Showing posts with label war on coal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label war on coal. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

In Jan 2025 the average price of utility natural gas is 49% more than the 2017-2020 average

 The average price of utility natural gas was $1.04 per therm 2017-2020.

In Jan 2025 it costs $1.55, 49% more.

Since about 10% of natural gas production is diverted to LNG export for big profits, most of the increase is related to diversion of natural gas from heating to electricity production because of the lunatic policy of retiring massive amounts of coal electric generation capacity.

It makes heating your home much more expensive, and keeping the lights on much more expensive at the same time.

Thanks for nothing, green energy assholes. It's 22 degrees F and snowing in Grand Rapids, MI.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Obama's war on coal has resulted in the elimination of electrical generation capacity equivalent to the entire nuclear power sector, and these idiots wonder how America ended up running out of electricity

Starting from 2012 and going through 2022, ~ 106 GW of coal-fired capacity was eliminated in the US.

Of the ~ 200 GW remaining, ~ 23% is scheduled to be eliminated through 2029.

Meanwhile China just builds and builds and builds new coal-fired capacity. It now has at least 1,109 GW of coal-fired capacity, five times more than the US.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

WaPo ignores that it was Obama's war on coal which impoverished the Ohio River Valley and is now going hungry after the end of COVID-19 food assistance

A mile-long line for free food offers a warning as covid benefits end

In Kentucky, a state that has been hit particularly hard by the collapse of the coal industry, entrenched poverty and hunger have been generational problems that state and federal officials have struggled for decades to address. 

Obama's war on coal began immediately after his election.


Friday, September 23, 2016

Ted Cruz says he'll vote for Donald Trump as promised, urges you to join him, and says Hillary is wholly unacceptable

Here on Facebook, citing primarily Supreme Court appointments and the fate of the Bill of Rights, then the costs of ObamaCare for millions of Americans, the Democrat war on coal, oil and gas, the lawless executive illegal immigrant amnesty, threats to National Security from Muslim immigration, and Obama's giving up of US control of the internet.

That should also help him get reelected down in Texas.

Smart move. Really late, but a smart move.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Obama's war on coal kills Peabody Energy, the US' largest coal company

Number two Arch Coal went belly up in January.

Story here.

Meanwhile 7 coal-fired power plants in Michigan are closing this week to meet new EPA emission regulations. Almost 1,000 megawatts of electricity generating capacity go away as a result, to be replaced by north of 500 megawatts of capacity from a natural gas plant.

Details here.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Obama's War On Coal Is A War On The Heartland Of America

From a worthwhile discussion of the issues, here:

America produces 40 percent of its electricity from coal. Eight states, including Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Missouri, and West Virginia, use coal to generate more than 80 percent of their electricity. But over 100 coal-fired generating plants have closed since January 2010, mostly due to Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

EPA's Mercury and Air Toxic Standards for Power Plants rule, issued last December, will make electricity generation more complex and expensive, especially in the eastern half of the United States. It will lead to the closure of many coal- and oil-fired power plants that would be too expensive to bring into compliance. Ultimately, power users will bear these costs.