Manchin floats Romney as potential running mate as he weighs presidential bid...
Showing posts with label tin ears. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tin ears. Show all posts
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Rush Limbaugh on Michael Bloomberg on China: "Nobody is this stupid to think communism is the equivalent of democratic or representative republican freedom"
Rush, winning this year's tin ear of politics award today of all days with Trump making communism acceptable and not threatening:
Now, all of this is designed to make communism acceptable. It’s all
designed to make communism not be threatening. It’s all designed to
advance the idea of really smart people controlling government — who are
really autocrats — under the illusion that they have constituents that
they have to listen to and keep happy and pleased. I think Bloomberg
sounds a lot like Biden. Remember Biden said a couple of times, “Come
on, man! China’s not a threat to the U.S.! Come on, man! China’s no
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Elizabeth Tin Ear Crockagawea smoke pipe, say murder of Mollie Tibbetts by illegal alien not heap big problem
Keep it up, Lizzie.
Quoted here:
SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D-MA): My, I’m so sorry for the family here and I know this is hard and not only for the family but for the people in her community, the people throughout Iowa. But one of the things we have to remember is we need an immigration system that is effective, that focuses on where real problems are.
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
Rick "Tin Ear" Santorum: Trump's base will be "turned off" by Brett Kavanaugh
Quoted here.
No one in the base who watched Kavanaugh's remarks was turned off in the least.
In fact, Kavanaugh impressed as a person with a common, ordinary touch, who is deeply committed to his family and to the law. And he endeared himself to his listeners because the emotion welling-up underneath his remarks went far to prove his sincerity.
Methinks Santorum, exasperated that he didn't get more support from Catholics in 2012, is a little jealous of his fellow Catholic, whose credentials and experience already stand out from those currently serving on the Supreme Court, not to mention from Santorum's.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
Friday, July 15, 2016
#Anti-Trump crashes and burns in the rules committee: Can anything good come out of Utah?
An ignominious moment for Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who suddenly developed a tin ear for politics. Or maybe he's never had an ear for politics?
Story here.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
George Will leaves Republican Party over Trump: You know, the guy who predicted Mitt Romney to win in a landslide
Look up "tin ear for politics" and you will find George Will's picture: 321 Romney to 217 Obama, reported here November 4, 2012.
He's also a Cubs fan and an atheist, which somehow makes perfect sense: George Will believes in lost causes.
Daily Caller,
Donald Trump 2016,
George Will,
Mitt Romney 2016,
tin ears
Saturday, January 16, 2016
Larry Kudlow today on his radio show repeatedly criticized Ted Cruz' attack on New York values
The Larry Kudlow Show is available by podcast at
Unlike fellow Jew Mark Levin, Kudlow found Cruz' debate remarks thoroughly reprehensible and repeatedly called on Cruz to apologize to New Yorkers.
Cruz already is doubling down, however, saying Americans don't want the rest of the country to become like liberal Manhattan.
Cruz is making a big mistake about New York. It shows he has a tin ear for politics. Americans everywhere admire New Yorkers' pluck in the face of adversity, their heroism and determination. It is politically senseless to ask such people to choose now between Ted Cruz and New York when they already have spoken their affection for the city that never sleeps.
Americans will never love Ted Cruz as much as they already love New York.
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Pittsburgh's Salena Zito thinks shouting "Enough" is a right-wing racist mob phenomenon only because Hillary's not good at it
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Inciting her own racist mob to little effect |
In "Let Us Not Be Consumed by the Mob" under a nice big picture of Donald Trump:
'Every political movement has a tipping point. It goes too far, or it loses its original purpose — or it becomes so self-enamored, under the influence of anger and mob rule, that ugliness shades all the good of its original intent. Such is true of the populism that peaked this summer in America. Years of incompetency and a tin ear at the White House, along with a Republican-controlled Congress accused of not accomplishing much, drove people to figuratively or literally shout, “Enough is enough!” ... With Donald Trump's emergence, and with a chorus of talk-radio hosts suddenly behind him, the mob-rule crowd deems everyone who was ever elected to office (with the exception of Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas) to be a Republican-in-name-only or part of a dark establishment cult intent on crushing the souls of average white voters. ... The mob-rule crowd gnaws on any piece of political red meat thrown out as truth, never checking to see what kind of flesh it just consumed. None of this represents true conservatism. All of it is pure populism, and it is radically contaminating conservatism's values.'
Hillary 2016,
Party of Violence,
Salena Zito,
Ted Cruz,
tin ears,
white vote
Monday, March 16, 2015
The completely daft and utterly ridiculous political news suitable only for a Monday: Lindsey Grahamnesty for president!
The story here about John McCain's closest ally says he's going to explore a run for president for a couple of months.
And just to show old Lindsey hasn't completely cornered the market on tin ears:
"[P]otential rival Rick Perry, the former Texas governor, last week noted he takes advice from Graham on foreign affairs."
The only way I can imagine those three characters together is with Rick Perry holding a bottle in one hand and a six shooter in the other telling those two lovebirds to start dancing.
The only way I can imagine those three characters together is with Rick Perry holding a bottle in one hand and a six shooter in the other telling those two lovebirds to start dancing.
John Mccain,
Lindsey Graham,
Rick Perry,
tin ears
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Maybe Senator Jon "Tin Ear" Kyl really wants Republicans to lose next week
Here is the former Senator from Arizona Republican Jon Kyl in The Wall Street Journal (where else?) just days before the Republicans are about to take back the Senate PUTTING HIS FOOT IN IT, complaining about the Boehner/Obama tax compromise because in his view it really penalized the middle class. It's almost as if he doesn't want Republicans to win next week:
Most workers’ pay has not kept up with inflation for at least six years. ... Why aren’t wages rising? ... [O]ne factor is often overlooked: the tax increase on “the rich” at the beginning of 2013. How could higher taxes on the top 2% or 3% hurt the middle class? ... When the government takes more, there is less to plow back into the business or invest elsewhere.
Weren't these tax rates the Bush tax rates? Weren't Republicans trying to get them made permanent for years, without success until Boehner came along? If they were so bad for the middle class, why did Republicans pass them in the first place?
Let's see, when we had these tax rates up through the late financial panic, including the lower capital gains tax rates, the first thing businesses did under them was fire everybody to save their sorry behinds. They didn't care about the workers then, and they sure as hell don't now. Millions have abandoned the workforce as a result and won't be returning.
Meanwhile, the all items CPI is up 8.8% over the last six years, while average hourly earnings of all private employees still working is up 12.75% over the same period. Note to Kyl: please pick a metric which makes your point without contradiction.
And then there's the tax rate he is so upset about, which affects the top 0.42% only, all single filers making in excess of $406,751 in 2014. That top tax bracket now pays a higher capital gains tax rate on long term gains at 20% instead of 15% under the compromise, but for some reason Kyl is too sheepish to mention this is a 33% tax hike. Apparently he's too embarrassed to be that specific, because in terms of individual wage earners in 2013 that might affect just barely 520,000 individuals, who are at the very top of the heap of 155.77 million wage earners.
Way to go, Kyl. Paint the Republicans as the party of the rich. The Democrats must love you because they will be more than happy to claim that wages are up because they raised taxes on the rich.
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