Saturday, February 5, 2022

Former Democrat Donald Trump laughably calls Mike Pence a RINO and is now the mirror image of the 2016 Hillary Clinton who wouldn't accept the election results

It's obvious to anyone who has looked at this issue carefully that Trump's stance isn't a serious position.

Leave aside the question of the powers of the VP. The fact remains that 50 state legislatures certified their votes in Election 2020, making Trump the narrow looser, just as they certified their votes in Election 2016, making him the narrow winner.

Trying to overturn any of that, no matter how justified one may think it might be, is a fool's errand.

That ship has sailed and Popeye isn't going to turn it around. The inertia is simply too great. There is nothing any legislature will "figure out" at this point.

Trump's continued whining about his loss makes him nothing if not the mirror image of Hillary. They are unserious, self-absorbed people who can't accept what's happened to them. Richard Nixon, from whom the election in 1960 was stolen, was a better person than these two ever could hope to be.

They should both just go away.