Showing posts with label P.B.P.B.G.T.R.N.R.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label P.B.P.B.G.T.R.N.R.. Show all posts

Saturday, September 7, 2024

When you have to write articles like this with eight weeks to go lol

Ed Kilgore, New York Magazine

Kamala Harris’s effort to depict herself as a candidate of safe but forward-looking change (as opposed to the decidedly unsafe and reactionary change represented by Donald Trump) has unsurprisingly spurred a host of GOP attacks on a cherry-picked assortment of unpopular or at least questionable-sounding policy positions from her past, ranging from support for a single-payer health-care system and sympathy for undocumented immigrants to opposition to fracking and to aggressive policing tactics.

Is Chris Cillizza, formerly of CNN, WaPo, Meet the Depressed, and PMSNBC cherry-picking?
I mean, most of these lists are incomplete because Harris' has left a LONG trail demonstrating her extreme leftism in speeches, interviews, tweets, policy statements from 2019, et cetera, and it's a daunting task to list them all. Any list of them will show an editor's bias about what's important in the editor's opinion.

But the idea from James Carville endorsed by Kilgore that Harris can just say she learned in the White House that spending $800 billion over ten years in the misnamed Inflation Reduction Act to reverse climate change was good enough when in 2019 she said it would take $1 trillion PER YEAR for ten years is just laughable.

That's hardly going to fly with the climate change left, let alone anyone else.
Ed Kilgore's just pretending that isn't the case. He's an enabler of Harris' silence in the face of the flip-flops.


Thursday, August 29, 2024

Jonathan Turley: Zuckerberg fought for years to conceal his cooperation with government censorship until the Republican House Judiciary Committee forced his hand

 Zuckerberg is just another, you guessed it . . .

Zuckerberg's sudden regret only came after his company fought for years to conceal the evidence of its work with the government to censor opposing views. Zuckerberg was finally compelled to release the documents by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, and the House Judiciary Committee. 

Now forced to admit what many of us have long alleged, Zuckerman is really, really sorry. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Phony, baloney, plastic banana, good time rock n' rolla Barack Hussein Obama told Republicans to go sit in the back of the bus in October 2010, just before Republicans ate his lunch and swept the House

 In Woonsocket, Rhode Island, Monday 25 October 2010.




Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Kamala Harris, phony baloney plastic banana good time rock 'n rolla, astroturfs event at Pittsburgh restaurant Saturday, kicks out all the patrons at 4pm and brings in her own using over a dozen vans


Staff told patrons that they would have to leave due to a ‘private event’ which turned out to be a campaign stop for Kamala Harris. ...

‘They kicked us out of Primanti Brothers,’ one man commented as a person in the crowd filmed a caravan of over a dozen unmarked Ford Transit vans arrived to the location.


I saw this on X and thought it couldn't possibly be true and dismissed it over the weekend.

This story was published yesterday.

You'll be told in media and ads that she has strong support in Pittsburgh. 

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Tim Walz has lied for years about serving in Afghanistan, he's a total phony: He never served in-country anywhere, he was never in combat with a weapon of war, he retired to avoid deployment to Iraq with his unit, he said he didn't know he was being deployed but did, and was demoted from Command Sergeant Major as a result

Five fucking lies about his service.

He's an insult to the uniform.

His own press release in March 2005 quotes him saying it was his responsibility to deploy to Iraq with his unit.

When he found out they were deploying, his commanding officer is on the record saying he went around his command to retire.

Shall we add that he promised in 2018 a moderate "One Minnesota" governorship, but instead gave them a culture war, signing a bill providing for abortion up until the time of birth, legalized marijuana, gave drivers licenses to illegals, and made Minnesota a mecca for trannies?

He's a lying snake and always has been.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Meanwhile phony Joe protests he's not an extremist


President who labeled half of the country extremists now appeals for unity

 “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” Mr. Biden said in a fiery Independence Hall speech on Sept. 1, 2022, looking to shape the midterm elections. “And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. They do not believe in the rule of law. They do not recognize the will of the people.”

He continued: “MAGA Republicans have made their choice. They embrace anger. They thrive on chaos. They live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies. And yet history tells us that blind loyalty to a single leader and a willingness to engage in political violence is fatal to democracy.” ...

“Not since President Lincoln and the Civil War have freedom and democracy been under assault here at home as they are today,” he lamented. “What makes our moment rare is that freedom and democracy are under attack, both at home and overseas, at the very same time.”

Monday, July 15, 2024

So, NeverTrump J. D. Vance has successfully advanced himself to the big time, a phony just like Trump, who claims to be a blood and soil conservative to the rubes but didn't exactly marry a woman from the holler he says he loves so much


I'm sure they'll all be very happy together.

His wife is an American born to parents from India. She is an elite like him, a graduate of Yale and a Democrat. She remains Hindu while Vance is Catholic (less than 1% of the population of Appalachia is Catholic).

The blood and soil shtick is just a grift.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Michigan's bigshot Democrats shun Joe Biden at Detroit appearance: Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Sen. Gary Peters, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Sen. hopeful Elissa Slotkin, UAW President Shawn Fain

 What a bunch of phony baloney plastic banana good time rock 'n rollas.

But at a critical juncture when Biden needs to consolidate support, key Democratic leaders in the state were notably absent Friday.

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who is co-chair of Biden’s campaign, was out of the state. Sens. Gary Peters and Debbie Stabenow, and Rep. Elissa Slotkin, who is vying for Michigan’s open Senate seat, were also not there. United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain, whom Biden actively courted during last year’s strikes, was traveling for a conference.

Rep. Hillary Scholten, who is seeking reelection in a battleground district in western Michigan, is among the lawmakers who’ve called on Biden to step aside. 


Friday, June 28, 2024

Supremes overturn 1984 "Chevron deference" to federal agencies, forcing Congress to either give teeth to regulatory ambiguities and so pay the political consequences they otherwise avoided, or defer to judges deciding for them from now on

 My guess is they'll tend more to let the judges decide, because Congress is, in fact, timid, lazy, phony, tiny, and small.

It's complicated, but it's a good thing because it restores accountability to the political sphere. No one elects the agencies. But that will cut both ways, seeing how politicized the judiciary has become.

It's also a BFD. The New York Times is in a panic over it.

An attorney for the commercial fishermen said Chevron deference "incentivizes a dynamic where Congress does far less than the Framers (of the U.S. Constitution) anticipated, and the executive branch is left to do far more by deciding controversial issues via regulatory fiat."

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Phony Hamas death toll reports in the news

 UN seemingly halves estimate of Gazan women, children killed

 On May 6, the UN published data showing that 34,735 people had reportedly been killed in Gaza, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children. On May 8, the UN published data showing 34,844 people had reportedly been killed, including 4,959 women and 7,797 children. The new figures showed the number of identified deaths as of April 30, which total 24,686 people. ... Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report in January that showed major discrepancies in the fatality reports. They concluded such discrepancies were most likely caused by manipulation.         

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The orchestrated lawfare against Donald Trump is designed to make you forget Biden's five tyrannical anti-democratic COVID-19 vaccination orders

Not to mention to make you forget all Biden's other failures, starting with the fall of Kabul in August 2021.

This is the same political strategy used by Hillary and the Democrats after Trump's election, with their phony baloney plastic banana Trump-Russia hoax to hamstring Trump's tenure in office.


The five mandates were discussed here in April 2022:

Federal contractor mandate September 9, 2021 on all employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

Federal employee mandate September 9, 2021 on all employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

OSHA mandate November 4, 2021 on all employers of 100 or more COUNTRYWIDE to be vaccinated or tested weekly

Medicare/Medicaid provider mandate November 4, 2021 on all provider employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

Head Start mandate November 30, 2021 requiring vaccination of 300,000 employees at child care facilities AND masking of the children.

And let's not forget the vaccination mandates shoved down the throats of the US military and National Guard in August and November 2021. More than 8,000 service members who refused the jabs were forced out.

This is the real Joe Biden.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Insurance companies got rich because of Obamacare rules, now electric utilities are poised to get rich because of Biden climate rules

 Utilities are shutting down "dirty" capacity without adequately replacing it. The law of supply and demand means only one thing: higher prices. OK, two: blackouts.

Meanwhile, tax credits under Biden's phony Inflation Reduction Act are masking the true costs of renewables.

From a Wall Street Journal op-ed "The Coming Electricity Crisis: Artificial-intelligence data centers and climate rules are pushing the power grid to what could become a breaking point" here :

Obama Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz last week predicted that utilities will ultimately have to rely more on gas, coal and nuclear plants to support surging demand. “We’re not going to build 100 gigawatts of new renewables in a few years,” he said. No kidding.

The problem is that utilities are rapidly retiring fossil-fuel and nuclear plants. “We are subtracting dispatchable [fossil fuel] resources at a pace that’s not sustainable, and we can’t build dispatchable resources to replace the dispatchable resources we’re shutting down,” Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie warned this month.

About 20 gigawatts of fossil-fuel power are scheduled to retire over the next two years—enough to power 15 million homes—including a large natural-gas plant in Massachusetts that serves as a crucial source of electricity in cold snaps. PJM’s external market monitor last week warned that up to 30% of the region’s installed capacity is at risk of retiring by 2030.

Some plants are nearing the end of their useful life-spans, but an onslaught of costly regulation is the bigger cause. A soon-to-be-finalized Environmental Protection Agency rule would require natural-gas plants to install expensive and unproven carbon capture technology.

The PJM report cites “the role of states and the federal government in subsidizing resources and in environmental regulation.” It added: “The simple fact is that the sources of new capacity that could fully replace the retiring capacity have not been clearly identified.”

Meantime, the Inflation Reduction Act’s huge renewable subsidies make it harder for fossil-fuel and nuclear plants to compete in wholesale power markets. The cost of producing power from solar and wind is roughly the same as from natural gas. But IRA tax credits can offset up to 50% of the cost of renewable operators. 

Baseload plants can’t turn a profit operating only when needed to back up renewables, so they are closing. This was the main culprit for Texas’s week-long power outage in February 2021 and the eastern U.S.’s rolling blackouts during Christmas 2022.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Core pce inflation is out and shows itself running ahead of the 10-year US Treasury yield for four consecutive years 2020-2023, which is unprecedented

Jerome Powell is the biggest phony inflation fighter the country has ever seen.

He was appointed by Trump! So much winning!

Core pce inflation previously exceeded the ten year yield in 1974-75 and in 2012 (barely).

The Fed's primary inflation-fighting tool has been the Federal Funds Rate, but it let inflation run wildly out of control before even lifting a finger to stop it in March 2022 when the Fed finally acted and started raising the rate.

It is a shameful episode which has benefited businesses which hiked prices higher than inflation to goose profits, and the federal government which desperately needed to devalue its mounting debts, all at the expense of the average American.

The lack of outrage over this is a study in the depth of American servitude. Slavery didn't end in 1865 for African Americans. It became the common lot of us all.



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Disgusting New York Times fans the flames against Israel: Simply repeated Palestinian claim of Israeli strike on hospital, changed it to strike on hospital, changed it again to hospital blast

 It was an errant malfunctioning Palestinian rocket, one of the thousands Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched against targets in Israel but which the media do not report.

The number 500 dead is also phony. The claim was made almost immediately after the blast and just keeps getting repeated. There was no count. The place is in chaos. The missile exploded in the parking lot, not on the hospital.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

One mechanism was a foreign remittances tax, but Paul Waldman and Donald Trump just leave that out


When he ran for president in 2016, few of Donald Trump’s promises thrilled his supporters more than his pledge not just to build a wall on the southern border, but to force Mexico to pick up the tab. “And who’s going to pay for it?” he’d say at his rallies. The crowd would shout back joyfully, “Mexico!” It wasn’t about the money; the point was to conjure a fantasy of America standing tall and dominating our neighbor; their humiliation would be our glory.

A fantasy is just what it was, as Trump now admits. At a speech in Iowa on Sunday, he blurted out the truth. “When you hear these lunatics back there,” he said, pointing at the news media, “say, ‘Trump didn’t get anything from Mexico,’ well, you know, there was no legal mechanism. I said they’re going to help fund this wall, but there was no legal mechanism. How do you go to a country, you say, ‘By the way I’m building a wall, hand us a lot of money.’”

Of course it was about the money. Everything is about the money.

It wasn't a fantasy to neoliberal Bush 43 pal Vicente Fox, who took it seriously enough at the time when Trump first proposed to make Mexico pay that he wouldn't pay.

This is revisionist history by Trump and by Waldman, which pretends there was no Border Wall Funding Act of 2017, nor serious elite opposition to its provision for a foreign remittances tax.

Trump would simply like to erase the history of his phony immigration promises, and Waldman would simply like no one to entertain seriously the particulars, which show there is a giant pot of money easily taxed to pay for border security.

Foreign remittances to the Latin South reached $142 billion in 2022, and Mexico's share was $60 billion.

The government of the United States farts away billions of dollars every minute of every day. Funding a $25 billion wall is a flea on that elephant's back. The fierce opposition to it is the thing of real size.