Tuesday, June 28, 2022

LOL, Danish parents furious after vaccine announcement from Søren Brostrøm, Director General of the Danish Health Authority

 Søren Brostrøm admitted on Wednesday that we "in retrospect did not get much out of the expansion of the vaccination program for children - at least not when it comes to epidemic control, which was otherwise the purpose of doing so. We have become wiser and we would not do the same today". ...

In June 2021, the National Board of Health chose to recommend corona vaccines for children aged 12-15 years. In November, a recommendation followed to also vaccinate children aged 5-11 years. ...

Søren Brostrøm admits to TV 2 that it all "went very fast" when the vaccine program was rolled out in Denmark. ...

"I understand well that there are some who think: 'Okay, here is an authority that now admits that they have made a mistake or that they would have done something else'. I understand that. But I would like to ask people to consider whether they would rather have had an authority that does not admit its mistakes?"

The whole thing in Danish is here.

Too bad we don't have a health authority in the United States which admits its mistakes.