Showing posts with label Bernie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bernie. Show all posts

Saturday, December 21, 2024

The US House passed a continuing spending resolution through March 14, 2025 at 5:59PM yesterday, the US Senate passed it this morning at 12:23AM, averting a federal government shutdown


 The House roll call vote (366-34-1-29nv) is here. 34 Republicans voted Nay.

The Senate roll call vote (85-11-4nv) is here. 10 Republicans voted Nay, as did pinko commie Bernie Sanders.

The continuing spending resolution includes NO extension of the suspended debt ceiling time limit demanded by president-elect Trump, who now gets to waste his precious time trying to primary all 170 Republicans in 2026 who just voted for this


something he had threatened on Wednesday.

170 House GOP just told Donald J. Trump Nay Nay by voting Yea, proving once again that he is just a paper tiger.

Meanwhile the debt ceiling and the income tax remain chief among the failed gimmicks of the Progressive Era, dating to 1917 and 1913. The one hasn't stopped the debt from exploding to $36 trillion, and the other hasn't paid that bill. 

The continued existence of these gimmicks serves to remind us, but only periodically, of the lies we tell ourselves, which is why we have to keep them.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Speaking of North Dakota, in 2016 Tulsi Gabbard used to hang around with Occupy Wall Street and Bernie Sanders types there lol

Your new Director of National Intelligence, ladies and gentlemen, whom Bernie assured us in 2019 was no Russian asset.

Donald Trump was just a working class stiff flipping hamburgers a few weeks ago, so Tulsi hanging with the left eight years ago is no big deal, right?


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

People forget that Joe Biden came in fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire in 2020 and was still neck-and-neck with Bernie in the primary popular vote until March 14th






Democrats ended up with Joe because the alternative was a lefty, Bernie, who would surely lose to Trump.

The same calculus applies today. Possibly win with cognitively challenged Joe, or lose with lefty Kamala Harris.

Joe was extremely unpopular in Iowa and New Hampshire.

Joe endeared himself to Iowans by calling them fat liars.



And he endeared himself to New Hampshireites by calling them lying dog-faced pony soldiers.

The common thread is the projection. It's Joe who is the liar, along with all his accomplices in the DNC and the media.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Breaking from The Hamas/BLM News division at The Hill: Israeli babies die in hand-to-hand combat

Harvard BA, JD

 Briahna Joy Gray, co-host of The Hill’s online morning show Rising, has drawn fire from staffers at the Beltway political outlet for what some describe as her “pro-Hamas” and “fringe” commentary. ...

“We also have to hold space for 140 Palestinian children who have been killed in this last weekend of conflict,” Gray said on Wednesday. “And it is awful, even if we don’t have the same images of them and even if they were killed from bombs from the sky instead of in hand-to-hand combat.”


Friday, February 21, 2020

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Pennsylvania Democrats aren't stupid, the ones paying attention believe Biden +8, Klobuchar +7 and Bloomie +6 are better than anti-fracking Comrades Butt, Pocahonky and Bernie

Pennsylvania kinda slow on the uptake about Comrade Butt +4, however, who hides his anti-fracking unlike Bernie +2.6 and Pocahonky +3, who both would end it and plunge America into deep energy trouble.