Showing posts with label basket of deplorables. Show all posts
Showing posts with label basket of deplorables. Show all posts

Monday, June 5, 2023

The left's campaign to make sure Trump is the GOP candidate gets more incoherent by the day

 Days ago we were told Ron DeSantis is too dumb to run his own messaging and had to rely on his wife.

Now his wife is a Walmart deplorable.

I'd say they've lost their minds but they never had any to lose.


Thursday, January 20, 2022

LOL, now that there are MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF THEM, Ms. Lyndon Haviland wants the term "breakthrough cases" banned, and lies like a rug about what Fauci said


At TheHill, where else?

Let's stop saying 'breakthrough cases' — it isn't helping

When the vaccine was introduced, Dr. Anthony Fauci and others said it would offer the public a strong layer of protection against COVID-19. They sought to manage expectations by saying it would lower the possibility of getting the virus, but that, like all vaccines, it wouldn’t guarantee immunity. They tried to make it clear that infection was still possible, and that the vaccine would still do its job by drastically lowering the chance of severe illness, hospitalization and death. All of this has proven true.

By trumpeting the term “breakthrough cases,” public health authorities are spreading the impression that these infections are novel, unique and unanticipated by the scientific community. In fact, the vaccine was designed precisely with this likelihood in mind, and it is working exactly as intended. 

Yeah, right. That's why Fauci said on at least three separate occasions before Delta hit that vaccination levels hitting 50% of population would prevent additional case surges like we saw in April 2021. He was sure after that that the steep declines in cases we saw nationally were a sign that the vaccines were working.

And then along came the July 4th, Provincetown, incident, proving vaccines didn't stop the spread, and Delta, proving him even more horribly wrong. 

The shift to "it prevents serious illness, hospitalization and death" was . . . a shift!

But even that hasn't been true. Mass vaccination has not reduced either cases or deaths Jul-Dec 2021 compared with Jul-Dec 2020.

These people are just awful, deplorable even, because they keep touting a vaccine which isn't a true vaccine, and because of it vaccinated people have been running around spreading serious illness, hospitalization and death.

Words have meaning. Censoring them won't stop the death toll.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Update to Cantrell Funeral Home scandal in Detroit: More than 370 bodies found dating back to 1996

Hoo wee, this story stinks.

[A]shes of more than 370 bodies, nearly two dozen of which appear to be military veterans, ... were abandoned at Cantrell in the spring. ...

A new owner, who purchased the building about a month ago, said the interior smelled horrible. The owner had removed four dumpsters of garbage as he started renovating the space to turn it into a community center. ...

[Brian] Joseph [the owner of Verheyden Funeral Homes in Grosse Pointe Park], who arrived at Cantrell even before the state investigators, was let in by the owner.

The state contacted Joseph, [Joseph] said, because in the spring, as Cantrell's financial and regulatory problems became evident, he had offered to help the operator, Raymond Cantrell II, who had inherited the business after his father died in 2016.

Cantrell then asked Joseph to honor more than 500 of his pre-arranged funeral contracts.

The money paid on the contracts is held by a third party and Joseph said he does not profit from them. He agreed, he said, because Cantrell's father had been a contemporary of the former owner of his funeral home, and he believes that he has a duty to help others in need.

In April, the state suspended Cantrell's license, citing "deplorable, unsanitary conditions." Among the problems authorities found were six decomposing bodies — three men, two women and a male fetus — in the funeral home. 

Again, to help, Joseph quietly arranged for the bodies to be buried during the summer at Mount Olivet, which donated space and services. Santieu Vaults in Livonia donated the burial vaults which protect bodies while in the ground.

Joseph is now trying to help identify the hundreds of containers holding cremated remains, some of which appear to go back to 1996. Many of the remains have names with the date the person died, Joseph said, but finding relatives and loved ones is a challenge. ...

"It's a horrible situation," said John Desmond of A.J. Desmond & Sons Funeral Directors, summing up the problems with remains that were hidden and left behind. "This is the most egregious behavior that I have ever heard of in my 50 years of being licensed in the state of Michigan."

Thursday, September 20, 2018

If Christine Ford is apolitical, why did she hire such a political lawyer?

It's far more likely that Christine Ford premeditated this entire episode with the help of her attorney for political reasons and that her protestations of wanting to remain anonymous were a cover for the desperation of this Hail Mary attempt at the end of the confirmation process. Knowing the slim margins Republicans enjoy in the Senate for confirmation of Supreme Court nominees, all it would have taken to derail them is sowing just enough doubt in the minds of a few to sway a vote or two at the last second. They almost succeeded in the gamble. Retiring Republican Jeff Flake went on the record right away saying he was no longer comfortable voting Yes on Kavanaugh. It almost worked.

From the story here:

Since 2004, [Debra] Katz has donated at least $26,000 to Democratic politicians including Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and John Kerry. She also donated to groups such as, the DNC Services Corp, and the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. 

Likewise, in March 2017 Katz declared via Facebook that, "These people are all miscreants. The term ‘basket of deplorables’ is far too generous a description for these people who are now Senior Trump advisors," after a report surfaced that Department of Homeland Security advisor Frank Wuco made anti-Islamic remarks which prompted his resignation. 

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Trump beat Hillary in Ohio's 12th District 53% to 42% in 2016, Republicans barely held on to it yesterday

Last October yesterday's result was hardly thinkable:

Total nonfarm employment has come a long way in Ohio, especially overperforming quite recently in vaulting well past the 5.6 million mark.

You'd think the voters had been more grateful yesterday, but like Hillary energizing Trump supporters by calling them deplorables, Republican Troy Balderson managed to get out the Democrat vote for his opponent by insulting part of his own district, in Franklin County.

All politics is local.

Friday, December 16, 2016

Hillary called us deplorable and irredeemable . . .

. . . and today Obama built on that low view of the American people, saying we're so hapless that we inevitably fall victim to "propaganda":

[I]t's not surprising that that foreign propaganda will have a greater effect. It doesn't seem that far-fetched compared to some of the other stuff folks are hearing from domestic propagandists. ... [V]oters who have been listening to that stuff for years, who have been getting that stuff every day from talk radio or other venues, they're going to believe it.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Hillary dives 80% in Quinnipiac poll since 9/13

She's +1 in the poll through 9/25, but had been +5 through 9/13.

Meanwhile Bloomberg shows Trump and Hillary tied after not polling since early August when it was Hillary +6.

She's got a real PR problem for calling Trump supporters "deplorable" on 9/10, and for trying to cover up her health problems which were exposed the very next day, on 9/11.

You might say pride cometh before a fall.

Which would be why she's not 50 points ahead.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Les Deplorables: Under Obama full-time employment for Asians, Hispanics and blacks has recovered, but not for whites

Hm. How did that happen?

Maybe because race hiring quotas became de facto mandatory for private employers in late 2013 because of 2010's Dodd-Frank legislation.

Full-time for Asians in the core 25 to 54 years age group has recovered by 1,232,000 jobs after eight years

Full-time for Hispanics in the core 25 to 54 years age group has recovered by 1,426,000 jobs after nine years

Full-time for blacks in the core 25 to 54 years age group has recovered by 166,000 jobs after nine years

Full-time for whites in the core 25 to 54 years age group has not recovered and is still 4,368,000 jobs behind from 2007

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Clinton at gay fundraiser: Half of Trump's supporters are deplorable

Yeah, but ALL of Hillary's are.

Bloomberg reproduces the remarks here:

Clinton told an audience of gay-rights supporters at a fundraiser Friday night in New York City: “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it.”