You can't make this shit up.
Henry in 2015 was reported to be the first known active-duty Army officer to come out as transgender.
Thanks Obama!
Thanks Joe!
The update is still riddled with typos and even an incomplete sentence, but they've made sure to get the major's personal pronouns right.
The major is a real piece of work.
It's all in the eyes.
But as it was revealed that the FBI had at least a dozen informants heavily involved in the Watchmen — including that Iraq veteran — critics say the G-Men did as much to prod the plot as they did to prevent it from happening in the first place.
The agents took an active part in the scheme from its inception, according to court filings, evidence and dozens of interviews examined by BuzzFeed. Some members of the Wolverine Watchmen are accusing the feds of entrapment. ...
Since the 9/11 attacks, the FBI has reportedly recruited thousands of informants. Some, according to a recent investigation in The New York Times that centered on the dubious arrest and conviction of the so-called “Herald Square Bomber” by the use of an informant, said they were retaliated against if they refused. ...
Coulson said he and others are “very upset” the FBI hasn’t arrested anti-government and anti-fascist protesters who have been leading violent demonstrations in Portland and Seattle for more than a year — yet are bearing down so hard on those arrested for the insurrection at the Capitol.
Read it all here.
Looks more and more like a replay of the FBI's Michigan Hutaree Militia fiasco from 2010.