Thursday, October 17, 2024
Wednesday, July 31, 2024
Trump ups the ante with Democrats, proposes eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits paid by senior citizens, which about 40% of them now do, contrary to the original intention of the reforms in 1983
About 40% of people who get Social Security must pay federal income taxes on their benefits.
As originally intended in the 1983 reforms, taxes were designed to affect just 10% of recipients:
By the time the law was first amended in 1993, about 18% of Social Security beneficiaries had some tax liability (compared to about 10% when the law was originally enacted).
Friday, September 30, 2022
Monday, September 19, 2022
Saturday, August 27, 2022
Seeing this headline html first thing Saturday morning is disorienting
Investors await Powell's address?
That was published 24 hours ago, before the Powell speech, and the contents were updated last evening just before 5:00 PM.
But the pain surely ain't in the Fed.
The only pain described in the story is in households, businesses, families, not in the Fed.
Those Fed guys are rich, and get paid very handsomely.
The top 100 employees each made $274k or more in 2020. They are all named, here.
That puts them in the top 2% of all wage earners in the US.
They're the elites.
They experience no pain.
The Federal Reserve System had 23,517 employees in 2021, with a total system operating expense of $5.7353 billion, or about $244k per employee.
They live in a bubble.
Everybody's just phonin' it in and getting the hell out of Dodge for the weekend.
Especially Drudge.
Friday, August 26, 2022
Sunday, May 29, 2022
NAACP President: Forgiving $10k in student loan debt ain't good enough, is a slap in the face to the average black who owes $53k
From the story:
Canceling $10,000 per borrower would cost around $321 billion and completely forgive the loans of about one-third of student loan borrowers.
This is all BS, of course. Millions of those borrowers can afford to pay off their loans themselves.
Student loans are another form of welfare for far too many borrowers of color, who dig themselves into a deep hole with government and education establishment encouragement and never get a degree, both of which also profit off the scheme. Meanwhile colleges continue to increase the cost of tuition knowing there is a ready source of government loan funding to pay for it.
Forgiving student loan debt without paying attention to income will inevitably be a handout to millions upon millions of high earners like Representative AOC who drives a Tesla Model 3 while reducing the average black loan balance by less than 20%.
If you make over $74k you are in the top 20% of all wage earners in the United States in 2020. You can afford to pay your obligations. AOC is in the top 4% of all wage earners.
Handing $10k in loan forgiveness to American elites isn't a vote-buying scheme. It's a Democrat patronage payment.
Saturday, November 6, 2021
Compared to the same period last year, the last seven months have seen a huge increase in C19 cases despite the mass vaccination effort, with deaths down only 14%
Year over year Apr-Oct 2021 US COVID-19 cases are up 71% from 9.02m to 15.45m; deaths are down 14% from 226,208 to 193,877.
Thursday, June 10, 2021
Mark Levin is so pathetic: He can characterize what went on in America's streets last year as an insurrection when millions rioted . . .
. . . and yet he still insists on the principle of non-violence from the people to put it down. We should just sit there and take it, watch our cities, businesses and homes burn down while the government does NOTHING.
I don't expect normie conservatism EVER to advocate watering the tree of liberty with the blood of tyrants and their mobs.
This is because normie conservatism is really just Republicanism. Its roots do not go back further than Lincoln and his "project" for racial equality, which was in truth nothing but a demagogue's ploy to keep from losing a war. And because of this it has disarmed itself for every other political conflict except for the cause of racial equality. For THAT they will gladly destroy the country and see it destroyed, but otherwise won't lift a finger when BLM and Antifa come knocking.
This is why Republicanism failed to stop the income tax and women's suffrage, Social Security and the welfare state, abortion and gay marriage, and a whole host of other things large and small they said they were against over the years but on which they eventually caved, and then eventually championed. It's the reason "conservatism" has failed, because Republicans aren't conservatives. They are, according to their own lights, simply better versions of Democrats.
For this reason Republicanism can never be about the American Founding, protest to the contrary as it may, boast otherwise as it may. Lincoln destroyed the Founding and redefined the country, by force of arms!, and Republicans are stuck with it, and we with them, unless someone can recover the original spirit of liberty. And Democrats exist to never let them forget it, to make them live by their new principles which only tie their hands and guarantee their ongoing defeat.
Meanwhile, don't look for the Founding spirit from Noon to 3 let alone from 6 to 9. Instead look for more of the same game played by Rush Limbaugh, the "they're the real racists" game.
Race, race, race. Black unemployment was never lower than under Trump. Hunter Biden said the n-word and the fag-word and gets away with it. Blah, blah, blah, as your kid can't find a decent job to start his own life.