Showing posts with label perverts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perverts. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

To Mark Tooley a Protestant America means, among other things, the routinized revolution of periodic elections criticized by Oswald Spengler as a mark of the blindness and cowardice of Liberalism

 Our democracy is a constant state of revolution, overthrowing incumbents in favor of successors who also will soon face revolution. 


Revolution, in the form of periodic mass elections fought by all available means of money, brains, and even - after the Gracchan method - physical violence, is exalted into a constitutional process.

-- Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision, 1934


The real conservative cannot stand it that eternal truths, laws, and morals are subjected to a referendum every few years. A country which does this is perverse. And no real Lutheran would abide it, let alone a true Roman Catholic.

Monday, May 23, 2022

Bill Maher observes that the parents have become the groomers


 If you attend a small dinner party of typically very liberal, upper-income Angelinos, it is not uncommon to hear parents who each have a trans kid having a conversation about that. What are the odds of that happening in Youngstown, Ohio? 

-- Bill Maher, here 








 Where a child finds his own parents his perverters, he cannot be so properly born, as damned into the world.

-- Robert South (1634 - 1716)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Groomers have ever been loathsome

 Where a child finds his own parents his perverters, he cannot be so properly born, as damned into the world.

-- Robert South (1634-1716)

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Fox News freak show hires man now known as Caitlyn Jenner to normalize perversion

The former Olympic gold medalist [Bruce Jenner] and reality TV star will provide commentary across Fox’s programming and platforms. Jenner will make her first appearance on Hannity on Thursday evening.

“Caitlyn’s story is an inspiration to us all,” Fox News CEO Suzanne Scott said in announcing the hire. “She is a trailblazer in the LGBTQ+ community and her illustrious career spans a variety of fields that will be a tremendous asset for our audience.”



He doesn't need the money.

This is simply more libertarianism normalizing perversion in order to co-opt conservatism.

Same as Glenn Beck, Matt Walsh, Dennis Prager, et alia normalizing "conservative" homo Dave Rubin or Pete Bootyjudge's "husband". Let's throw Stephen L. Miller in for good measure, even if he thinks it matters that he won't go as far as saying with the trans nuts that some men can get pregnant. Not one of us.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Frank Meyer knew better but had it exactly backwards

Seen here:

The political questions are not unimportant, but they pale in comparison to the importance of the moral and religious aspect of our lives. As Frank Meyer put it in his book In Defense of Freedom, “in the moral realm freedom is only a means whereby men can pursue their proper end, which is virtue.”

This is a defect of that poor thing, the libertarian mind, which compartmentalizes reality into aspects, repudiating, with the rest of modernity, the pre-Englightenment understanding that the moral realm is the only meaningful realm inhabited by humanity.

Perhaps the more important defect of this libertarian mind is viewing freedom as a means or instrumentality, rather than as a result of virtue.

In truth, freedom is a condition, a by-product, a sign. It is subsidiary and not the main show. You can't wrangle enough of it and produce virtue with it. That's putting the cart before the horse, as we used to say. In fact quite the opposite. An excess of freedom makes a monster, because men are first and foremost not angels. The excess of freedom in the United States is the precondition for its licentiousness, making it the world capital for obesity, indolence, drug abuse, empty celebrity, sexual perversion, immorality, violence, entertainment, self-loathing, and a host of other ills. Eventually such a people tyrannized by themselves will require an actual tyrant to rule them.

You will not have a good society without good people, as Meyer did recognize as parents in the 1960s gave up being good and expected "institutions" such as schools and churches to take over their responsibility to be so.

This failure of nerve already had the country firmly in its grip by Meyer's time. Today we see the same shirking phenomenon but now writ even larger, as we expect a Trump, a political party, the Conservative Movement Inc., the Federalist Society, the rule of law, the police, the courts, or constitutional parchment to fix what only the individual can fix.

Only you can fix what is wrong. You must, as Bill Buckley once famously said, "Cancel your own goddam subscription". You can. You must. Or it's over.

If you don't the woke will fix it for you. The current rage for and of "woke" is nothing if not a response of the young "nones" to this libertarian misunderstanding. Their chief enemy is freedom. The woke see all too clearly that American culture is incapable of saying No, which is the only true mark of the free man. Instead we think being free means saying Yes, to everything.

And if history is any guide, we'll say Yes to that, too, to the new tyranny of woke. 

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Election 2016's dirty little secret is that 52% of nonvoters were non-Hispanic whites, a huge untapped reservoir of votes feared by the identity politicians of the left

And Pew Research did its best to lie about them in this study from 2018, saying "nonvoters were more likely to be younger, less educated, less affluent and nonwhite. And nonvoters were much more Democratic".

Pew's own graph and statements show this not to be true.

Nonvoters were more likely to be white, 52% vs. 46%, and fully 53% of them did not prefer Hillary Clinton in 2016: "37% expressed a preference for Hillary Clinton, 30% for Donald Trump and 9% for Gary Johnson or Jill Stein; 14% preferred another candidate or declined to express a preference". 

The American left fears this potential white vote, which is why it must lie about it, minimize it, drug it, demoralize it, and vilify it.

It is why you hear so much about mythical white supremacists in the news, and mythical violent white militias causing mayhem everywhere, even as media and Democrats deny Antifa is a thing or that BLM is violent. Meanwhile those leftist groups, anarchist and communist, are getting away with inciting and actually causing riots, arson, looting, injury, and murder on a previously unimaginable scale, now approaching a cost to the economy of $2 billion. Their foot soldiers are the half-educated, indoctrinated, young, poor products of America's unionized public schools.

The left demonizes whites in order to neuter them, knowing their deep-seated American cultural propensity for guilt derived from Christianity. It plays on that guilt and perverts it chiefly by outlawing religion in the schools and teaching white responsibility for slavery to your children qua white instead. Its greatest fear is whites who will no longer accept that new religion and that guilt and fight back. And it particularly fears any politician whose specific appeal is to them.

Friday, June 12, 2020

The best thing about this Media Matters attack on Glenn Beck from 2010 is the line it draws from King through Sharpton to BLM

'In fact, Sharpton accurately reflected the sentiments of King, who advocated for the “radical redistribution of economic power.” ...

'[A]uthor Nick Kotz writes that during a 1968 trip to Mississippi, King stated: “It didn't cost the nation one penny to integrate lunch counters” and "[i]t didn't cost the nation one penny to guarantee the right to vote." However, he concluded that “now, we are dealing with issues that cannot be solved without the nation spending billions of dollars -- and undergoing a radical redistribution of economic power.”'

King was a commie from the beginning. Beck just wants to pretend otherwise, like many Republican squishes do. It's whitey pretending things aren't that bad.

Sharpton, like King, is a true believer, if not nearly as intelligent: “the dream was not to put one black family in the White House. The dream was to make everything equal in everybody's house.”

Now the thugs of Black Lives Matter make this the number one demand for economic justice:

"Redistribution of wealth through a 'progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state, and federal levels.'"

They are out in your streets trying to make that happen.

What are you going to do about it?

Monday, December 16, 2019

Judd Gregg, Senate author of TARP bank bailouts which picked bank winners, calls Trump conservative in name only

Judd Gregg's idea of a conservative president is one who abandons free market principles in order to save the free market system.

There is probably nothing short of runaway inflation that does more damage to a market economy than to have the government pick who is going to be successful and who is not. It perverts the fundamental purpose of a free market, which is to allow the forces of private exchange to decide the winners and losers in commerce.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

A Devil's Dictionary definition of "cuckshed"

CUCKSHED, noun: a) a group of three or more Charlie Kirk fans; b) a place where three or more Charlie Kirk fans gather for an illicit, perverted sexual activity; c) a storage barn where CPAC weenies store cardboard cutouts of their libertarian heroes.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Trump is practically run by Jews but French Jew Bernard-Henri Levy says Trump is bad, bad, bad for Jews

Well, Trump's bad for any Jew who isn't orthodox, maybe, like Levy.

Orthodox Jews absolutely love, love, love Donald Judas Trump, and are at the right hand of power in the White House, while Levy is not, which is his real complaint.

Meanwhile Levy has championed perverts like pedophile rapist Roman Polanski, but America First members John F. Kennedy, Gerald R. Ford, William Buckley, Walt Disney, Sargent Shriver, Gore Vidal, Frank Lloyd Wright and a host of others are somehow beyond the pale.

Levy isn't just Exhibit A for the self-hating Jew, but also for the America-hating variety. We are ALL Nazis to them.

Wake Up, American Jews: Donald Trump Is A Huge Threat:

Since his arrival on the scene, Trump has championed the legacy of Charles Lindbergh, the first architect of “America First” and a known anti-Semite. But this was only the first in what has become a long list of signs signifying how bad the President of the United States is for the Jews. ... the radiation given off by the words “America First” are on the Nazi spectrum.

Monday, July 17, 2017

The Senate ceased being a gentlemen's club when they started letting just anybody in in 1913

Spare me the blather about its august rules, traditions and decorum, especially when propounded by the gaggle of mediocrities, grifters, hacks, and perverts now occupying it, and aspiring to it. 

Sunday, June 4, 2017

English PM Theresa May repeats the "not-the-face-of-Islam" nonsense

First, while the recent attacks are not connected by common networks, they are connected in one important sense. They are bound together by the single evil ideology of Islamist extremism that preaches hatred, sows division and promotes sectarianism.

It is an ideology that claims our Western values of freedom, democracy and human rights are incompatible with the religion of Islam. It is an ideology that is a perversion of Islam and a perversion of the truth.

Of course the attacks are connected by common networks. They're called mosques. And the ideology is the ideology of their book.

Why should we expect a liberal ideologue to call out a rival ideology when it would introduce doubt about one's own ideological habit of thinking?

That's the real problem here. Ideology kills, theirs because it teaches killing, ours because it teaches tolerance even of that.

Monday, May 1, 2017

France to be ruled by perverts: It turns out Emmanuel Macron of France fell in love at 16 with his 39 year old married teacher, a mother of three

And they've been together just about ever since. And he's about to defeat Marine Le Pen for the presidency of France. Unbelievable.

They change partners over there like pants, but still.

Story here.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

No surprise: National Health Interview Survey finds just 2.4% of respondents, WHO WERE MUCH SICKER ON AVERAGE, were lesbian, gay and bi

Except the story never does the math to show how small a minority is LGBT, and never once mentions rampant sexually transmitted diseases among perverts because of their promiscuity, just "distress" from "discrimination" leading to increased alcohol and tobacco abuse.

Overall, 67,150 survey respondents were heterosexual, 525 lesbian, 624 gay and 515 bisexual. The average age was about 47.