Friday, September 24, 2021

CDC story overruling FDA on C19 boosters is just line ten news at Drudge

Seems like kind of a big deal that the freedom everyone thinks they have because of the shots now depends on having another one . . . and then probably another one, and another one, and another one, and . . ..

The July 4th outbreak in Provincetown, MA, already proved that the vaccines don't stop the spread, which is why the CDC ignominiously reversed itself on mask guidance when the study came out later that month. Another study in a Texas prison has proven the same thing in the interim. 70% of fully vaccinated inmates were infected anyway.

Vaccinated people are spreaders, and put them together in close quarters and they become superspreaders.

The CDC's own data out in two studies in August and September shows that effectiveness falls off within months of vaccination, especially among older people, and that breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths are on the rise because of it.
They simply don't want to say this out loud because it means the vaccines, if not definitively a complete failure, aren't at all living up to expectations.
The booster decision says it for them.
The problem with this, however, is that they've been insinuating all along that this latest wave of cases and deaths is all the fault of the India variant, not the vaccines. The India variant is "special".
The vaccines didn't prevent the Delta wave, but the solution is supposed to be more of the same vaccines in the form of a third shot?
This is laughable, and it's the biggest story of the year.
Surging breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and deaths in coming months will be blamed on: NOT ENOUGH PEOPLE GETTING THE THIRD SHOT!

But Drudge wants to be respectable now. That's why the story isn't the headline.