Showing posts with label cocaine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cocaine. Show all posts

Friday, July 27, 2018

The lunatics at the Cato Institute admit fiscal windfalls would come from legalizing heroin and cocaine, not marijuana

"[A]lthough media outlets and policymakers mostly focus on marijuana, the majority of budgetary gains would likely come from legalizing heroin and cocaine."

There are even bigger windfalls from ending defense spending, until you're overrun by the enemy. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hooah Jim Geraghty!

Government doesn’t louse up everything, but it sure louses up a lot of what it promises to deliver:

from the Big Dig to;

from letting veterans die waiting for health care to failing to prioritize the levees around New Orleans and funding other projects instead;

from 9/11 to the failure to see the housing bubble that precipitated the Great Recession;

from misconduct in the Secret Service to the IRS targeting conservative groups;

from lavish conferences at the General Services Administration to the Solyndra grants;

from the runaway costs of California’s high-speed-rail project to Operation Fast and Furious;

from the OPM breach to giving Hezbollah a pass on trafficking cocaine.

The federal government has an abysmal record of abusing the public’s trust, finances, and its own authority. Now some people want it to take on a bigger role? If you want to enact a massive overhaul of America’s economy and government to redistribute wealth, you first have to demonstrate that you can accomplish something smaller, like ensuring every veteran gets adequate care. Until then, if you want to live like a Norwegian, buy a plane ticket.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Muslim attacker at Orly Airport is a dead hypocrite

Notice how quickly the French get the toxicology report finished, here:

Yelling that he wanted to kill and die for Allah, according to the Paris prosecutor, Ziyed Ben Belgacem can be seeing trying to wrestle away the soldier's assault rifle near the small cluster of people. ...

Earlier Saturday, a police officer was shot in the face with birdshot when officers stopped Belgacem for a traffic violation.

Authorities say Belgacem, a 39-year-old Frenchman, had a long criminal record of drug and robbery offenses.

Autopsy toxicology tests found traces of cocaine and cannabis in Belgacem's blood, according to the Paris prosecutors' office. He also had 0.93 grams of alcohol per liter of blood when he died Saturday, the prosecutors' office said. That is nearly twice the legal limit for driving in France.

In an interview Sunday with French radio Europe 1, a man identified as the suspect's father said that Belgacem wasn't a practicing Muslim and drank alcohol.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bipolar diseased WaPo publishes sympathetic "hit piece" on Marco Rubio

In which you're meant to wonder how one family can produce a viable candidate for the presidency but also a cocaine dealer.

The heroine through it all is Marco's sister, and frankly it's none of our damn business.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Chris Plante: Hunter Biden exposed in Ashley Madison hack

Reports Plante on the air just now:

The son of Joe Biden denies it, says Putin or somebody fabricated it, says he's dropped the email address. Hunter Biden has an unusual business interest in Ukraine.


ABC News helpfully reminded everyone in the story about the hack that Hunter had left the Navy in 2014 under a cloud for testing positive for cocaine in 2013.

Breitbart reported here that his Ashley Madison profile was set up on June 17, 2014, four months after his discharge.

CNN reported here last October (!) that Biden was discharged in February (!) 2014.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Avowed liberal and Democrat, actor Robin Williams, supposedly commits suicide

Nikki Finke here:

The actor suffered a lifelong struggle with depression, alcohol and drugs. After starting his battle with addiction in the 1970s he once explained it this way: "Cocaine for me was a place to hide. Most people get hyper on coke. It slowed me down." ... [A]vowed liberal and Democrat, Williams was a frequent supporter of and contributor to progressive causes and campaigns.


Some people would say self-destructive behavior ending in suicide is the logical conclusion of liberalism, and that Robin Williams simply finally realized that.

We'll see if it really was suicide.

I for one think the liberalism is an artifact in this case. It's more an example of the tragic hero whose incredible gift almost depended on a deeply profound curse from which it derived its sheer magnitude and excellence, a bipolar extremism which few can imagine or understand who haven't experienced it for themselves.