Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pandemic of the vaccinated: 46,821 US COVID-19 deaths in the first 18 days of February 2022

2,601 deaths per day, the equivalent of 72,833 through the end of the month.

71,680 died in February 2021, third worst month on record.

1 died in February 2020.

February 2022 would replace February 2021 as the third worst month yet for deaths during the entire pandemic, if the 18-day trend persisted.

It is more likely, however, to come in fourth, but only because the weekly pace has slowed since the 12th. If that slowing trend continues, total deaths will probably come in around 65,000 and may still be worse than January.

This shouldn't be happening with 252 million fully or partly vaccinated, who obviously share some of the responsibility for helping to spread this disease to vulnerable people because the CDC failed to stress the inability of the vaccines they took to stop transmission. They've known since July 27th, reported on it, were roundly mocked, but were too cowed and too invested in the vaccines to stress the truth in their main messaging.

The high percentage of breakthrough deaths since last July in places like Massachusetts, which was ground zero for the breakthrough case bomb in Provincetown on July 4th, shows that many of these same people also are victims of their misplaced faith.

Meanwhile the public has given up. Sam's Club was packed yesterday afternoon, and I could count the masks on the fingers of one hand. 

Vulnerable people should wake up and protect themselves.

No one else is going to.

You might as well be fetal tissue.