Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Though 13% less deadly in the US overall, both Alpha and Delta in 2021 have been much more transmissible than the 2020 virus types

The UK variant dominated in the US from April-June 2021. It spawned an average of 34,793 cases per day, 28% higher than the 27,128 cases per day average for Apr-Jun 2020.

The India variant dominated in the US from July 1, 2021, and still does. Average cases per day for the five months Jul-Nov 2021 were 97,449, 35% higher than the 71,932 cases per day average for Jul-Nov 2020.

The data is once again consistent with the theory that viruses evolve to survive at the expense of killing ability.

People who credit the vaccines for killing fewer people, however, must face the fact that the vaccines did nothing to reduce the increased spread of either variant.

That point needs to be underscored. Vaccinated people who abandoned all precautions are just as culpable as unvaccinated people who abandoned all precautions for making themselves vectors for the disease. US authorities at every level have failed to emphasize this, but especially the CDC, which has known since the July 4th Provincetown incident that vaccination does nothing to stop transmission. Instead they have treated the vaccines as a panacea, when they obviously are not.

For all we know, deaths are down because the variants are less deadly, or because of improved treatment methods in hospitals and outpatient settings, or because of slight but effective changes to behavior, or because the low hanging fruit is already dead, or because of some combination of these.

But one thing is for sure, the variants are spreading like crazy despite mass vaccination.