Friday, June 17, 2022

What rot from AP Obama: "Watergate and Jan. 6 are rooted in the same ancient thirst for power at any cost"

 "Two presidents tried an end run around democracy."

Give me a break.

Presidents are term-limited by the constitution. Even if by hook or by crook one of them managed to steal his reelection, out he goes after that because it says so. Everyone agrees with this. No one questions it. No president would get away with staying in office one day longer than the second term permits.

If you want to see the ancient thirst for power, look at the Seniority list for the US House. 

Some of those placeholders have been holding on to power there for decades.

Seven go back to the 1980s.

Thirty-eight go back to the 1990s.

Sixty-eight go back to the 2000s.

They've watched presidents come and go since Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton.

Of the top fifty by seniority, just eleven are Republicans.

Of the top 113, just thirty-eight are Republicans.

75 remaining senior Democrats are the foundation in the House of the people pressing their power hungry vendetta against the private citizen, Donald Trump. They are also the foundation in the House of the people robbing Americans blind and putting the country $30 trillion in debt.

What we have is a tyranny of the legislative. An imperial presidency isn't even in sight.

The only coup in view is the cuckoo who wrote this story.