Showing posts with label black turnout. Show all posts
Showing posts with label black turnout. Show all posts

Monday, April 8, 2019

Loser in Georgia gubernatorial contest Stacey Abrams says her vote was suppressed while taking credit for turnout surge

Ding dong.

Abrams Complains Race Was Stolen Through Voter Suppression, Boasts of Huge Turnout Increases in Same Interview:

"I ran a race where … we tripled Latino turnout, Asian-Pacific Islander turnout, increased youth participation rates by 138 percent, increased black turnout by 40 percent, and I got the highest share of white voters in a generation," she said. "It is not a zero-sum game, and we have to remember that winning elections is about building the largest coalition possible." ...

"I'm not saying I absolutely know I would have won, but we know that thousands of Georgians had their voices stolen because they were not able to cast ballots and they cannot be guaranteed that their votes will be counted in 2020 if we don't do this right," she said.

Georgia voter turnout surged from 43 percent in 2014, the last governor's race year in the state, to 57 percent in 2018. ... Abrams lost by less than 55,000 votes but failed to force a runoff as Kemp continued a Republican state-wide winning streak. However, Abrams has refused to officially concede she lost, saying "we won," accusing Kemp of systemic voter suppression tactics, and saying the race was "stolen" from the voters of Georgia.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

WaPo in March: 7% of Obama 2012 voters stayed home in 2016 (4.4 million), 1.6 million of them black

WaPo spins this, chalking it up to 1) Russian voter suppression of stupid people (pretty damn condescending!);  2) Republicans (!) dredging up Hillary's own 1996 statement that blacks = super predators to suppress their vote (naw, she's not racist); 3) Obama wasn't on the ballot, suppressing the black vote!
But why blame blacks, WaPo? Kinda racist of you to put it all on them, especially in Michigan and Pennsylvania. 2.8 million others stayed home, too, you know. Their votes count just as much as black votes, don't they? Don't they? Well let's hear it for the young, disaffected voters for Bernie in the primaries! They didn't show up either, apparently. Why? They also found Hillary quite revolting. Trump revolted them too, but that goes without saying. What matters is the Democrat candidate suppressed all these votes, but WaPo and the Democrats, but I repeat myself, just can't bring themselves to utter this truth.
Anyway, it's nice of WaPo, and The New York Times, finally getting around over a year and a half later to pointing out what we were pointing out only days after Election 2016:
Hillary sucked more than Trump did. 
Exit polling suggests that black voters made up 12 percent of the electorate in 2016, down slightly from 2008 and 2012. Trump’s claim that many black voters stayed home ... is correct. ...
Eleven percent of black Obama 2012 voters stayed home. ...
In 2016, black turnout was down eight points from 2012, helping contribute to that lower percentage that black voters made up of the overall electorate. ...
About 5 million white Obama 2012 voters supported Trump; about 1.6 million black voters stayed home.