Thursday, February 24, 2022

And just like that we have a Russian invasion of Ukraine from every direction

 Vladimir Putin obviously cares less about the money he can make off oil exports than he does about reincorporating Ukraine into Russia.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

LOL, Adolf Trudeau revokes invocation of Canada's Emergencies Act as Senate of Canada debate reveals he didn't have the votes from fellow liberals




The wonder was this lasted 9 days, but hey, Canadians move more slowly because it's cold up there.

As of February 15 Omicron dominates every US state



Your body can travel at very high speed to lots of places in China, but your thoughts and words can't


Adolf Trudeau, phony baloney plastic banana good time rock 'n rolla


CDC was able to scrub its website of the traditional definition of a vaccine last July, but it couldn't scrub the internet


Massachusetts now reports 2,346 total cumulative breakthrough deaths, 2,240 of which have occurred since the end of July 2021, 44.5% of all COVID-19 deaths since that time

Massachusetts total COVID deaths on 7/30/21: 18,082
Massachusetts total COVID deaths on 2/19/22: 23,109
Difference: 5,027 total COVID deaths since last July
Breakthrough deaths on 2/19/22: 2,346
Breakthrough deaths by 7/30/21: 106
Difference: 2,240 breakthrough deaths since last July (44.559% of all the COVID deaths over the period)
Nice vaccine you got there.
The liars with statistics try to dilute the significance of this failure by inflating the denominator by using either total deaths or total vaccinations from time immemorial. What counts is the durability of the vaccines over time, and it is crystal clear that breakthrough deaths are not a small percentage of the COVID deaths which have occurred since Delta took over last summer.
The vaccines are not durable by any traditional definition of a vaccine, which is why CDC removed the traditional definition at the end of July when Provincetown proved the mRNA vaccines don't stop the spread and don't prevent disease.

CDC is guilty of scandalous lies.


Vaccines reduce serious outcomes, they say

US COVID-19 deaths by 1/20/21: 406,216

Number dosed in the US by 1/20/21: 18.9 million

US COVID-19 deaths 1/20/21-1/20/22: 454,100

Number dosed in the US by 1/20/22: 249 million



51,437 US COVID-19 deaths in the first 22 days of February: Already the 7th worst month of the pandemic

 2,338 deaths per day, the equivalent of 65,465 by the end of the month.

We shall see.


Station KGRR of the National Weather Service is increasingly unreliable

Yesterday's predicted high was 50 degrees F. 

It made it to 38.5 on my device not far from the airport right around 5PM last night. I only cared about it because I was earnestly expecting the warm temperatures to make it easier on me while I pumped some standing water from a low spot on my property.

The National Weather Service 3-day history shows the high was 39 degrees F, right at about that time. It is customary for the NWS to round up to the next degree once the value hits .5.

But both the Daily Almanac and the Climatology pages show the high was 40 F.

Looks like lying and bias in favor of global warming to me, on top of not being able to predict the damn weather tomorrow.
When people lie about everything in a society, even the smallest details, that society is finished because without trust there can be no society.


Tuesday, February 22, 2022

The cretins are a hoppin'


LOL, maybe tomorrow CNBC will call it an invasion after upgrading it to an incursion now that Biden has given the OK

Bunch of lickspittles.

CNBC won't tell the truth that Russian forces have invaded Ukraine: Gotta play it down so as not to spook the markets

 Russia "sends forces", "sends troops", lol.

Miserable cretins.


The State's jackboots prepare to crush the COVID protest in Wellington, New Zealand just as they did in Ottawa, Canada

New Zealand authorities have also been in contact with their counterparts in Ottawa, where police in riot gear dislodged the trucker protest over the weekend after more than three weeks.

Monday, February 21, 2022

Canada's House of Commons endorses the tyranny of Adolf Trudeau

The motion to confirm the declaration of emergency passed 185-151, with the New Democrats voting in favour alongside the minority Liberal government.
His supporters and allies were too afraid for their own elected positions, thinking Trudeau would call an election if they voted to deny the emergency declaration.
Democracy is a bitch. 

LOL, CDC admits its withheld COVID data could be "misinterpreted" to mean the vaccines aren't effective

CDC still can't face the truth about Provincetown, so don't get your hopes up.

The C.D.C. Isn’t Publishing Large Portions of the Covid Data It Collects :

Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said. ...

Last year, the agency repeatedly came under fire for not tracking so-called breakthrough infections in vaccinated Americans, and focusing only on individuals who became ill enough to be hospitalized or die. The agency presented that information as risk comparisons with unvaccinated adults, rather than provide timely snapshots of hospitalized patients stratified by age, sex, race and vaccination status.

But the C.D.C. has been routinely collecting information since the Covid vaccines were first rolled out last year, according to a federal official familiar with the effort. The agency has been reluctant to make those figures public, the official said, because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

Ms. Nordlund confirmed that as one of the reasons. Another reason, she said, is that the data represents only 10 percent of the population of the United States. But the C.D.C. has relied on the same level of sampling to track influenza for years. ...

“We have been begging for that sort of granularity of data for two years,” said Jessica Malaty Rivera, an epidemiologist and part of the team that ran Covid Tracking Project, an independent effort that compiled data on the pandemic till March 2021.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Pandemic of the vaccinated: 46,821 US COVID-19 deaths in the first 18 days of February 2022

2,601 deaths per day, the equivalent of 72,833 through the end of the month.

71,680 died in February 2021, third worst month on record.

1 died in February 2020.

February 2022 would replace February 2021 as the third worst month yet for deaths during the entire pandemic, if the 18-day trend persisted.

It is more likely, however, to come in fourth, but only because the weekly pace has slowed since the 12th. If that slowing trend continues, total deaths will probably come in around 65,000 and may still be worse than January.

This shouldn't be happening with 252 million fully or partly vaccinated, who obviously share some of the responsibility for helping to spread this disease to vulnerable people because the CDC failed to stress the inability of the vaccines they took to stop transmission. They've known since July 27th, reported on it, were roundly mocked, but were too cowed and too invested in the vaccines to stress the truth in their main messaging.

The high percentage of breakthrough deaths since last July in places like Massachusetts, which was ground zero for the breakthrough case bomb in Provincetown on July 4th, shows that many of these same people also are victims of their misplaced faith.

Meanwhile the public has given up. Sam's Club was packed yesterday afternoon, and I could count the masks on the fingers of one hand. 

Vulnerable people should wake up and protect themselves.

No one else is going to.

You might as well be fetal tissue.

The left is phony, a clerisy suffering from Tourette's Syndrome, the bourgeois tool of neoliberalism: Brexit fascists! Trump fascists! Yellow vest fascists! Trucker fascists!

 Tom Slater, here
Essentially every time working-class people have revolted against the establishment in recent years the left has joined with the centrists to denounce them as fascists. The Brexit vote? Fascists! The Trump revolt? Super fascists! The gilets jaunes? French fascists! It’s like a tic at this point, a form of political Tourette’s bred of the left’s profound disorientation. ... today’s leftists are so cloistered, so bourgeois, so much more comfortable in the faculty lounge than on the factory floor, that they not only can’t lead these revolts, they really don’t want to. ... Supposed radicals – up to their eyeballs in divisive intersectionalist politics – have become the useful idiots of a neoliberal ruling class keen to put voters firmly back in their place . . ..