Showing posts with label open borders. Show all posts
Showing posts with label open borders. Show all posts

Friday, October 25, 2024

Illegal aliens invited by Democrat scoundrels as reported by US Customs and Border Protection has been an historic invasion: ~ 14 million

 Biden-Harris have let in at the very least 4 million of these, counting the minimum estimate of gotaways who have overwhelmed the ridiculous system and the known parolees. The largest standing army in the world is China's at 2 million.


 Nearly three million foreign nationals illegally entered or attempted entry into the U.S. in fiscal 2024, according to data published by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

The total reported nationwide was 2,901,142, with 198,929 reported at the northern border and 2,135,005 reported at the southwest border.

The data includes Border Patrol apprehensions between ports of entry, CBP encounters at ports of entry, and Office of Field Operations apprehensions nationwide.

CBP’s fiscal 2024 data, which covers Oct. 1, 2023, through Sept. 1, 2024, is the second highest reported under the Biden-Harris administration and second highest in U.S. history.

The highest total reported in U.S. history was more than 3.2 million in fiscal 2023, followed by fiscal 2024, fiscal 2022’s more than 2.76 million and fiscal 2021’s 1.95 million.

When subtracting the first three months of fiscal 2021, which occurred during the Trump administration, the number drops to 1,684,116.

No other administration has reported totals as high as these.

Combined, CBP apprehension/encounter data under the Biden-Harris administration totals 10,552,984.

This total excludes more than 2 million who illegally entered and evaded capture, known as gotaways.

CBP does not publicly report gotaway data.

The Center Square first reported gotaway data in 2021 after receiving it from a Border Patrol agent.

Retired CBP officials say the number is higher because gotaway data is underreported by about 20%.

The total also excludes 1,383,000 inadmissables released into the U.S. through two parole programs created by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

This includes more than 852,000 illegal foreign nationals processed and released into the country through the CBP One App and more than 531,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans deemed inadmissible and released into the country through the CHNV parole program, according to CBP data. ...

The parole total also excludes the number of illegal foreign nationals released into the country through at least another 10 programs Mayorkas created. Federal judges ruled the parole programs are illegal; House Republicans cited them as examples of illegal actions for which they impeached Mayorkas in February. ...

Under the Biden-Harris administration, a record 518,524 illegal border crossers were reported at the northern border, excluding gotaways, the highest in U.S. history.

-- Bethany Blankley, "Nearly 3 million illegal border crossers reported in fiscal 2024: Roughly 14 million under Biden-Harris administration, most in US history"

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Beltway Republican David Winston for Roll Call wants 2016 to have been about the economy when it was about illegal immigration


This slight-of-hand reasoning is how Trump got co-opted by the GOP in 2017 in the first place, and it's how they're going to co-opt him again should he win. Beltway Republicans love, love, love immigration, so the top issue cannot, must not, be that.

 In 2016, the economy was the top issue, just as today . . ..


Trump's controversial 2015-2016 message was immigration, immigration, immigration for 14 straight months, until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway got a hold of him in August 2016.

Trump barely won.

Trump's unfavorables were indeed high, but not because Hillary drove them there as Winston says. People forget that Trump did that all by himself. He ended up underperforming John McCain 2008 in 12 states and DC.

Trump was an insurgent candidate who exploited division within the GOP to capture the nomination. The 2016 primary popular vote for Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich exceeded Trump's 13.3 million.

That division has subsided, but it has never gone away, and Winston is one of the other side's smooth operators who still want to change the subject to anything else but the issue staring everyone in the face, from working class Americans now competing with 8 million new illegals for wages to upper class suburban denizens of Massachusetts being told to cope with hordes of new students in public schools they never designed to accommodate this flood.

That's the issue confronting voters, not Trump's Kangaroo Kourt Konviction, about which David wrings his hands.

If there's any vengeance in American politics about which we should be upset in 2024, Joe Biden's open southern border is surely it.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Breaking from AP Hamas: Biden to slow illegal immigration to 1 million a year from 2 million by executive order!


 The only true sentence in this story from AP Hamas:

Biden’s order is aimed at trying to head off any potential spike in border encounters that could happen later this year, closer to the November elections. 

Biden's scores of executive orders on Day One of his administration created this catastrophe of 10 million illegal aliens in the first place, as even AP Obama knows but won't say:

Administration lawyers have been planning to tap executive powers outlined in Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives a president broad authority to block entry of certain immigrants into the U.S. if it is deemed “detrimental” to the national interest. It is the same legal rationale used by Trump to take some of his toughest actions on migration as president.


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Bernie renews his immigration restrictionist views from 2015: The world's full of poor people, we can't let them all in here

Bernie Sanders Says U.S. Can't Have 'Open Borders' Because Poor People Will Come 'From All Over the World':

“Oh my god, there’s a lot of poverty in this world, and you’re going to have people from all over the world. And I don’t think that’s something that we can do at this point. Can’t do it,” the senator added.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Clintonite Mark Penn: Trump has ideas, Democrats have only attacks, investigations and impeachment

Trump has also deployed more specific issue ideas than anyone in a long time. ...

Other than investigations and impeachment, what are the Democrats running on? They have made an issue of health insurance coverage for pre-existing conditions. Trump has said he too would cover them. The Democratic idea is not a health-care plan, but an attack.

Nor do Democrats have an economic plan many people can remember. Nor a plan on immigration. Nor a plan to deal with jobs migrating to China and Mexico.

President Trump taunts the Democrats, calling them the “open borders” party. And yet the Democrats have absolutely no plan for dealing with illegal immigration. In response, they attack the president personally – exactly how Hillary Clinton handled Trump in the last presidential campaign.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Anita Kumar for The News & Observer never once mentions DACA is illegal while bashing Stephen Miller

Open borders Republicans along with Democrats like Dick Durbin are trying to make Stephen Miller the problem when Obama's illegal executive order on immigration is the real offense against the rule of law. Meanwhile feckless members of Congress from both parties would be delighted to have President Trump take all the political heat for a deal SO THAT THEY DON'T HAVE TO.

Anita Kumar is their useful idiot Swamp Thing in the press, here.

Kumar is a former WaPo reporter.

Monday, September 4, 2017

It's politically smart for Trump to dump DACA in Congress' lap, but we didn't vote for that

Congress looks dumb all by itself, with or without any help from Trump.

Just cancel the DACA executive order and be done with it. If that's not enough incentive for Congress to act, I don't know what is. DACA is nothing more than the open borders clothing gladly worn by the Congress, given to it by Obama after he raped it.

Congress needs to be humiliated bigly. Make it stand there nekkid.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Mencken: No decent man would accept a degree he hadn't earned . . . honorary degrees are for riffraff

Mark "open borders" Zuckerberg
John "served in Vietnam" Kerry
Frank Bruni of The New York Times

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Open-borders free trade fanatic at Hoover wants Trump to resign

Richard Epstein, here, who didn't vote at all.

62,985,106 Americans who did vote for Trump don't.