Monday, September 23, 2024
Monday, June 17, 2024
CNBC ramps up pro-Biden stories, trots out professors of philosophy, religion, and sociology, who directly depend on the student loan pipeline, to rationalize forgiveness for me but not for thee
The chutzpah of these people sometimes all the time. Get a haircut and get a real job.
In the investment world, we call this "talking up your book", about which CNBC knows a lot.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Tenure track Economics professor shocked to find out that corrupt college administrators have been improving poor grades FOR DECADES without telling the professors
But for an administrator to then change those final grades—behind my back—simply to appease them? How could that possibly be justified?
The response from my department chair, who has been at the college for 17 years, floored me: “This has been occurring ever since I started at Spelman.”
“That’s corrupt,” I blurted out. [In a statement emailed to The Free Press, a Spelman spokesperson wrote that “The College, its administrators, and faculty, exercise appropriate judgment in the delivery of our exceptional learning and living activities in order to maintain consistency across Spelman’s campus.” Spelman declined to comment on any of the specifics in this story.]
More here.
The poor guy got fired in the end, for naively believing that the commitment to excellence meant grading fairly according to long-accepted standards.
Exact same thing happened to me . . . in 1988, at a so-called world class institution of higher learning, where it's all wink wink.
The process got turbocharged in the 1960s by the draft dodgers. They fled to college, or to Canada. Liberal institutions gave them a pass on admissions, and once there relaxed standards to keep them enrolled to escape being drafted. These ne'er-do-wells stayed in school as the Vietnam war dragged on. Many went on to grad school as standards weakened some more. Rinse and repeat.
They are the ones who went on to educate today's hordes of complete lunatics now populating college campi.
Standards were lowered everywhere quite quickly from the 1960s, including at elite small religious colleges by the 1970s where stubborn professors with standards were already then not being renewed, the polite way of firing them.
We are reaping what we've sown.
The rot set in a long, long time ago, and it reflects why the country is in the sorry state it is.
It can't be fixed. The country as we know it will have to collapse first.
Three semesters of Latin used to be required to get into Harvard, let alone graduate from it. That standard was already under attack in 1917 in the name of "science". The widespread requirement of three semesters of college Latin was gone by the mid 1960s. Now you will be hard pressed to find any college requiring any foreign language at all to graduate. Princeton is now infamous for eliminating Latin and Greek for a degree in Classics, you know, the study of everything Greco-Roman.
The process has its own inertia producing this history. It's inherent in the thing we call America.
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Average ACT college admission test scores drop to lowest level in more than 30 years, 19.5 out of 36, just 21% of test-takers are college material
You can throw all the billions you want at educating the masses, but you still can't make a purse out of a sow's ear.
A sane country would train the other 79% for careers which don't require college, but ours is not a sane country, otherwise we wouldn't have 1:1 ratios of administrators to students all over the place. College is producing some mighty fine jobs for the education industry and for the 20% who belong there, but God help you if you borrowed money to learn that one day you will die.
When I was a kid the unemployed PhD was the joke. Now it's the unemployed BA. You can see where this is going.
But maybe not.
The Morning Call had the story here.
Monday, June 5, 2023
College dropout F. Chuck Todd calls it quits at Meet The Depressed while he's still ahead
Proving yet once again that you don't need a college degree to rise to the level of your incompetence in this great country of ours.
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Monday, January 16, 2023
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Hillsdale College professor is hopeful because Roman Catholicism dominates the intellectual wings of modern conservatism and nationalism
I'm hopeful because 72 million Americans sided against Joe Biden.
From "A Review of Protestants and American Conservatism: A Short History by Gillis J. Harp (New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2019)", here :
Still, perhaps there is more reason to hope than Harp lets on. Neither Modern Conservatism nor the new nationalism shows signs of a distinctly Protestant political perspective. To the extent either one has a political theology, it is dominated by Roman Catholics, who occupy the lion’s share of both movements’ intellectual wings.
Yeah, sure, buddy, it wasn't Catholic priests who used their pulpits to call the men to arms in the revolution against the English king. It wasn't Catholic priests who then doffed their robes and grabbed their rifles and joined them in the field. It was Presbyterians.
Joe Biden, a Catholic, preaches a return to normalcy, which amounts to acquiescence to the status quo of liberal dominance of most American institutions. That is the default position of Catholicism, acquiescence to authority, submission to hierarchy, rule by elites. By definition they'll revolt against nothing and adapt themselves to every nutty innovation which comes along in the spirit of taxation without representation.
The Loyalists have made a comeback, largely on the backs of Catholic immigrants to the United States since 1850.
Is anyone surprised they are for open borders, mass immigration, and globalism, especially if it augments their dominance in America?
Donald Trump, in his feeble way, was a resounding No to all this.
We're still out here.
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Hillsdale College, Rush Limbaugh's bastion of conservatism, employs an assistant professor of psychology who thinks human beings of no more significance than cicadas
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Get your affairs in order: If Harvard professor is correct about global coronavirus pandemic, expect 68-136 million deaths worldwide in 2020, dwarfing deaths from ordinary influenza
Friday, January 31, 2020
Thursday, December 5, 2019
Very ugly Biden meltdown in Iowa last night, calls an older man "fat" and "too old to vote" for him
Friday, October 18, 2019
Tyler Professor of Law at Harvard calls for swamping America with third world Catholics to obliterate Anglo-Protestant liberalism
Sunday, October 13, 2019
The lawyers suck because their PROFESSORS are even worse
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Claire Thomas is director of something called the Asylum Clinic at New York Law School |
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Smith is at DOJ, is adjunct at George Washington and George Mason Law, was a John McCain staffer |