There are thousands of destroyed lots as far as the eye can see.
Who wants to pay the former full price for one?
The tax base has been gutted.
There are thousands of destroyed lots as far as the eye can see.
Who wants to pay the former full price for one?
The tax base has been gutted.
. . . the Inflation Reduction Act was signed by President Biden earlier this summer. It had been thirty years and sixty-five days since President George H.W. Bush signed the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Rio de Janeiro.
George also spawned the redundant hate crime legislation, huge increases to LEGAL immigration, wheel-chair access at every intersection's crosswalk among other expensive accommodations for the ambulatory handicapped, who in 2016 are fewer than 7% of the population, an unchastened Saddam Hussein, and READ MY LIPS . . . NEW TAXES.
Oh yeah. He also literally spawned the guy who didn't keep America safe on 911 and gave us the expensive nation-building wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the insidious Patriot Act, but don't get me started.
Everything BUSH has been terrible for America, which is saying a lot when everything Democrat always is anyway.
You can't make this shit up.
AP Obama, here:
Inflation in the United States, which had been under control since the early 1980s, resurged with a vengeance just over a year ago, largely a consequence of the economy’s unexpectedly robust recovery from the pandemic recession. The rebound caught businesses by surprise and led to shortages, delayed shipments — and higher prices.
Inflation averaged 4.75% 1981-1990 inclusive. You can't call that "under control". The FedFunds rate averaged 9.4% over that same period. The one halved your nest egg in about 15 years while the other halved what was left in 7.5.
If that's success I'd hate to see failure.
While the Fed fiddles around with interest rates as if they controlled anything, oh look! over there! a deer!, it has presided over an orgy of balance sheet expansion of $7.7 trillion since 2008 as the Treasury has flooded the economy with $1.5 trillion in new currency and the Congress of idiots has spent us blind with $15.75 trillion beyond the 2008 baseline ballooning the total debt to $30 trillion by the end of 2021 so that it's three times the size that it was just 14 years ago.
An economy which runs only on going deep into debt is not a capitalist economy.
It's a Chinese communist economy.
The story oddly mentions the dispute without elaborating.
IPCC scientists also repeated calls for a substantial reduction in
fossil fuel use to curb global heating, now at 1.1 degrees Celsius above
pre-industrial levels. ...
“Climate change is the result of more than a century of unsustainable energy and land use, lifestyles and patterns of consumption and production,” the IPCC’s Skea said. “This report shows how taking action now can move us towards a fairer, more sustainable world.”
What these liars won't tell you is that it was MUCH warmer on Planet Earth in the Late Bronze Age, during the period of the Roman Republic and Empire, and in Medieval times than it is today. Ancient warming made human civilization flourish, and the warming wasn't caused by humans using "fossil fuels", nor has using fossil fuels returned global temperatures to anything like they were in antiquity.
Holocene warming peaked long ago and is trending lower even as human civilization has flourished, and staying alive in future will depend on STAYING WARM and growing enough food to support the increased population, which means developing and using every energy resource at our disposal.
Can anything good come out of Oregon?
This garbage from a Professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Oregon State University, is anti-white anti-capitalism rearing its ugly head, not "historical scholarship". It's what Oswald Spengler warned us about in 1934.