 30 hours after they arrived in the emergency room. ...

“Over 92 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through March 8, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,637 reports of death (0.0018%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS., the CDC reported on its website.