Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Monday, February 19, 2024

Bloomberg: Covid vaccine study of 99 million vaccinated people in 8 countries proves there were vaccine injuries

 I use ... and [  ] to weed out and address some of the propaganda still displayed in this slanted and quite abbreviated story, here, which still tries to minimize the danger inherent in these vaccines:

 Vaccines ... against ... a coronavirus infection were linked to small increases in neurological, blood, and heart-related conditions in the largest global vaccine safety study to date.

The rare events — identified early in the pandemic [but systematically minimized, questioned, vilified, and censored] — included a higher risk of heart-related inflammation from mRNA shots made by Pfizer Inc., BioNTech SE, and Moderna Inc., and an increased risk of a type of blood clot in the brain after immunization with viral-vector vaccines such as the one developed by the University of Oxford and made by AstraZeneca Plc. ...

The new research, by the Global Vaccine Data Network, was published in the journal Vaccine last week, with the data made available via interactive dashboards to show methodology and specific findings. ...

Myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart muscle, was consistently identified following a first, second and third dose of mRNA vaccines, the study found. The highest increase in the observed-to-expected ratio was seen after a second jab with the Moderna shot. A first and fourth dose of the same vaccine was also tied to an increase in pericarditis, or inflammation of the thin sac covering the heart. 

The study vindicates the many European countries which stopped recommending the shots for young men under the age of 40, but the story doesn't mention this.

The story laughably claims 1 million lives in Europe alone were saved compared with 13.5 billion doses administered worldwide, which is an improper comparison on its face. 

Over 3 million people in Michigan alone never got one single jab and OMG they are still alive.


Friday, February 24, 2023

Power outage due to ice storm just gets worse for Consumers Energy customers in Michigan, so they run PR ads on YouTube while it's happening

 Earlier in the day there were 137k without power.

Tonight there are 139k. 

I wouldn't have thought about it again today but for the YouTube ad which interrupted my evening video.

Consumers Energy should spend more money actually helping people instead of running a propaganda operation.

People are freezing their butts down there. It's 25F in the outage area.

DTE in the Detroit area is actually making some progress restoring power. Looks like ~200k have been restored since earlier in the day, but hundreds of thousands remain without power.



Saturday, March 5, 2022

The biggest cuck of the moment is Rod Dreher of The American Conservative, prophet of coming soft totalitarianism to The West

Rod Dreher retweets a whiny guy with kids who thinks boomers are dogshit, a Canadian who is intimidated by a Russian circus act training with a bear, and a Russian propaganda map of Ukraine showing "the advance of our troops".

All in the last 24 hours.

He's in Spain and Hungary enjoying the cafe life for Lent.


Tuesday, February 1, 2022

An astounding 20.3 million breakthrough cases in January 2022 in the US . . .

. . . but only 62,021 deaths (data is New York Times).

211.05 million people in the United States are fully vaccinated as of January 31, 63.6% of the country, and it's still the fourth worst month of the pandemic for deaths so far. There were an astounding almost 655,000 new cases per day in January. The US ranks 27th worst for confirmed cases/million. The vaccines are a spectacular failure, but everyone pretends the emperor isn't walking around naked.

After all this time, effort, expense, and incessant propaganda about the efficacy of the vaccines, the US still ranks 17th worst in the world for deaths per million of population. Pretty damn pathetic for the most advanced nation on the planet.












Wildcats cheerleaders have only one thing to say.

You ugly!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

On Sep 10 the CDC admitted that breakthrough cases have more than tripled in June-July compared to April-June, breakthrough hospitalizations and deaths doubled

None dare call it vaccine failure. CDC just calls it lower VE, vaccine effectiveness.

It's buried in paragraph 10:

During April 4–June 19, fully vaccinated persons accounted for 5% of cases, 7% of hospitalizations, and 8% of deaths overall; these percentages were higher during June 20–July 17 (18%, 14%, and 16%, respectively).

Using the reported 37% vaccination coverage for the 13 jurisdictions during April 4–June 19 and an assumption of 90% VE, vaccinated persons would have been expected to account for 6% of cases (close to the 5% observed). With 53% coverage reported during June 20–July 17, vaccinated persons were expected to account for 10% of cases at a constant VE of 90%; the observed 18% would have been expected at a lower VE of 80%.

So as the vaccines wear off, even though you have increased vaccine coverage in the interim, meaning the percentage of the population vaccinated has increased, you get more breakthrough cases, more hospitalizations, and more deaths than you would earlier with less "coverage" because vaccine effectiveness was previously stronger.

In other words, the absence of breakthrough cases early in the mass vaccination effort was simply an illusion, an artifact of not enough time having passed for the VE to decay.

CNN reports the sad story of a 66 year old immunocompromised mother who died of COVID-19 in early September even though she was fully vaccinated in March. She had traveled to Mississippi in July. In her obituary her family blames the unvaccinated in Mississippi for her death.

That's appalling, because waning vaccine effectiveness is to blame, along with her misplaced faith in the vaccines, derived from the 24/7 propaganda sales campaign of the CDC, the federal government and the medical establishment, which have whipped up an hysteria about getting vacccinated to avoid a serious outcome, an outcome which it is increasingly clear this vaccine cannot provide over the long haul.

That's why the booster shot is being teed up.

But the way this is going, you are going to need a booster every few months for the damn thing to do you any good.

And at this point no one knows whether that will be dangerous or not.

But know this. The Powers That Be have heard the objections at the FDA that the most serious side effects to the vaccines come after the second shot. What will happen after a third? A fourth? A fifth? 

They do NOT KNOW.

The vaccines do not make you bullet-proof. The vaccines wear off. And your misplaced faith in them means you can spread the virus asymptomatically, as the July 4 study in Provincetown showed, and eventually you can become more vulnerable to getting COVID-19 yourself.


Wednesday, July 28, 2021

The CDC Follies

First we were told, most publicly by Fauci in February 2020, that masks won't protect you from the COVID virus. Wash your hands, we were told. Fauci lied to us because PPE was in short supply and was needed by hospitals. They were trying to conserve supplies for hospital workers, because masks work in hospitals, you know.

After the first hospitalization wave subsided, masking gradually became cool again. People wanted to get out and about, so wearing a mask and practicing social distancing became the default position. The authorities realized this would help to keep a lid on things while vaccines were developing.

America divided over this politically, to state the obvious.

When the vaccines began to roll out in late December, the same psychology took over. The vaccine, like a mask, became a ticket back to normalcy. At first, however, the CDC had said a mask would still be necessary after vaccination, but eventually bowed to pressure from freedom advocates, and to overcome the vaccine hesitancy into which the advice to keep wearing a mask kept feeding. The authorities finally relented in May after vaccination enthusiasm had peaked in April and declined quickly, and said the vaccinated could in fact retire their masks after all.
This was too little, too late.
The share of population dosed at least once moved fewer than ten points from mid-May to July 4th, from 47% to 55%. 

The Biden administration severely undershot its goal of 70% vaccinated by July 4th. It completely miscalculated that vaccine enthusiasm would peak in mid-April.

But now, two months since May, the CDC today is back to saying that masking is necessary after vaccination, ostensibly because the India variant is so virulent that even vaccinated people could still catch it and transmit it.
Talk about poking the hornets' nest.
The real reason is that breakthrough cases at elite levels are calling attention to a wider spread phenomenon everyone knows about anecdotally but can't quantify because the CDC in May conveniently refused to count all the breakthrough cases like it counts cases generally. These vaccines are failing all over the place in the basic sense of preventing illness.
Of course, this isn't going to convince anyone to get vaccinated, because vaccines are supposed to prevent illness, and if they aren't, well, why bother?
These aren't real vaccines like the childhood vaccines are real vaccines. Their power peters out quickly and people can and do get COVID-19 anyway. At best these are therapeutic medications which might turn out to be appropriate for certain people, but certainly not as a panacea for the whole nation.
NBC actually did a pretty good story laying out many of these details, here, draped in the usual propaganda.
The future outlook, unfortunately, remains very uncertain.


Monday, July 26, 2021

You idiots who attend the Vaccine Church have just helped mint 9 new pharma-billionaires

Pandemic sweeps the nation.

Fascist America under Trump mobilizes pharmaceutical industry to rush vaccines into development, investing billions of dollars in the efforts.

Industry resurrects a discredited drug delivery mechanism and calls it a vaccine. Smelling $$$, it prepares for mass vaccination but doesn't run trials proportionate to that effort, and then cuts off the placebo arm prematurely, making a complete hash of it.

Government gives Emergency Use Authorization, not FDA Approval, to permit these corporations to experiment on the US population during an "emergency".

The corporations, and the government, are exempted from liability.

A fearful population whipped into a hysteria by propaganda paid for with borrowed dollars lines up like sheep to take the vaccine under a new administration but the same old fascism.

Presto! 9 new billionaires:

The 9 new vaccine billionaires, in order of their net worth are: 

  1. Stéphane Bancel, Moderna’s CEO (worth $4.3 billion)
  2. Ugur Sahin, CEO and co-founder of BioNTech (worth $4 billion)
  3. Timothy Springer, an immunologist and founding investor of Moderna (worth $2.2bn)
  4. Noubar Afeyan, Moderna’s Chairman (worth $1.9 billion)
  5. Juan Lopez-Belmonte, Chairman of ROVI, a company with a deal to manufacture and package the Moderna vaccine (worth $1.8 billion)
  6. Robert Langer, a scientist and founding investor in Moderna (worth $1.6 billion)
  7. Zhu Tao, co-founder and chief scientific officer at CanSino Biologics (worth $1.3 billion)
  8. Qiu Dongxu, co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics (worth $1.2)
  9. Mao Huihua, also co-founder and senior vice president at CanSino Biologics (worth $1 billion)

The 8 vaccine billionaires who saw their wealth increase are:
Name Role/description $ billions 2021 $ billions 2020
Jiang Rensheng & family Chair, Zhifei Biological products $ 24.40 $ 7.60
Cyrus Poonawalla Founder, Serum Institute of India $ 12.70 $ 8.20
Tse Ping Sinopharm $ 8.90 $ 7.30
Wu Guanjiang Co-founder, Zhifei Biological products $ 5.10 $ 1.80
Thomas Struengmann & family Portfolio includes Germany's BioNTech and Uruguay's Mega Pharma $ 11.00 $ 9.60
Andreas Struengmann & family Portfolio includes Germany's BioNTech and Uruguay's Mega Pharma $ 11.00 $ 9.60
Pankaj Patel Controls listed company Cadila Healthcare. The company now manufactures drugs to treat Covid-19 such as Remdesivir from Gilead. Its Covid-19 vaccine, ZyCoV-D, is undergoing clinical trials. $ 5.00 $ 2.90
Patrick Soon-ShiongImmunityBio - selected for the US federal government's "Operation Warp Speed" to help quickly develop a Covid-19 vaccine.$ 7.50$ 6.40

Sunday, June 13, 2021

US COVID-19 charts update for Sunday 6/13/21

 Alles in Ordnung.

Cases per million are steady at the new lows.

Deaths per million continue to fall to new lows.

Hospitalizations are almost 10 times lower than they were at the peak in January.

Test positivity is bouncing off the bottom at 2%.

Despite non-stop vaccination propaganda, the curve is bending with not quite 52% having received at least one dose.

Click on any chart to enlarge.

The UK variant continues to dominate in every US state, with prevalence well over 50% in most places. The latest scare from Fauci is about an India variant, but so far prevalence of an India variant is highest only in Arkansas at 10.1%. A Brazilian variant has 25.1% prevalence in Illinois. New York variants are prevalent in a range of 20-22% in New York, New Jersey, and North Carolina.


Friday, May 28, 2021

WAPo calls Chicom propaganda that coronavirus came from Fort Detrick, Maryland, "baseless"

 I don't think so.

This is the same WAPo which highlighted an unexplained outbreak of a respiratory virus in Virginia, just across the border from the Fort Detrick biodefense facility, in June-July 2019, which killed 3 and hospitalized and sickened dozens more. The CDC concluded in late July 2019 that a "common cold" virus was to blame in the outbreak.

Hm, imagine that. But don't think about it too long. The investigative reporting on the right wants us to concentrate on a possible outbreak at the Wuhan lab, which, by the way, wasn't a Wall Street Journal scoop. An Australian journalist had the story already in March.

Meanwhile the CDC temporarily shut down the US Army part of the Fort Detrick operation in August 2019, just a month after the Virginia outbreak, for numerous safety and other violations, not the least of which was an incomplete inventory of agents. The latter problem seems to be chronic at Fort Detrick. The place was similarly cited way back in 2009.

And Congress was deliberately kept out of the loop.

What else is Fort Detrick famous for, besides bioweapons research long ago supposedly abandoned by the US government? 

In 2001 a bunch of people were killed by anthrax mailed in letters shortly after the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. The anthrax was traced to Fort Detrick.

Robert Mueller and James Comey infamously fingered the wrong guy for those anthrax attacks, who was later compensated millions and exonerated. The true culprit was a senior scientist at United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Maryland, Bruce Ivins, who committed suicide in 2008 before our incompetent FBI could arrest him, seven years after the crimes.

What other nutjobs are still working in sensitive positions in our government? 

In light of recent testimony by Anthony Fauci to Congress that he couldn't guarantee that NIH funds awarded to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through a third party were not used for gain of function research to weaponize viruses, you have to open your eyes to the fact of long-standing and intimate cooperation of US researchers with their Chinese counterparts. Chinese "scientists" are all over the place at American universities and research institutions, including at Fort Detrick, where their American counterparts seem all too often unruffled by the security implications. They are all also all dependent on US government, including military, funding for their livelihoods, as well as on funding from what President Eisenhower once warned us about, the military-industrial complex.

I don't believe any of these people as far as I can throw them.

We know the Chicoms were working on coronavirus. But it's not outside the realm of possibility that one of the inventory lacunae at Fort Detrick was the coronavirus, too. Was it just a coincidence that there was an outbreak of coronavirus-like disease in Virginia in the summer of 2019? CDC should be forced to reveal more.

The American elites who work on this stuff have all the same incentives to keep it all secret as the Chinese do. American scientists are thick as thieves with the Chinese. The fact is they are in this together, and we are the helpless bystanders on the outside. My estimation is they have too much to lose to tell the truth to the American people. Money trumps patriotism. 

As U.S. calls for focus on covid origins, China repeats speculation about U.S. military base:

Zhao, one of the country’s most notoriously hawkish diplomats, referenced a U.S. military location that has been baselessly linked to the coronavirus outbreak by Chinese media.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Despite non-stop recruitment propaganda, the LGBT share of the US population rises to only 5.6%, and most of that is bi, and most of that is female

5.6% of US adults are LGBT, up from 4.5% in 2017.

3.1% of Americans identify as bisexual, 1.4% as gay, 0.7% as lesbian and 0.6% as transgender.


The rise in Americans saying they are bisexual is driven by women:

[O]ver 3% of US adults say they are bisexual (a sexual identity in which someone is attracted to people of their gender or other genders). This is up from just over 1% in 2008. (The GSS allowed individuals to self-classify as “heterosexual or straight,” “gay, lesbian, homosexual,” “bisexual,” or “don’t know.”) An analysis of the GSS data by the sociologists D’Lane Compton and Tristan Bridges shows that the change has been almost entirely due to an increase in the number of bisexual women . . .. 

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Good news: Commie American Federation of Teachers finally dumps slavery propaganda as number one agenda item, replaces it with climate crisis propaganda

Progress, as in progressivism (a word my white privileged, carbon-consuming, capitalist spell checker underlines in red, appropriately).

Sunday, December 1, 2019

DPRK News Service drops mask in rare display of counter-revolutionary personal gloating after second victory over US propaganda organs

The victory belongs to all the people of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, not just you.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Robin Munro: The Tiananmen massacre was not primarily of the students, rather the workers, not in the Square but citywide in Beijing

Remembering Tiananmen Square:

Western criticisms based on a false version of the clearing of Tiananmen Square have handed the butchers of Beijing needless propaganda victories in the U.N. and elsewhere. ... By May 17, the sight of as many as 2,000 idealistic young students collapsing from heat and starvation brought more than a million ordinary Beijing citizens into the square in a moving display of human solidarity. “The students speak on behalf of all of us,” they would tell any foreigner who cared to listen. 

Having been passive spectators, the laobaixing now began to act as a bastion of active support for the students, bringing food and other supplies to the square on a round-the-clock basis. This specter of emerging cross-class solidarity led directly to the authorities’ decision to impose martial law in Beijing on May 20. ...

Action groups formed spontaneously throughout Beijing. ... The laobaixing were now in a posture of peaceful, nonviolent but direct confrontation with the government and army, and similar “turmoil”—to use the party’s term—rapidly emerged in dozens of other cities. Moreover, the laobaixing were beginning to articulate their own grievances. ...

However, the birth of the Beijing Workers’ Autonomous Federation a few days after the abortive imposition of martial law posed a much greater threat. That is because this group, headquartered in a couple of scruffy tents in the northwest corner of Tiananmen Square, raised an issue that had been taboo in China since 1949: the right of workers to engage in independent labor organization and self-representation. Such a demand struck at the very core of the Chinese Communist state, for the party’s main claim to legitimacy is that it rules in the name and interests of the “laboring masses.” Although its active membership remained relatively small, its formal membership soared during the first few days of June, reaching a peak of more than 10,000 enrollments after three of its leaders were secretly arrested on May 29.

Autonomous workers’ groups quickly sprang up in most of China’s major cities. This was the “cancer cell” that the authorities had feared from the outset would appear if legal recognition were ever to be conferred on the student organizations. In the government’s eyes, if the statue of the Goddess of Democracy, erected in the square at the end of May, represented the arrogant defiance of the students and the symbolic intrusion of “bourgeois liberalism” and “Western subversion” into the sacred heart of Communist rule, the crude red-and-black banner of the Beijing Workers’ Autonomous Federation, not a hundred yards away from the goddess, represented the terrifying power of the workers awakened.

Both had to be crushed, and the rapidly defecting party apparatus had to be frightened and shocked back into line.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

US Chamber of Commerce strategist predicts Republicans keep US House 222-213

The current US House is controlled by Republicans 236-193.

To galvanize their voters, Republicans are airing attack ads that argue Democrats would target Trump and Kavanaugh, unleash mob rule and threaten cultural values. "Closing with a little fear," said Scott Reed, senior political strategist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, describing the GOP approach. Reed predicted that Republicans would keep their losses to 20 House seats, just under the 23 Democrats need to return to power. Republicans are favored to hold their majority in the Senate, which stands at 51-49. 

The WaPo typist of this article for the Democrat Party leads off with some amusing fantasies:

Underscoring the fast-changing political fortunes are the cold calculations by both parties in the final days.
The GOP is redirecting $1 million from a suburban district in Colorado to Florida, bailing on incumbent Rep. Mike Coffman to try to hold an open seat in Miami. Democrat Donna Shalala, a former Health and Human Services secretary in the Clinton administration, is struggling to break away from Maria Elvira Salazar, a Cuban American and former television anchor, in a district Hillary Clinton won by nearly 20 points.

Republicans have also pulled back in a Democratic-held open seat in Nevada that includes some of the suburbs of Las Vegas. Clinton won there, as well.

Democrats, meanwhile, are cutting funds in a GOP-held district in Nebraska and a Democratic-held district in northern Minnesota, two places Trump won. The latter represents one of the GOP's best chances to flip a seat from blue to red.

Start with Coffman's Republican seat in CO-6.

It was slated to go Democrat already over a month ago at Real Clear Politics when I checked on September 17th. And it had been a toss-up on September 10th. Whatever's happening with the money there, CO-6's shift toward the Democrat is not part of "fast-changing political fortunes . . . in the final days". The shift occurred much earlier.

As for Donna Shalala in FL-27 (Clinton retread!), she isn't "struggling to break away from Maria Elvira Salazar". Her support there has been ERODING, from likely Democrat in early September to leans Democrat in mid-September to toss-up in mid-October. The Republican Salazar is actually ahead there in the only poll available. The recent movement is all toward the Republican.

Same thing with the open Democrat seat in NV-3. Whatever the parties are doing with their money, the seat has been in the Democrat column for well over a month, since September 10th. But today it's a toss-up. The movement has been toward the Republican, but you would never know that from this propaganda piece.

And why mention Democrats shifting money out of Nebraska? Oooh Mable, look at that! Nebraska doesn't even have a seat on anybody's radar because there isn't one, but saying so makes it seem like there is, deep in the heart of Republican flyover country. The mission is to demoralize Republicans with this stuff, made up out of whole cloth. The Republican Bacon in NE-2 is ahead by nine points.

MN-8 is also instructive. It's not just that Republicans have there "a chance to flip a seat". The Democrat candidate there was +1 to begin September in the NYTimes poll. By mid-October the same poll has the Republican +15. Again, the direction is (massively in this instance) toward the Republican.

Of ten specific races identified in the story, I put six in the Republican column (NE-2, FL-27, MN-8, MI-6 [the Democrats' own latest poll there has Upton up by three], MN-1 and TX-23), one in the Democrat column (CO-6), and three in the toss-ups (NV-3, KY-6, PA-1).


Looks more like a Republican wave, not an ebbing Democrat wave.

Pollsters on both sides agree: Bye Bye Blue Wave

Like it ever existed in the first place.

The Blue Wave was a joint creation of the Democrat Party and its allies in "communications", which is to say it was manufactured out of whole cloth for anyone who still happened to turn on the TV or the radio to get "the news". The number one objective? Demoralize the electorate which made Trump president. The polling operations funded by the Democrat media provided "proof". Like the cell phone towers which litter the American landscape, their websites became the online repeaters of this "information".

The point of this propaganda was to create the wave, not report on it.

Some polling operations were more honest, or stumbled into the truth.

Rasmussen has had the race tied twice, as far back as mid-August and also in early October (Christine Blasey Ford testified and Brett Kavanaugh defended himself on September 27th, flipping the poll from Dems +5 to Tied by October 4th).

Investors Business Daily had the race tied already in late July.

Rasmussen has had the race as close as Democrats +1 way back in May.

So did Reuters/Ipsos.

Just remember folks. For every 108 members of Communications faculties in America's colleges and universities, there are exactly ZERO registered Republicans among them.

Just about everyone you listen to in this country for information, from the time you're in kindergarten all the way to the retirement home, is a registered Democrat, or was "informed" by one.

Steve Liesman, here, getting out in front of the lies to burnish CNBC's credibility:

The latest CNBC All-America Economic Survey offers mixed signals, but leans against a wave Democratic election like ... those that swept Republicans to power in 2010 and 2014. ... "A six point differential is not something that's going to cause a big electoral wave," said Micah Roberts, the Republican pollster on the CNBC poll, a partner Public Opinion Strategies. "Economic confidence that people have among a lot of groups is providing a buffer" for Republicans. ... Jay Campbell, the Democratic pollster for the survey and a partner with Hart Research Associates, is skeptical of a wave for the Democrats, saying the six-point advantage is "not enough to suggest this is going to be a massive wave election a la 2010." Campbell did add that the survey found a large 17 percent of undecided voters who will be critical to the outcome.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

AM radio's incessant propagandists for women and LGBTs of the Ad Council lied in 2012 that they created Rosie the Riveter

And their lie remains on the record, here at HuffPo, because, you know, women can never lie:

“Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires.” “Friends Don’t Let Friends Drive Drunk.” “Loose Lips Sink Ships.” “Take a Bite Out of Crime. “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste.” You’ve heard these slogans, right? Whether you’re old enough to remember them or they’re familiar because they’ve seeped through our popular culture (Rosie the Riveter paraphernalia is everywhere these days), they ring a bell. They’re memorable and iconic. And they were created by the Ad Council. ... You know about Rosie the Riveter, but did you know that she helped recruit over two million women to join the workforce during the war?

But this so-called Rosie the Riveter isn't Rosie, and wasn't created until 1943, and not by the Ad Council but by Westinghouse's artist, a man, J. Howard Miller, for internal use only and was little seen:

"We Can Do It!" is an American World War II wartime poster produced by J. Howard Miller in 1943 for Westinghouse Electric as an inspirational image to boost worker morale. The poster was very little seen during World War II. It was rediscovered in the early 1980s and widely reproduced in many forms, often called "We Can Do It!" but also called "Rosie the Riveter" after the iconic figure of a strong female war production worker. The "We Can Do It!" image was used to promote feminism and other political issues beginning in the 1980s. ... [D]uring the war the image was strictly internal to Westinghouse, displayed only during February 1943, and was not for recruitment but to exhort already-hired women to work harder. ... No more than 1,800 copies of the 17-by-22-inch (559 by 432 mm) "We Can Do It!" poster were printed. It was not initially seen beyond several Westinghouse factories in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and the midwestern U.S., where it was scheduled to be displayed for two five-day work weeks starting Monday, February 15, 1943. ... During World War II, the "We Can Do It!" poster was not connected to the 1942 song "Rosie the Riveter", nor to the widely seen Norman Rockwell painting called Rosie the Riveter that appeared on the cover of the Memorial Day issue of the Saturday Evening Post, May 29, 1943. The Westinghouse poster was not associated with any of the women nicknamed "Rosie" who came forward to promote women working for war production on the home front. Rather, after being displayed for two weeks in February 1943 to some Westinghouse factory workers, it disappeared for nearly four decades.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Dinesh D'Souza's new movie "Death of a Nation" popularizes research by James Q. Whitman of Yale

Published in early 2017, Yale Law School said of the book at the time:

"[T]here is much evidence of deep Nazi engagement with American race law in the early 1930s—too much to ignore."

A reviewer for Inside Higher Ed here was clearly disgusted with what he had learned from the book:

Many people will take the very title as an affront. But it’s the historical reality the book discloses that proves much harder to digest. The author does not seem prone to sensationalism. ...

Hitler’s American Model is scholarship and not an editorial traveling incognito. Its pages contain many really offensive statements about American history and its social legacy. But those statements are all from primary sources -- statements about America, made by Nazis, usually in the form of compliments. ...

A stenographic transcript from 1934 provides Whitman’s most impressive evidence of how closely Nazi lawyers and functionaries had studied American racial jurisprudence. A meeting of the Commission on Criminal Law Reform “involved repeated and detailed discussion of the American example, from its very opening moments,” Whitman writes, including debate between Nazi radicals and what we’d have to call, by default, Nazi moderates.

The moderates insisted on stare decisis:

The moderates argued that legal tradition required consistency. Any new statute forbidding mixed-race marriages had to be constructed in accord with the one existing precedent for treating a marriage as criminal: the law against bigamy. This would have been a bit of a stretch, and the moderates preferred letting the propaganda experts discourage interracial romance rather than making it a police matter. The radicals were working from a different conceptual tool kit. ...

The lawyers whom Whitman identifies as Nazi radicals seemed to appreciate how indifferent the American states were to German standards of rigor. True, the U.S. laws showed a lamentable indifference to Jews and Gentiles marrying. But otherwise they were as racist as anything the führer could want.