Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label murder. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

Xi Jinping orders halt to mass killings, news about which Chicoms find increasingly difficult to censor despite police state conditions


The attacks, where drivers mow down people on foot or knife-wielding assailants stab multiple victims, are not new in China. But the latest surge drew attention. ...

In November alone, three took place: A man struck people at an elementary school in Hunan province, wounding 30, after suffering investment losses. A student who failed his examination stabbed and killed eight at a vocational school in the city of Yixing. The most victims, 35 people, resulted from a man mowing down a crowd in the southern city of Zhuhai, supposedly upset over his divorce. ...

In eastern Anhui province, a ruling Communist Party leader ... said they must “thoroughly and meticulously investigate and resolve conflicts and disputes,” including in families, marriages and neighborhoods. ...

The Ministry of Justice promised to curtail conflicts by looking into squabbles over inheritance, housing, land and unpaid wages.

Ha ha ha, good luck with that.


Thursday, December 5, 2024

Sometimes I hate the media more than words can say, but it was the NYPD which released the new photos of the unmasked person

Fox News goes with Not The Suspect


Not The Suspect

The Suspect

CNBC Goes with Not The Suspect

NYPost goes with Not The Suspect

Monday, September 23, 2024

FBI crime data investigation July 2023: 32% of all police agencies submitted no data for 2022, new reporting requirements to make data incomplete for years to come, and EXPECT POLITICIZATION












 As many police departments are still in the process of complying with the FBI’s new reporting requirements, experts predict that the national crime data is likely to be incomplete for years to come, and will leave more room to politicize crime statistics without concrete evidence. These issues are likely to become more urgent as the country moves closer to another election cycle where crime is certain to be a potent issue: In 2024, the FBI is likely to release its national crime data just before the election.


And . . . right on cue:

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Kamala Harris' crime

 Kamala Harris' crime was failure to inform the American people of Joe Biden's mental incapacity, and to invoke the 25th Amendment with the pledge that she would not run for president.

Once again the Constitution is shown to be a worthless barrier of parchment, whose only power to maintain freedom comes from those who assent to it and enforce it. The former is meaningless without the latter.

Invoked a year ago, her candidacy by approbation today would have legitimacy. As it is, it does not.

Instead she kept silent until just the right moment, in order to grasp the ring presented to her by a political party which cared nothing for the primary votes of millions of Joe Biden's supporters.

Democracy has been murdered in broad daylight by Democrats, and y'all just stand by and film it.

She is a usurper, a power hungry snake, without an ounce of integrity.

You will rue the day you elect her president.

O baseness to support a tyrant throne,
And crush your freeborn brethren of the world!
Nay, to become a part of usurpation,
T' espouse the tyrant's person and her crimes.

-- John Dryden



Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Oh gee, what a surprise, Kamala Harris has a radical black anti-American, anti-semitic pastor named Amos Brown, just like Barack Obama had Jeremiah Wright

The guy's so bad Senator Diane Feinstein walked out on him, as did Governor Gray Davis, both Democrats:

At a memorial service for victims of the 9/11 terror attacks held just six days after al Qaeda murdered nearly 3,000 Americans, Brown used the occasion to point the finger at the United States in remarks that, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, "set a lot of people’s teeth on edge" and "left politicians stunned."

"America, is there anything you did to set up this climate?" Brown asked the audience. "Ohhhh—America, what did you do?"

"America, what did you do two weeks ago when I stood at the world conference on racism, when you wouldn't show up?" Brown continued, referring to his participation in the United Nations World Conference Against Racism, which the United States and Israel boycotted citing concerns about anti-Semitism.

Brown’s diatribe jarred a mostly liberal audience, the Chronicle reported, noting that the late California senator Dianne Feinstein (D.) and former California governor Gray Davis (D.) left during his remarks. ...

Brown’s radical politics have also veered into anti-Semitism. He served as a delegate to the 2001 United Nations World Conference Against Racism held in Durban, South Africa, and best known for equating Zionism with racism. The United States and Israel walked out of the conference over that resolution, expressing dismay that a conference ostensibly devoted to combating hatred had devolved into a hate fest. ...

He serves on the California Reparations Task Force and has called for cash payments to the descendants of slaves from "billionaires in San Francisco," according to the New York Times.  The pastor held a "Solidarity for Reparations" event at his church in 2022 and told the San Francisco Chronicle in 2021 that "America is a racist country." ...

He has visited Harris at the White House at least twice and told Religion News Service this week Harris remains a "dues-paying member" of his church. "For two decades now, at least, I have turned to you," Harris said of Brown in her remarks to the National Baptist Convention 2022.

The story is here.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Biden's rape comments from last night's debate are . . . disjointed

He went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant. But here's the deal, a lot of young women are being raped by their inlaws. By their spouses. By their brothers and sisters. It's just ridiculous.

The main line of interpretation seems to be that Biden was referring to the rape culture of migrants, sisters being a slip of the tongue.

Which begs the question, Why bring them here? Just so they can get an abortion? Is that what America boils down to?

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The truly mentally ill person in this story is the tolerant woman who was brutally attacked and raped by the same man who murdered the other one


  She's as much a danger to the rest of us as the perp.

 2 women are brutally attacked on Venice Canals, focusing debate on crime, homelessness

She feels the attacks are emblematic of an issue no one wants to address: the mental health and drug crisis among the unhoused residents of Venice.

"It's not like they're horrible people," Klein said. "It's just we need to stop being in denial about our family members and our community members who are in desperate need of mental health help — especially those who are really struggling on the streets."


Monday, April 29, 2024

This guy can't imagine that "civilization" was just fine in 1956, when there were only 2.8 billion people in the world instead of 8 billion

 Kevin Dolan: If Birth Rates Continue To Plummet, Civilization Will End

 Birth rates inevitably decline for the economic reasons with which Mr. Dolan says he's primarily concerned. But he himself doesn't seem to reckon with the fact that the spread of prosperity has produced population growth to the point of its current natural limit. Years ago already it was predicted that global population would peak around 9 billion before falling. It falls because that's what prosperity does. Prosperity dulls the natural response to want, which is reproduction.
Meanwhile Mao killed his millions by the tens from 1949 and America killed its millions by the tens from 1973 and few have been the wiser.

Oddly, we still call this civilization.
Be that as it may, failure to reproduce eventually will necessitate a gradual and huge redistribution of wealth from the older population to the younger population, involving sometimes quite dramatic repricing of goods and services in the process because of the law of supply and demand.
And then at some point the natural response to reproduce will reassert itself "after the money's gone".
Once in a lifetime.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Mother Teresa: Abortion is a direct war, direct murder by the mother herself, the first and greatest destroyer of peace in our time


Here, 1979:

I was surprised in the West to see so many young boys and girls given into drugs, and I tried to find out why – why is it like that, and the answer was: Because there is no one in the family to receive them. Father and mother are so busy they have no time. Young parents are in some institution and the child takes back to the street and gets involved in something.

We are talking of peace. These are things that break peace, but I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing – direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the Scripture, for God says very clearly: Even if a mother could forget her child – I will not forget you – I have carved you in the palm of my hand.

We are carved in the palm of His hand, so close to Him that unborn child has been carved in the hand of God. And that is what strikes me most, the beginning of that sentence, that even if a mother could forget something impossible – but even if she could forget – I will not forget you.

And today the greatest means – the greatest destroyer of peace is abortion. And we who are standing here – our parents wanted us. We would not be here if our parents would do that to us. Our children, we want them, we love them, but what of the millions. Many people are very, very concerned with the children in India, with the children in Africa where quite a number die, maybe of malnutrition, of hunger and so on, but millions are dying deliberately by the will of the mother. And this is what is the greatest destroyer of peace today.

Because if a mother can kill her own child – what is left for me to kill you and you kill me – there is nothing between. And this I appeal in India, I appeal everywhere: Let us bring the child back, and this year being the child’s year: What have we done for the child? At the beginning of the year I told, I spoke everywhere and I said: Let us make this year that we make every single child born, and unborn, wanted. And today is the end of the year, have we really made the children wanted? I will give you something terrifying. We are fighting abortion by adoption, we have saved thousands of lives, we have sent words to all the clinics, to the hospitals, police stations – please don’t destroy the child, we will take the child. So every hour of the day and night it is always somebody, we have quite a number of unwedded mothers – tell them come, we will take care of you, we will take the child from you, and we will get a home for the child. And we have a tremendous demand from families who have no children, that is the blessing of God for us. And also, we are doing another thing which is very beautiful – we are teaching our beggars, our leprosy patients, our slum dwellers, our people of the street, natural family planning.

Monday, March 18, 2024

Why I won't be patronizing Oppenheimer by seeing it: He was a Stalinist and a traitor

 Daniel J. Flynn, here:

As described in this column previously, Pavel Sudoplatov, so high-ranking that the Soviets placed him in charge of murdering Leon Trotsky, maintained in his autobiography that “Oppenheimer supplied … the Soviet Union with crucial information for it to successfully test its own atomic bomb in 1949.” He details Oppenheimer’s role, “which included allowing moles access to secret data to copy it, and describes him as ‘knowingly part of the scheme.’”

Material from the files of both Soviet and U.S. intelligence supports Sudoplatov’s claim: “An Oct. 2, 1944, memo from the Soviet archives, signed in receipt by chief of secret police Lavrentiy Beria, identifies Oppenheimer as a ‘member of the apparatus of Comrade [Earl] Browder’ who ‘provided cooperation in access to research for several of our tested sources including a relative of [the Communist Party USA leader].’”

Venona project decrypts refer to Oppenheimer under a codename, monikers in most but not all circumstances reserved for Soviet assets. A decoded March 1945 intercept “instructs Soviet agents to ‘re-establish contact with “Veskel” … as soon as possible.’ Veskel, the National Security Administration determined conclusively, referred to Oppenheimer.”

In The Venona Secrets, late authors Herb Romerstein and Eric Breindel wrote: “In May [of 1945] the Rezidentura sent Moscow another report from [Theodore] Hall on atom bomb research. It revealed the locations of work being done and the names of the heads of each research group. All of the names were clearly written out except one, that of J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was listed as ‘Veskel,’ the head of Los Alamos.”

Oppenheimer’s critics lacked this information in 1954, so one better understands their restrained classification of him as merely a security risk rather than charging that he lacked, in the words of President Dwight Eisenhower’s Executive Order 10450, a “complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States.” What’s the excuse of the NBC News Studios documentary airing on MSNBC for omitting so much information from credible sources in the U.S. and U.S.S.R. intelligence apparatus painting a grim picture of Oppenheimer’s trustworthiness? ...

Oppenheimer donated large sums to Communist causes, subscribed to Communist publications, and married a Communist. Other associates in the party included his brother, sister-in-law, landlady, the girlfriend who later became his mistress, and numerous students. He attended secret meetings of Communist professors while teaching at Berkeley.

 Most damning of all, Haakon Chevalier, a friend and professor at Berkeley, approached Oppenheimer with the idea of passing on Manhattan Project secrets to the Soviet Union. Oppenheimer did not report this event to his superiors for many months and, when he did, described the events dishonestly, i.e., by omitting both himself and Chevalier from the story. Rather than steer clear of someone petitioning him to commit espionage, Oppenheimer continued to see Chevalier socially for years.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Commenter at Real Clear astounded by Biden's attempt to minimize Laken Riley's murder

He spoke her name: Laken Riley. And then he said, "How many people are killed by illegals?" Apparently not enough to be of any concern to him. I think that was the most astounding comment he made this evening. It should trouble every American. 

-- Tony Siciliano, here 

The contrast is with the concern Biden supposedly has for individual women he showcased whose reproductive freedoms have been curtailed.

Some individuals are more important than others to Joe Biden.

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Sultan al Jaber keeps COP28 lunatics from taking the world back to the stone age lolz

 Anger and frustration as COP28 draft text omits fossil fuel phaseout

The burning of coal, oil and gas accounts for more than three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions. It is for this reason that so many had pushed for the COP28 outcome to show that “we are truly at the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel era.”

However, COP28 President Sultan al Jaber faced a backlash last week when he claimed there was “no science” behind calls for a phase-out of fossil fuels, and that such a move would not allow sustainable development “unless you want to take the world back into caves.”

They always leave out that 82% of global energy comes from coal, oil, and gas.

You can't just wave a magic wand and make it all go away without committing global murder in the process.


Friday, November 17, 2023

Titans of American business pay to have dinner with genocidal dictator Xi Jinping

Elon Musk was there, too, but this story never mentions it:

Xi’s 10 years as president are marked by a genocide against China’s Muslim minority, attempts to wipe out Tibetan culture, and persecution of Christians and followers of Falun Gong – not to mention a crackdown on democracy, religious freedom, and civil rights in Hong Kong. 

Yet, during official and unofficial meetings this week, there was no mention of the long list of atrocities. Instead, Xi received an unusually warm reception. 

On Wednesday night in the confines of San Francisco’s Hyatt Regency ballroom, America’s corporate chieftains gathered to fete Xi as a “guest of honor” at a banquet drawing nearly 400 attendees. The gala took place on the sidelines of the Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, a gathering of 21 member countries to support free trade and business ties. 

The executives were so excited to share the room with the Chinese president that they gave him two standing ovations before Xi uttered a word. American titans of business, including Apple’s Tim Cook and Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman, Black Rock’s Larry Fink, Boeing’s Stanley Deal, and Pfizer’s Albert Bourla, joined Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo to rub shoulders with Xi and a cohort of Chinese officials. 

Tickets for the banquet started at $2,000 each, with several companies shelling out $40,000 to buy eight seats at a table in the ballroom and one at Xi’s table. After Xi’s remarks, attendees provided yet another standing ovation, according to Reuters

Some executives made no attempt to hide their gushing. On the way into the Hyatt, Bridgewater Associates hedge fund founder Ray Dalio told the Financial Times that he was “excited to have this relationship [with Xi].”

If Dalio entered the hotel from the main lobby, he couldn’t have avoided the polar opposite scene and messaging. A Tibetan student activist named Tsela had strapped herself to a flagpole and was waving the Tibetan flag when Xi and his entourage arrived. Other activists from Students for a Free Tibet chanted “Murderer” at the Chinese leader, “Down with the CCP,” and “Human Rights in Tibet.”

Saturday, October 7, 2023

OMG, the primus refers to the singular bloody dictator Augustus Caesar, the pares to the supine aristocrats of the Roman Senate whom he had subdued by murder

 Joe Lonsdale, here:

The founders set up a country in which aristoi would rule alongside and with the people, first among equals, primus inter pares, but not over them in the monarchical or oligarchic sense. Nobody would have a permanent or divine right to rule in the United States. The founders had had a sense of duty to rule honorably, and a sense of humility that their governance wasn’t an end in itself — but a means of preserving the rights of the people to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

This man is a small sea of confusion, who writes that aristocracy is "rule by the few". 

The oligarchs laugh at Fugazius. 


Sunday, October 1, 2023

Three of 9 Target store closings are in progressive shit-hole Portland OR, CNN story gives them just 4 paragraphs at the end


Nobody wants to talk about the shit-hole progressives have made out of Portland, which first came to light nationally when the place erupted after the death of George Floyd.

The hallmark of progressive rule in Portland is that the justice system in their hands won't prosecute crimes, so the police are demoralized and now have interminable staffing problems. Who wants to arrest the same people over and over again knowing they'll just have to arrest them again over and over?

Crime has exploded :

The murder rate in Portland is 1.85 times the US rate.

The robbery rate is 2.85 times the US rate.

The assault rate is 1.8 times.

The burglary rate: 2.56 times.

The theft rate: 2.7 times. 

The motor vehicle theft rate is 5.3 times the US rate.

There are nearly 11 times the crimes per square mile overall in Portland than the national median.