Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label communist. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

Xi Jinping orders halt to mass killings, news about which Chicoms find increasingly difficult to censor despite police state conditions


The attacks, where drivers mow down people on foot or knife-wielding assailants stab multiple victims, are not new in China. But the latest surge drew attention. ...

In November alone, three took place: A man struck people at an elementary school in Hunan province, wounding 30, after suffering investment losses. A student who failed his examination stabbed and killed eight at a vocational school in the city of Yixing. The most victims, 35 people, resulted from a man mowing down a crowd in the southern city of Zhuhai, supposedly upset over his divorce. ...

In eastern Anhui province, a ruling Communist Party leader ... said they must “thoroughly and meticulously investigate and resolve conflicts and disputes,” including in families, marriages and neighborhoods. ...

The Ministry of Justice promised to curtail conflicts by looking into squabbles over inheritance, housing, land and unpaid wages.

Ha ha ha, good luck with that.


Monday, October 28, 2024

Tim Walz has Chicom bimbo eruption from 1989: Former lover spills the beans about how he used her for sex


Jenna Wang, 59, claims the VP hopeful showered her with gifts and seduced her at his poky staff accommodation at No. 1 High School in Foshan, Guangdong Province. ... 

'Tim was very passionate and very romantic. I can still remember dancing with him to our favorite song, Careless Whisper,' she told in an exclusive interview. 'The fact we couldn't touch or kiss in public just made it all the more exciting and intense when we were finally alone. We were deeply in love and I wanted to marry him and start a family. When it didn't happen, I felt very unhappy and sad. Tim's behavior was very selfish. ... This is a very crucial moment in history and a man like this does not appear to have the character and integrity to do one of the most important jobs in the world.'



Thursday, October 3, 2024

Tim Walz got married on the 5th anniversary of the end of the Tiananmen protests, June 4, 1994, because it was a date he would remember says his wife, and even honeymooned there! but NOW he gets his dates wrong


In 1995, he and his wife registered a for-profit company in Nebraska to take high-school students on trips to the Communist country. Gwen Walz, a former teacher and school administrator, is listed as the president of Educational Travel Adventures, while Walz is listed as the secretary and treasurer of the company that was incorporated using their home address in Mankato, Minn., according to public documents.

They married a year earlier on June 4, 1994, the fifth anniversary of the end of the deadly Tiananmen protests. “He wanted a date he’ll always remember,” Gwen told the Scottsbluff Star-Herald in 1994. The two spent their honeymoon there, according to the paper.


Gee, who honeymoons in a place where communists defeated freedom?


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Did you notice how not one word was said in last night's Trump-Harris debate about Kamala Harris' price controls proposal to combat inflation?

ABC's debate moderators made sure NOT to go there, no sir. And they completely avoided making Harris defend her inflation record as Biden's VP and instead joined the attack on Trump, fact-checking him multiple times but not her. Trump had to debate three people.

It was a disgraceful spectacle which he should have known better than to join.

At least Trump called her a Marxist at one point, that was good.

Harris for her part continued to push for the gimmicks which WaPo previously called out: $25k down-payment assistance which will only increase housing prices by $25k; $50k tax credits for starting a business, which is notably a lot more than for the everyday folks Democrats say they care about most (how many of those will later declare bankruptcy and pocket the cash?); $6k child tax credit, an idea stolen from J. D. Vance and bid-up just like student-loan forgiveness in order to buy votes.

It's all just marginal stuff which treats the symptoms and not the causes.

She is not a serious candidate.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Stephen L. Miller doesn't have the faintest idea about how Republicanism lost its way


Guy who says Mitt Romney was decent man says get fucked you fuckers

Decent man says Paris Olympics opening ceremony mocking Christianity was great!

Decent man says government mandates, fines, and taxes are not worth getting angry about

Decent man says let autoworkers eat rust

Decent man was NeverTrump because he is NeverFight

Decent man inflames rioters and looters who go on to cause $2 billion in damage

Decent man says Antifa "No USA at all" is morally superior to Robert E. Lee admirers

Decent man says sodomy must be mainstreamed in America

Decent man can't define "assault weapons" but says they have to go

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Friday, August 16, 2024

Catherine Rampell at WaPo, who is no friend of the right: It’s hard to exaggerate how bad Kamala Harris’s price-gouging proposal is, a bunch of communist, economic gibberish


 It’s hard to exaggerate how bad this policy is.

It is, in all but name, a sweeping set of government-enforced price controls across every industry, not only food.

Supply and demand would no longer determine prices or profit levels.

Far-off Washington bureaucrats would.

The FTC would be able to tell, say, a Kroger in Ohio the acceptable price it can charge for milk.

At best, this would lead to shortages, black markets and hoarding, among other distortions seen previous times countries tried to limit price growth by fiat. (There’s a reason narrower “price gouging” laws that exist in some U.S. states are rarely invoked.)

At worst, it might accidentally raise prices. ...

If your opponent claims you’re a “communist,” maybe don’t start with an economic agenda that can (accurately) be labeled as federal price controls. We already have plenty of economic gibberish . . ..     

-- WaPo     


Harris is 0-2. 

She picked a terrible VP who is as far to the left as she is.

Now her first policy announcement is a throwback to the 5-year plans of the USSR.

Extremely inauspicious.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

This is perfect

Friday, August 9, 2024

Like Democrats generally Kamala Harris wants to ban assault weapons, even though they can't define them, ignoring that most weapons crimes are committed with handguns

Meanwhile, conservatives want children to read age-appropriate books.

There are no banned books in America, unless you are a commie librarian, but I repeat myself, who won't stock conservative books demanded by the public.

Like guns, we have to go buy our own.


Monday, July 8, 2024

The French election commentary on right wing twitter has been as laughably apocalyptic as left wing

 Meanwhile, here are the final election results from France's most-watched news channel BFM-TV, slanted pro-business instead of pro-worker, shown below.

As you can see Le Pen's "right wing" alliance RN has overwhelming support in terms of votes with 10.12 million in the 2024 Second Round (left column) vs. 3.58 million in 2022, and now enjoys 143 seats vs. 89 in 2022. It's now arguably France's biggest party.

RN has grown its support phenomenally in just two years.

Its problem is that its support is more diffuse, so that its supporters are frequently outnumbered by enough voters from other parties to win seats. And this time leftist NFP and Macron's centrist ENS  cooperated in the second round to reduce candidates so that voters had to choose more often than normally between just two sides.

In the end no one got even close to 289 seats to achieve control in the 577 seat National Assembly.

And Macron could easily lose a vote of confidence in the wake of this within weeks and send the voters back to the polls again.

RN is obviously a growing threat to the status quo all while Macron has been just bleeding out seats since 2017, when he had a comfortable lead with 350.

Even CNN recognizes this:

The RN’s success should not be underestimated. In the 2017 elections, when Macron swept to power, the RN won just eight seats. In 2022, it surged to 89 seats. In Sunday’s vote, it won 125 – making it the largest individual party. That unity means it will likely remain a potent force in the next parliament, while the solidity of the leftist coalition remains untested. 

Stay tuned. The fireworks are not over, not in the least because the lunatics of NFP are even more divided than France as a whole, primarily because of the presence of the anti-semitic communist Jean-Luc Mélenchon. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Marine Le Pen won 39 seats of 577 outright in the first round on Sunday

 Thirty-nine National Rally candidates have already been elected to parliament after winning over 50 percent of first-round votes -- a tour de force by a movement that never before managed to win a parliamentary seat in the first round of voting of a two-stage election before.

They include the party's longtime leader Marine Le Pen and party vice-president Sebastien Chenu. ...

Among the losers was Communist Party leader, Fabien Roussel, who lost his seat to an RN candidate in a constituency that had been held by the Communists for over 60 years. ...

The party's [NR's] worst scores were in Paris, where all its candidates were eliminated in the first round.


Friday, June 21, 2024

Chicoms commit act of war against Philippines in Spratly Islands' Second Thomas Shoal, Biden sits idly by despite actual treaty of 1951 pledging mutual defense

 ‘Only pirates do this’: Philippines accuses China of using bladed weapons in major South China Sea escalation 

"They are Philippine Navy vessels, and according to international law, they enjoy what we term as sovereign immunity,” Koh said. “That is very dangerous, because, if anything, that could even be construed as an act of war.”

Instead of bailing out a bunch of deadbeat ingrates' student loans for votes in November maybe demagogue Joe Biden should have built some ships to help us fulfill our promises to our freedom-loving friends around the world.

Monday, April 29, 2024

This guy can't imagine that "civilization" was just fine in 1956, when there were only 2.8 billion people in the world instead of 8 billion

 Kevin Dolan: If Birth Rates Continue To Plummet, Civilization Will End

 Birth rates inevitably decline for the economic reasons with which Mr. Dolan says he's primarily concerned. But he himself doesn't seem to reckon with the fact that the spread of prosperity has produced population growth to the point of its current natural limit. Years ago already it was predicted that global population would peak around 9 billion before falling. It falls because that's what prosperity does. Prosperity dulls the natural response to want, which is reproduction.
Meanwhile Mao killed his millions by the tens from 1949 and America killed its millions by the tens from 1973 and few have been the wiser.

Oddly, we still call this civilization.
Be that as it may, failure to reproduce eventually will necessitate a gradual and huge redistribution of wealth from the older population to the younger population, involving sometimes quite dramatic repricing of goods and services in the process because of the law of supply and demand.
And then at some point the natural response to reproduce will reassert itself "after the money's gone".
Once in a lifetime.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

It doesn't get any funnier than failing local newspapers seeking a federal bailout

The last gasp of a defunct business model which no longer appeals to consumers. If people kept more parakeets and ate more fresh fish these papers would sell better.

Oh yeah, these commies also want "collective bargaining".

And I want a pony.