Showing posts with label homicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homicide. Show all posts

Saturday, September 28, 2024

More than 13,000 convicted illegal alien killers now walk among us, NBC/CNBC pretend it's not just a problem for Biden-Harris, omitting that they more than doubled the "non-detained docket" in the US to more than 7.5 million


It is not clear when the first migrant of the 13,000 crossed into the U.S. Two law enforcement officials familiar with the data told NBC News many of the migrants on ICE’s non-detained docket, including serious criminals, crossed into the U.S. under previous administrations, including former President Donald Trump’s. ... There are currently more than 7.5 million immigrants on ICE’s “non-detained” docket, meaning they have pending immigration cases but are not currently in detention.


Fox has the truth:

The agency provided data to Rep. Tony Gonzales, R-Texas, about illegal immigrants with criminal charges or convictions. The data, as of July 2024, is broken down by those in detention and those who are not in detention, known as the non-detained docket. 

The non-detained docket includes noncitizens who have final orders of removal or are going through removal proceedings but are not in ICE custody. 

There are more than 7.4 million people on that docket, up from around 3.7 million when former President Trump left office.

Monday, June 26, 2023

Democrats begin Election 2024 leading with the lie that gun violence is the number one cause of death among children

















The CDC says otherwise.

Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among US children aged 1-17 years since 1999, totaling 126,650. Among those the number one cause is motor vehicle traffic accidents, totaling 67,884. Number two is drowning accidents, at 19,062.  In eighth place is firearm accidents, totaling 2,265.

The second leading cause of death is childhood cancer, totaling 36,312.

The third leading cause of death is homicide, totaling 31,690. Among those the number one cause is firearms, totaling 19,306.

The fourth leading cause of death is suicide, totaling 26,653. Among those the number one cause is suicide by suffocation, totaling 12,890. The number two cause is suicide by firearm, totaling 10,934. Believe it, or not.

If you total firearm accidents, firearm homicides, and firearm suicides over the last 22 years for Americans aged 1-17 you still get only 32,505, a distant third place behind motor vehicle traffic accidents and cancer.

Meanwhile Democrats champion abortion on demand, which has killed untold millions upon millions of children since 1973, for which guns is just the smokescreen.

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Good news for Baltimore, maybe

 Woke social justice prosecutor Marilyn Mosby roundly defeated July 19th, leaves abject destruction in her wake:

In her first year in office, homicides surged 62 percent, jumping from 211 to 348. Murders have remained above 300 for each of her seven years in office—now surpassing 2,500 victims, of which at least 92 percent have been black. The sustained increase in murders is directly connected with Mosby’s pro-criminal policies.

Last year was the deadliest in Baltimore’s history, with a per capita homicide rate of more than 58 per 100,000 residents. And 2022 has been even worse, with the homicide rate increasing faster than anywhere other than New Orleans and with 215 murders already on the books. ...

Not one Democrat, elected or appointed, ever criticized or opposed Mosby’s policies, no matter how many black bodies piled up. 


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

You are being lied to: CDC data shows firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 are down 28% 1999-2020 vs. 1981-1998

 For the 22 years 1999-2020 (8,030 days) firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 totaled 19,306 or 2.404/day.

For the 18 years 1981-1998 (6,570 days) firearm homicides among children ages 1-17 totaled 21,919 or 3.336/day.

The per day rate has declined 28%.

Data here.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

The lying sacks of shit at the New England Journal of Medicine inflate gun deaths among children by counting 18 and 19 year olds among the children

 The previous analysis, which examined data through 2016, showed that firearm-related injuries were second only to motor vehicle crashes (both traffic-related and nontraffic-related) as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age.


Leave it to the professional liars in the medical establishment to do this sort of thing, adding to their well-deserved tarnish earned during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Measure it properly as persons 1 to 17 years of age and this is what you get, below (Motor Vehicle deaths still number one by far and drownings and firearm homicides way back running neck-and-neck for number two).

And even more importantly, compared with 1981-1998, firearm homicides among children are DOWN by 12%, firearm suicides among children are DOWN by 15%, and accidental firearm deaths among children don't even make the top ten any more (Motor Vehicle deaths also were down 34%, drownings down 25%, deaths by fire or burning down 56%, accidental suffocation deaths down 16%, and pedestrian and other land transportation deaths down 6%).

Suicides among children by suffocation were up from 5,085 to 12,890, a whopping 153%, perhaps due in part to mandatory gun locks causing a change in choice of method. Combined firearm and suffocation suicides among children still rose significantly, however, from 17,968 to 23,824 or 33%.

We won't speculate on the prominent role models trailblazing the way for this horrible new trend, like Robin Williams who hung himself in 2014.

You can do that for yourself.


Sunday, November 25, 2018

Justin Raimondo knows Mexico is the real threat to America, but he's so against war he can't argue for it when he needs to

Forget the Russian ‘Threat’: Mexico Is Our Real Problem:

The cartels control our southern neighbor

[W]e hear almost nothing about the one country where journalists who report on official corruption are routinely killed, and in such numbers that the death toll makes Russia look like a utopian paradise – Mexico, where more than one-hundred reporters have been slaughtered by the drug cartels and their collaborators inside the Mexican government. The killers are rarely found, let alone punished:  as of 2012, 98% of homicides in Mexico went unsolved. ...

Some problems don’t have solutions, and this may be one of them. The accumulated stupidity and venality of the Mexican and US authorities over past decades has created such a toxic brew of social decomposition and political dysfunction that we can only await the coming explosion with a mixture of fear and hope – hope that our leaders will force their gaze away from the far horizons of the Middle East and focus on the rising crisis right here on our own southern border.


Monday, June 11, 2018

Texas alone has 251,000 criminal aliens who aren't good people, committing 663,000 serious crimes since 2011

From the story here:

According to the DHS and the Texas Department of Public Safety, over 251,000 criminal aliens have been booked into local Texas jails between June 1, 2011, and April 30, 2018. They have been charged for a total of 663,000 offenses including:

1,351 homicides;
7,156 sexual assaults;
9,938 weapons charges;
79,049 assaults;
18,685 burglaries;
79,900 drug charges;
815 kidnappings;
44,882 thefts;
4,292 robberies.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

And just like that The Atlantic fires Kevin Williamson

Reportedly, here, after learning that Williamson advocates that women who abort their babies should be hung for homicide.

Sounds more like a convenient "discovery" after The Atlantic realized it had made a mistake hiring him in the first place. One almost gets the feeling that Williamson was set up.

Meanwhile The Atlantic tolerates women who actually kill their unborn children, but not someone who merely thinks that's a capital offense.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Blacks commit homicides at a rate 8x higher than whites, but Hillary says it's whites who need to change

Hillary quoted here:

“I’m going to be talking to white people, we’re the ones who have to start listening to the legitimate cries coming from our African-American fellow citizens,” she said.

US Department of Justice here, reporting on the period 1980-2008:

The offending rate for blacks (34.4 per 100,000) was almost 8 times higher than the rate for whites (4.5 per 100,000).

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Obama hates your guts, deliberately releases 36,000 violent aliens in 2013 to kill you, rape you, kidnap your children, beat you up, steal your car, deal drugs, drive under the influence

And he does it with a smile.

CBS News reports, of all people, here:

A majority of the releases were not required by law and were discretionary, the organization [ICE] says.

According to the report, the 36,007 individuals released represented nearly 88,000 convictions, including:

193 homicide convictions
426 sexual assault convictions
303 kidnapping convictions
1,075 aggravated assault convictions
1,160 stolen vehicle convictions
9,187 dangerous drug convictions
16,070 drunk or drugged driving convictions
303 flight escape convictions

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Take Over the Health Care of All To Provide it to 5% Who Don't Have it Now?

This article appeared here.

December 17, 2009

Government Shouldn't Control Health Decisions

By Larry Elder

Americans overwhelmingly like their health care and their health insurance. While Americans reject ObamaCare, the President and Congress insist on driving it through.

Most Americans, up to 85 percent, already have health insurance and are satisfied with it. Lacking health insurance is different from lacking health care -- which, by law, emergency rooms must supply. Millions go without health insurance by choice and not due to lack of resources. Deduct from the number without insurance those who have access to it via entitlement programs, those temporarily without it while between jobs, those here illegally and those who could go on their parents' insurance plans by paying affordable amounts -- and you're down to 10 million to 15 million people without health insurance for longer than a year. This represents 5 percent of Americans.

To address this, the President and the Democrats are this close to a complete government takeover of health care. And a takeover it is. Assuming some kind of plan reaches the President's desk, it will -- at minimum -- force all Americans to purchase health insurance or pay fines or worse. It will force nearly all employers to provide health insurance or pay fines. It will tell health insurers that they must accept applicants with pre-existing illnesses and restrict their ability to "discriminate" based on factors like sex and age.

Incredibly, the President and Congress tell us that our economic recovery hinges on "health care reform" and that they can achieve it -- providing millions of people with health insurance estimated to cost a trillion dollars in the first decade -- while simultaneously reducing the deficit. The plan anticipates cutting hundreds of billions from the popular Medicare programs, whose beneficiaries vote in numbers greater than any other age group. Doctors and hospitals already complain that Medicare reimbursements fall short of costs, let alone profits. Good luck with that.

"Health care reform" achieves its deficit-reducing magic by collecting taxes in the early years -- building up money -- while paying out very little. Only after the first four years does money go out. It also forces states to pick up part of the tab. So, voila, it actually reduces the deficit -- at least in the first decade.

Then what? The Congressional Budget Office -- in cost estimates full of caveats, conditions and on-the-one-hands -- says that it could/might/may reduce the deficit in the second and third decades, too. Again, this assumes continued cuts in doctor and hospital reimbursements.

Despite the White House photo op of docs in their white frocks, most physicians oppose ObamaCare. They resent further government supervision and control over their practice. A poll commissioned by Investor's Business Daily found that 65 percent "oppose" ObamaCare and that 45 percent would consider taking early retirement or leaving their practice if the bill went through.

Given the broad opposition -- most Americans, most doctors and seniors in fear of cuts in Medicare -- why do it?

First, the Democrats -- now in control of all three branches of government -- have convinced themselves that they face a political price if they fail. ObamaCare supporters, based on bogus assumptions and inflated numbers, argue that many, if not most, bankruptcy filings are due to health care bills. If, as President Obama asserts, "reforming" health care and economic prosperity go hand in hand, how can they abandon it?

Second, while a large majority of Republicans and most independents oppose these "reforms," Democrats overwhelmingly support them. They consider health care and health insurance a right -- never mind the Constitution or the price tag -- and think "the rich" should bear the costs. Congresspersons fear an electorate upset at a failure "to deliver" a victory over the evil, money-grubbing insurance companies.

Third, many believe in good faith that this is the "right thing to do." This breathtakingly ignores the mountain of evidence that government command-and-control health care reduces quality, reduces innovation and inevitably leads to rationing. The president of the Canadian Medical Association says Canada's system -- a single-payer kind, favored by President Obama -- is "imploding." She calls for more competition.

Critics of America's health care system say that citizens in other countries enjoy longer life expectancies. But after adjusting for homicides, increased infant mortality due to teen pregnancies and low birth weights, obesity and other behavioral factors, the discrepancy disappears. Compare American medical outcomes against those of other countries. Our system produces the world's best results for cancer patients who go into medical care at the same time similarly situated patients enter their countries' care. Our pharmaceutical companies lead the world in coming up with new life-extending and -enhancing drugs, a record at risk given new controls and taxes under the guise of "reform."

When the ObamaCare bill comes due -- when the deficit explodes and the costs are "controlled" through government-directed rationing -- supporters, including President Obama, will long have departed Washington, leaving others to deal with the mess. In the meantime, bend over and cough. Or else.

Copyright 2009 Creators Syndicate, Inc.