Showing posts with label just words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label just words. Show all posts
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Thursday, November 14, 2024
People with a brain know Trump's threat to close the Department of Education is idle
Can Trump actually close the DOE?
Technically, yes.
However, “It would take an act of Congress to take it out,” Don Kettl, professor emeritus and former dean of the School of Public Policy at the University of Maryland, told Vox. “It would take an act of Congress to radically restructure it. And so the question is whether or not there’d be appetite on the Hill for abolishing the department.”
That's because an act of Congress created it in the first place.
Trump is not a dictator, and never will be, although he plays one on TV, which is the real problem.
It's all just words.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
She's earned nothing, no one voted for her
Newspaper thinks you earn things with words. Just words.
Not a serious country.
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
I've wanted Trump to just go away since about January 2019, Newt Gingrich since about 2012
Because it's all "just words", as Barack Obama once said.
Newt Gingrich, NY Sun
If someone hits a home run with language, ideas, and/or attitude, a
substantial number of disheartened and despairing anti-Trump donors may
notice — and decide to write really big checks.
Shocking right? A politician asserting the primacy of politics.
Well, "the most important moment" doesn't exist. There is a long series of important moments, when the voters have their actual say in the polling booths of the individual primaries and the elections, at which point the politicians had better deliver on the words, or else.
Most of them don't, but we fall for them every time, and they know it.
But this is most certainly true:
Given all the press coverage early in Mr. DeSantis’ candidacy — and the
substantial amount of money he raised — his slide has been the biggest
Republican story this year.
Yes, it is the biggest story because Ron DeSantis has consistently delivered on his words in Florida . . .
and the voters nationally don't give a flying fig.
Newt should know better.
He followed up his words as a congressman during the 1980s with a Speakership in the 1990s consisting of a temporarily successful if mixed bag of policies. Which is why he, along with Mitt Romney, subsequently never made the big time. You can't run against ObamaCare by promising RomneyCare or HeritageFoundationCare instead. Donald Trump in his hubris never learned the lesson either, squandering away his political capital on overturning it in 2017.
The majority of Republicans now remain content with the feckless entertainer who mouths "just words". They have no appetite for the humdrum of an executive who actually delivers and executes real, lasting reform.
This remains a not serious country, ridiculously adolescent to the end.
Monday, February 19, 2018
Just words: A total joke endorses a total joke
Mitt Romney, running for Senate from a shit-hole Utah, accepts endorsement of President Trump.
Barack Obama,
Donald Trump 2018,
just words,
Mitt Romney 2018,
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Obama October 2016: The idea the election is rigged "happens to be based on no facts"
Imagine that. No facts! Even though his intelligence community says there are facts! So sure was he that Hillary would win.
Here (the provided transcript occasionally fails to represent exactly what Obama actually said):
"I have never seen in my lifetime or in modern political history, any presidential candidate trying to discredit the elections and the election process before votes have even taken place. It is unprecedented. It happens to be based on no fact. Every expert regardless of political party... who has ever examined these issues in a serious way will tell you that instances of significant voter fraud are not to be found. Keep in mind elections are run by state and local officials."
Just words, no doubt.
Barack Obama,
Donald Trump 2017,
Hillary 2017,
just words,
vote fraud
Friday, April 7, 2017
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Just words from Hillary: Survivors of sexual assault have the right to be heard, the right to be believed
Unless you're a 12-year old girl from Arkansas, or someone who accused my husband, or . . ..
Video here of some remarks made last September in Iowa, during which she is quoted as saying:
"Today I want to send a message to every survivor of sexual assault," Clinton said. "Don't let anyone silence your voice. You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed and we're with you."
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Paul Ryan, who voted for CROMNIBUS, is just fine with the budget deal and the cowardly Freedom Caucus will still support him for Speaker
Paul Ryan, quoted in Politico, here:
"[U]nder new management we are not going to do the people's business this way. We are up against a deadline — that's unfortunate. But going forward we can't do the people's business (this way). As a conference we should've been meeting months ago to discuss these things to have a unified strategy going forward."
Sure, sure Paul. It'll be business as usual under you, too.
To Paul Ryan, conservatism means preserving Medicare for future generations, no going back on gays in the military, et cetera et cetera et cetera.
Under Paul Ryan's "conservatism", if you lose, nothing will EVER be rolled back. And that includes the spending.
Barack Obama,
House Freedom Caucus,
John Boehner,
just words,
Paul Ryan,
Sunday, June 9, 2013
To Republicans Like Mike Rogers, These Are Just Words
"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
Saturday, June 8, 2013
The US Dollar Has Tanked Since Bernanke Spoke Before Congress On May 22nd
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The dollar has fallen 3.15% since May 22nd when Bernanke opened his big yap and went off-script in front of Congress, hinting at a tapering off of QE in the near future.
The dollar closed at 84.35 on May 22nd and closed yesterday at 81.69.
When just words can tank fiat bonds and fiat dollars, isn't it time to pay our respects once again to Article 1, Section 10?
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Louisiana Bans Cash In Transactions For 'Used' In Order To Establish Paper Trails For Law Enforcement
Story here.
"This note is legal tender for all debts, public and private" says the one dollar bill.
Just words.
Government just can't find enough ways to slow down the velocity of money.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Conservatism Has Always Been Counter-Revolutionary
A frequent MO of the left is to substitute its own definition of something for the real thing, and then argue against it. Otherwise called setting up a straw man. Words mean whatever they say they mean.
That's what Michael Lind has done to Russell Kirk over at
A commenter on his "The three fundamentalisms of the American right: How conservatism went from orthodox and traditional to radical and counter-revolutionary" here gets it exactly right:
The stupidity is also amusing for the way Lind telegraphs his punch in the title, since Russell Kirk, channeler of Burke, consistently advocated for the counter-revolutionary interpretation of the American Revolution throughout his career. More than that, he thought that his own interpretation of the American Revolution as a revolution not made but prevented was entirely consistent with E.J. Payne's interpretation of the Burke who famously loathed what became of France's revolution. Kirk lays out his interpretation in this famous essay, stating from the start his indebtedness to Payne for the idea:
The most learned editor of Burke’s works, E. J. Payne, summarizes Burke’s account of the events of 1688-89 as “a revolution not made but prevented.” Let us see how that theory may be applicable to North American events nine decades later.
On this interpretation, the King of England was the revolutionary, against whose red-coated infringers on the chartered rights of Englishmen the American colonists reluctantly and at length opened fire with more than just words.
Lind would like things to be as they once were, when conservatism was still inchoate, unsure of itself, and above all, politically ineffectual:
Back when conservatism was orthodox and traditional, rather than fundamentalist and counter-revolutionary, conservatives could engage in friendly debates with liberals, and minds on both sides could now and then be changed.
But now that conservatism is a genuine threat to the revolutionary left which has taken control of America, it's time to sound the alarms:
Sooner or later, dogmatism and reality will collide, and it is not reality that will crumple like tinfoil. The only question is how much damage will be done to the American polity before the revolution of the saints fizzles out.
"Collide." "Crumple." "Damage." Sounds more like an invitation to a train wreck than to a battle, but I could be wrong.
Round one to the right last November. More skirmishes to follow.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Of Course Obama Was For The Public Option
Lanny Davis was interviewed on the Laura Ingraham Show this morning, denying Obama ever ran on the public option, in response to Howard Dean's recent assertion that the people of Massachusetts voted for Republican Scott Brown to send a message to Obama for backtracking on it.
Lanny obviously got the talking points memo: "deny we ever ran on the public option."
As for Howard Dean, Scott Brown ran promising three things: to be the 41st vote against healthcare in the Senate, to treat terrorists like enemy combatants instead of criminals, and to cut spending and taxes. This enraged Bay State liberals so much they ran right out and voted for it.
Do we really need to review the evidence on the public option? For video go here. But remember: "JUST WORDS!"
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