Showing posts with label DADT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DADT. Show all posts
Sunday, July 2, 2023
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
One important reason Brian Ellis lost to Justin Amash
You don't robocall Republican-inclined voters on election eve featuring a Democrat urging Democrats to cross over and vote for Ellis in the Republican primary, and then say you paid for it.
I don't think that endeared Republican-inclined voters to Ellis, who suspected there was no there there to begin with. Offering no alternative to radical libertarianism made Brian Ellis a lousy candidate. Who wants to vote for libertarian-light when you've got the real deal in Amash?
This seems to be all too characteristic of Republicans: they frequently portray themselves as moderate liberals, whether it's being for abortion in the cases of rape, incest and life of the mother, civil unions, DADT, smarter big government, or Heritage Foundation health care mandates.
Republicans need to figure out what conservatism is and whether they ought to believe in it. Until they do they'll continue to mistake libertarianism for conservatism. Even Nancy Pelosi is for "In God We Trust". Justin Amash is not.
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Rep. Paul Ryan's So-Called Conservatism Won't Roll Back Anything
He's about preserving Medicare, not ending it.
He's for abortion in certain circumstances.
And now he's about preserving the status quo on DADT, too.
Conservative in name only.
Story here:
One year after the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that barred openly gay and lesbian service members from serving in the military, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) said in an interview with WPTV NewsChannel 5 that the controversial policy should not be reinstated.
"Now that it's done, we should not reverse it," Ryan told WPTV NewsChannel 5 during a visit to Miami. "I think that would be a step in the wrong direction because people have already disclosed themselves."
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Anti-Christian Army General Thomas Bostick Sued For Discriminating Against Women
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Gen. Bostick and wife |
The general who helped craft the Army's DADT policy and a five-year personnel reduction plan meant to weed-out members of the military who object to homosexuality on moral grounds has been sued by women in the military who want to fight in combat but are barred from doing so.
The general, Thomas Bostick, just assumed command of the US Army Corpse of Engineers on May 22 (a little Obama lingo there).
I'm guessing he's secretly happy he's named in the suit and that he hopes he'll lose so women, like homosexuals, can hit the front lines with the men.
In the job of transforming America, Obama's work is never done.
The New York Times has the story here.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Obama: America's First Queer President?
The gay M/O is aggression. And the president is following it:
1. Signs repeal of DADT, 12/22/10.
2. Refuses to defend DOMA on Wednesday, 2/23/11.
3. Orders the military to begin queer sensitivity training for battlefield troops as reported on Thursday, 2/24/11.
4. Appoints a queer to White House social secretary on Friday, 2/25/11.
In your face, America.
"Pop takes another shot, neat,
Points out the same amber
Stain on his shorts that I’ve got on mine, and
Makes me smell his smell, coming
From me;"
-- Barack Obama, 1981, here
"[This incident] may be describing outright sexual abuse. But perhaps not; we don't know, and we'll never know. But there is no question that the poem is describing a boundary violation on several levels: this child feels invaded-perhaps even taken over-by this man, and is fighting against that sensation."
-- From "Decrypting Obama's 'Pop'" here
Barack Obama,
sexual abuse,
Washington Times
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
'Conservatives' Compromising with the Devil
Not that I make it my business to follow this sort of thing very closely, but, well, there it is in USA Today:
Andrew Breitbart, a conservative blogger, says in a headline on his website that Palin "throws support behind GOProud." He has posted a clip from Palin's interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network in which Palin wonders whether conservatives should reach out to those with opposite views and "allow for healthy debate" on issues. Breitbart is on GOProud's advisory board.
More here, and here.
Sarah Palin knows what side of the bread the butter's on. She isn't going to alienate a big part of her base. Half of the Tea Party is libertarian, which means half of the Tea Party is ok with gay.
As is Roman Catholicism. That's why a Tammy Bruce can fill in for Laura Ingraham, no problemo. That's why Andrew Breitbart and Ann Coulter can be chums.
That's why repeal of DADT was off the radio radar screens on Bill Bennett's show, Ingraham's, Hannity's, etc.
Good Catholics all.
And that's why Elton John was treated so graciously by Rush Limbaugh at his (fourth) wedding.
The Protestantism that gave us that work ethic thingy that Pat Buchanan remembers made America so great?
It's in the rear view mirror and getting smaller every day. Mainline Protestants like the Episcopalians, the Methodists and the Lutherans have all loosened their sphincters for gay and lesbian preachers in their pulpits. Traditionalists have fled in droves to non-denominational churches, or to lonely isolation.
The left doesn't need to trouble itself with dividing the opposition on the right. Its minions masquerading as conservatives are doing the job all by themselves.
Sarah Palin knows what side of the bread the butter's on. She isn't going to alienate a big part of her base. Half of the Tea Party is libertarian, which means half of the Tea Party is ok with gay.
As is Roman Catholicism. That's why a Tammy Bruce can fill in for Laura Ingraham, no problemo. That's why Andrew Breitbart and Ann Coulter can be chums.
That's why repeal of DADT was off the radio radar screens on Bill Bennett's show, Ingraham's, Hannity's, etc.
Good Catholics all.
And that's why Elton John was treated so graciously by Rush Limbaugh at his (fourth) wedding.
The Protestantism that gave us that work ethic thingy that Pat Buchanan remembers made America so great?
It's in the rear view mirror and getting smaller every day. Mainline Protestants like the Episcopalians, the Methodists and the Lutherans have all loosened their sphincters for gay and lesbian preachers in their pulpits. Traditionalists have fled in droves to non-denominational churches, or to lonely isolation.
The left doesn't need to trouble itself with dividing the opposition on the right. Its minions masquerading as conservatives are doing the job all by themselves.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Confiscation of Your Retirement Funds is Unthinkable, Right?
Well, not in Europe, where private monies have already been taken by statist spendthrifts in Hungary, Bulgaria and Poland, according to this story in The Christian Science Monitor, originally posted at the Polish arm of The Ludwig von Mises Institute (here).
The same people greedy bastards in this country who brought you Obamacare are just as enthusiastic about taking your IRAs, 401Ks and the like, people like Democrat Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa.
Political realities right now mean that the plan eyeing your savings will sit in some Democrat's desk until times change, just as Obamacare was really a bill long pre-dating him, sitting in Representative Henry Waxman's top drawer for over a decade until the moment was right.
The difference between liberals and Republicans in America is that liberals have a long term strategy to take over and transform the country, while so-called conservatives keep backing up, drawing new lines in the sand in a strategy of retreat, daring liberals to cross them, which they invariably do. The policies of these conservatives are offensive enough to liberals, but it is conservatives' cowardice which really inspires their contempt.
The failure to install gays in the military and Hillarycare in 1994 took 16 years to redress, but liberalism surely did so with its victories in 2010, overturning DADT and passing Obamacare.
Individual liberty, the foundation of which is in traditional values derived from revealed religion, has been under assault in America since the victory of Abraham Lincoln and the united States became the United States. The war between originalism and "a more perfect union" was decided long ago by force. The contemporary Republican Party will be a conservative party when it finally realizes this, but frankly, it doesn't have the nerve.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Military Will Follow the Nuremberg Offense on Repeal of DADT
Just following orders, sir:
Major Tim Densham of the 63rd Brigade said the military will do as asked.
“Our role is to do what the president tells us to do. We are just going to follow the rules.”
The moral hollowness of a Nazi.
Vern Ehlers' Parting Shot at Conservatives
U.S. Rep. Vern Ehlers, R-Grand Rapids, voted for repeal [of DADT].
He predicted people will look back in five or 10 years and wonder what all the fuss was about.
“I just don’t think there is going to be a problem here,” Ehlers said.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Senate Traitors Enshrine Doctrine of Mutually Assured Destruction 71-26
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than George Bush's immoral doctrine of pre-emptive war, 16 Republicans helped, HELPED!, the Senate's Democrat majority turn back the clock to the bad old days of mutually assured destruction and ratified THE NEW START, which is just the old madness. 13 actually voted for the thing. 3 didn't bother to show up.
From The Washington Post:
The final vote came after Senate Democrats accepted two amendments designed to placate Republicans who had qualms about the treaty. The amendments, which passed on voice votes with bipartisan support, emphasized the administration's commitment to a limited missile-defense program and to continued funding to modernize the aging US nuclear weapons complex.
The amendments were to the resolution of ratification accompanying the treaty, a nonbinding statement that codifies the Senate's understanding of the pact but does not directly affect its language. Republican efforts to alter the treaty language were defeated, with supporters of the pact arguing that such changes would have forced new negotiations with Moscow and effectively killed the treaty.
Thirteen Republicans joined all of the Senate's Democrats in voting for ratification, helping to exceed the 67 votes required. Three senators - all Republicans - were not present.
The amendments are meaningless, pure mental gestures by the effete for the effete.
Charitable observers will nevertheless say the US Senate ignored Russian threats to embark upon a new arms race if we didn't ratify, when the truth is this country under Barack Obama doesn't have the stomach to defend itself and couldn't declare its independence from the inside of a paper bag. It doesn't even know what it stands for, and couldn't articulate it if it did.
The moral center of America has melted, as the passage of repeal of DADT makes plain.
What are we fighting for? The right of Afghan men to parade their adolescent lovers as they do, to the disgust of every frontline soldier in arms?
Are we really in such a state of decline that we fear the Russians' ability to outspend us? The answer in truth is No. But what we do have is a population fed up with the protracted wars of nation building in Iraq and Afghanistan and consequently now incapable of understanding the pressing need to rise above this squandering of resources and build up America's deteriorating strategic defenses. Barack Obama is a man made for just such a time as this.
The Russians will use the opportunity to build anyway, and cheat and lie about it as they always have done, which suits the Bolshevik in Chief Barack Obama just fine, a traitor to everything this country has stood for, who will get us all killed if something isn't done soon to stop him.
Clearly the Republicans are not the party to do it. The Stupid Party has struck again, snatching another defeat from the jaws of a victory won just weeks ago, and the Democrats are laughing all the way to New Year's Eve with feathers of healthcare, another year of stimulus spending, repeal of DADT, and this treaty in their caps. The corks will be a-poppin' on Nancy Pelosi's last flight as Speaker.
Here are the names of the disreputable lot of Republican cowards:
Murkowskie-AK (heh, heh, heh)
SPECTRE-D, PA (heh, heh, heh)
The Republicans not bothering to vote on something so momentous:
Useless men and women, all.
A pox on them, and on their states.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Combat Troops Overwhelmingly Oppose Lifting DADT
The people who actually do the killing don't want queers in the front lines, let alone in the rear, so to speak:
[C]ombat troops, who live in intimate surroundings while deployed, overwhelming reported that open gays would undermine military readiness, or preparedness for combat.
Read more on this from The Washington Times here.
Watch the liberalism rampant in the war colleges, the Pentagon, and the Joint Chiefs screw the pooch anyway. Their goal is to wreck the country, not defend it. Liberals don't care how inimical this is to the families who raise their young and volunteer them to fight for this country. Those families will stop doing so when they have to fight for values which they believe are un-American. Which means we'll be left to hire mercenaries and illegals to do our fighting for us.
The liberal death wish is about to ruin its last American institution: the US military.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
The Time to Get Serious About Coastal Defense is Long Past
In the summer of 2009, after Russian nuclear submarines were detected only 200 miles off our East coast, one commentator on the subsequent news story which bragged about our ability to detect two boats thought saying nothing about it would have been smarter in the absence of an official recommendation that the US actually beef up its coastal defenses with conventional defensive submarines. The reason? They're might have been three Russian subs.
The US military's response to the California mystery missile incident 35 miles off the coast of Los Angeles on Monday hardly inspired more confidence. We should have said nothing at all. Instead we said we didn't know what it was. Piling on to the airplane contrail theory a day later only made that worse, giving the impression the military was grasping at straws.
Unfortunately, from the commander in chief on down our government and military give the impression of being run by un-serious people. From the delay measured in days in responding to the Christmas Day underwear bomber to telegraphing our disengagement schedules in Iraq and Afghanistan, it's as if matters of war and peace are at best distractions from the really important matters like Obamacare, repealing DADT and defending the Ground Zero Mosque.
We could learn something about coastal defense from the Chinese, who understand the realities of American forward air, surface and submarine operations off their waters all too well. They have embarked on an ambitious naval modernization to counter our activities, which includes a commitment to robust coastal defense and power projection with submarines of varying designs. One such submarine, a Song, punked the USS Kitty Hawk in October 2006 over there, and it may be that Monday's incident over here was the work of a lately launched submarine of more recent design:
As other nations continue to develop naval capabilities we need to recognize that the operation of submarines off the US coast is going to become more common, not less. Indeed, what is the first thing China will do when tensions at sea rise over Taiwan or some other matter? Most likely, the deployment of submarines off the coast of Guam, Sasebo, Pearl Harbor, and if the PLA Navy has any strategic thinking at all, San Diego. ...
But this is what the US Navy needs to think about... the submarines off Guam, Sasebo, and Pearl Harbor can be Yuan class, because Yuans appear to have much better endurance for submerged operations than Song class submarines do, but for west coast operations it will be nuclear submarines.
Whether or not a missile was fired off the California coast this week to send such a message to America, we'd better get busy and start preparing for defensive submarine operations ourselves. Because sooner or later, Chinese boomers will come calling on the west coast just like the Russians do on the east.
But we'll have to get serious first.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Making Afghanistan Safe For Pedophilia
I don't know how I overlooked this story from the end of August, but the effeminate church I narrowly escaped this morning set me to surfing when I got home, and Voila! Our forces as presently constituted find the pedophilia revolting, which must be why the Obama regime is working so hard to repeal DADT. Fag forces will be positively begging for deployments to the theatre:
For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means "boy player." The men like to boast about it.
"Having a boy has become a custom for us," Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. "Whoever wants to show off should have a boy."
Baghlan province is in the northeast, but Afghans say pedophilia is most prevalent among Pashtun men in the south. The Pashtun are Afghanistan's most important tribe. For centuries, the nation's leaders have been Pashtun.
You'll find the rest of "Afghanistan's Dirty Little Secret" here at The San Francisco Chronicle, where it must have found considerable local interest. In it you'll also learn that there are more pedophiles per capita in Afghanistan than in any other place in the world, even Rome!
I found the way Muslims are said to explain this away as not being homosexuality, which they forbid, poignantly reminiscent of the kind of text-trimming you will meet with in just about any church or synagogue in America: It's not homosexuality because they don't love the boys.
And the Taliban? I'm sure they're more than ready to blame it all on Alexander the Great.
dirty little secret,
Nancy Pelosi,
SF Gate,
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Army General Equates Christians With Bigots and Racists
"Unfortunately, we have a minority of service members who are still racists and bigoted and you will never be able to get rid of all of them. But these people opposing this new policy [repeal of DADT] will need to get with the program, and if they can't, they need to get out. No matter how much training and education of those in opposition, you're always going to have those that oppose this on moral and religious grounds just like you still have racists today."
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