Friday, June 17, 2022

What rot from AP Obama: "Watergate and Jan. 6 are rooted in the same ancient thirst for power at any cost"

 "Two presidents tried an end run around democracy."

Give me a break.

Presidents are term-limited by the constitution. Even if by hook or by crook one of them managed to steal his reelection, out he goes after that because it says so. Everyone agrees with this. No one questions it. No president would get away with staying in office one day longer than the second term permits.

If you want to see the ancient thirst for power, look at the Seniority list for the US House. 

Some of those placeholders have been holding on to power there for decades.

Seven go back to the 1980s.

Thirty-eight go back to the 1990s.

Sixty-eight go back to the 2000s.

They've watched presidents come and go since Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton.

Of the top fifty by seniority, just eleven are Republicans.

Of the top 113, just thirty-eight are Republicans.

75 remaining senior Democrats are the foundation in the House of the people pressing their power hungry vendetta against the private citizen, Donald Trump. They are also the foundation in the House of the people robbing Americans blind and putting the country $30 trillion in debt.

What we have is a tyranny of the legislative. An imperial presidency isn't even in sight.

The only coup in view is the cuckoo who wrote this story.

In an election year, the votes of the bottom 90% count a lot more than the campaign contributions of the rich, who own 89% of the stonks

 Lucky for you inflation is raging in an election year, otherwise they'd pretend to take this seriously even less than they are.

US COVID-19 deaths per day in June 2022 to date have flatlined: As good as it gets?

June 2022 (15th): 372
May 2022: 373
Apr 2022:  426
Mar 2022:  980
Feb 2022:  2247
Jan 2022:   1987 

If the Fed can break the economy, it's not a capitalist economy

 It's a casino, and the table is rigged.

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Every damn time: Man armed with "A Glock 17 pistol, two magazines, pepper spray, zip ties, a hammer, screwdriver, nail punch, crowbar, pistol light and duct tape" indicted for attempted murder of Kavanaugh "was on doctor-prescribed medication"


He was arrested "without incident" after allegedly calling authorities to tell them he was suicidal and wanted to kill Kavanaugh, police have said. ... During an appearance in U.S. District Court later on June 8, Roske told Judge Timothy Sullivan that he thought he had a "reasonable understanding" of the attempted murder charge, though he told the court he wasn't thinking clearly and was on doctor-prescribed medication.


Seems like he was thinking pretty clearly based on what he decided to bring to the show.

No word in the story if he brought extra socks and a change of underwear.

Due to redistricting in Michigan, unfortunately I don't get to vote against Peter Meijer, but I do get a slightly better Republican in John Moolenaar on importing cheaper foreign labor


Are we at war?

 Asking for a friend.


Perverse anti-capitalist AP Obama says inflation had been under control since the early 1980s, blames inflation now on "robust recovery from the pandemic"

 You can't make this shit up.

AP Obama, here:

Inflation in the United States, which had been under control since the early 1980s, resurged with a vengeance just over a year ago, largely a consequence of the economy’s unexpectedly robust recovery from the pandemic recession. The rebound caught businesses by surprise and led to shortages, delayed shipments — and higher prices.

Inflation averaged 4.75% 1981-1990 inclusive. You can't call that "under control". The FedFunds rate averaged 9.4% over that same period. The one halved your nest egg in about 15 years while the other halved what was left in 7.5.

If that's success I'd hate to see failure.

While the Fed fiddles around with interest rates as if they controlled anything, oh look! over there! a deer!, it has presided over an orgy of balance sheet expansion of $7.7 trillion since 2008 as the Treasury has flooded the economy with $1.5 trillion in new currency and the Congress of idiots has spent us blind with $15.75 trillion beyond the 2008 baseline ballooning the total debt to $30 trillion by the end of 2021 so that it's three times the size that it was just 14 years ago.

An economy which runs only on going deep into debt is not a capitalist economy.

It's a Chinese communist economy.


Today's inflation-adjusted price of gasoline from 1918 is $4.84, but we're averaging record prices well north of $5.00

 Calculator here:

We estimate it would take $4.84 on June 16, 2022 to have equal purchasing power with $0.25 on June 16, 1918.

For the 1918 price, see here.

You can see from this chart that the price of gasoline in 1918 was indeed about $0.25. Wholesale prices averaged about 20.6 cents in 1918.

As of three days ago the official government average actual price at 900 retail outlets was $5.107.

GasBuddy has the USA average at about $5.03 this morning.

The weather forecast for the day formerly known as Sunday is woke


Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Sometimes the UK Daily Mail can screw up a story as badly as The Grauniad, but Drudge is even worse

"Converted to non-condensing by 2029" is definitely NOT what the story says. Quite the opposite.

And Drudge's headline is also false:

Biden plans for all to pay $350 to upgrade to 'energy efficient' furnaces... 

$350 is how much more the more efficient condensing furnaces cost. You just won't be able to buy the old non-condensing variety after 2029.

The Biden rule isn't going to force anyone to pay anything unless they elect to buy a new furnace after 2029, in which case you'll be able to get only the more expensive, more efficient type.

I bought one way back in 2008, with a DC motor for the blower which is where the real savings come from: On the electricity used to move the heated air.

Too bad the story never mentions it.


Stonks laugh again after Powell's miserable 75 basis point hike to fight inflation

 The rate is now 1.52% vs. CPI up 8.5% year over year and the all commodities Producer Price Index up 21.5% year over year.

This isn't being tough.

It's a joke perpetrated on an ignorant public like all the other jokes of our time, like George Floyd, Caitlin Jenner, and Jan 6.


The investing world's experts, let alone all the sheeple who follow them, don't have a CLUE how bad this market has been since August 2000

 The TOP, do you hear me, was in already last November.

As of May 2022 real return has pulled back all the way to 4.14%.

We truly live in a new period of suck.



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

You are being lied to: CDC data shows firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 are down 28% 1999-2020 vs. 1981-1998

 For the 22 years 1999-2020 (8,030 days) firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 totaled 19,306 or 2.404/day.

For the 18 years 1981-1998 (6,570 days) firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 totaled 21,919 or 3.336/day.

The per day rate has declined 28%.

Data here.

When love means saying no

 Smoking cannabis in teens linked to depression...

Monday, June 13, 2022

LOL, phony green Barack Obama is a prepper, installs 2,500 gallon propane tank for 6,900 square foot Martha's Vineyard estate, five times the typical size

 Martha's Vineyard Times reports here:

The select board approved a request for a 2,500-gallon commercial propane tank for 79 Turkeyland Cove Road in Katama — owned by former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. “We’ve never had a private propane tank come to us,” said select board member Arthur Smadbeck, with select board member Michael Donaroma noting a private-residence propane tank is typically a fraction of the quantity being requested. 
500 gallon tanks "provide adequate fuel needs for whole-home or business heating for structures up to 4,500 square feet."


Sunday, June 12, 2022

LOL, the blog of the St. Louis Fed gaslights you on gasoline prices by jumping through hoops to make the current outrageous prices disappear

 While nominal gas prices have increased rapidly over the past few months, real gas prices were still lower than they were for most of the 2006-2014 period.

More in "Gaslighting gas prices", April 21, 2022.

They don't pay those economists the big bucks for nothing:

[W]e compute by dividing the nominal price by the consumer price index (CPI) and multiplying by 127.5, the value of the CPI in January 1990.

Talk about gaslighting.

Look, US Regular All Formulations (GASREGW), which is what the blog post used, peaked around the 4th of July in 2008 around $4.11/gallon. 

Here's what a popular inflation calculator says about that:

We estimate it would take $5.54 on June 12, 2022 to have equal purchasing power with $4.11 on July 4, 2008.     

Just using a simple CPI calculator here puts $4.11 in 2008 at $4.94  . . .  already IN 2020.

We are mostly certainly paying the highest prices ever for gasoline.

Be happy, right? At least we're not Hong Kong.



Friday, June 10, 2022

Matthew Dowd still works hard every day to prove that he's the dumbest man alive

Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, has a court date August 3rd, when charges, if any, will be filed and he will be arraigned

 AP Obama reports here:

Pelosi agreed to a court date of Aug. 3, 2022 in Napa County Superior Court, according to the Napa County district attorney news release. If charges are filed, he will be arraigned then.