Levin almost never disagrees with Trump. It's very revealing of Mark's priorities, which include the absolute rectitude of George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq.
... I’m waiting for the first free election for Vladimir Putin. I mean, this
is almost comical in a sick way that Putin is demanding an election.
Why is he demanding an election in Ukraine when he doesn’t have free and
real elections in his own country? ... I don’t know why there are people that not only oppose Zelensky, but
seem to support Putin,” said Levin, attributing said position to a
handful of pseudo-intellectuals” pushing “policies that in many ways are
un-American in my view, and policies that if they had espoused these
policies not that long ago, people would have wondered if they were on
the take, or who they’re working for, something like that. Not that they
are, but they would wonder.” ...
Levin sounds like Democrats at the end there, getting uncomfortably close to their charge that Trump has always been on the take from Putin, working for Putin, "something like that" lol.
Somebody should check the audio though, because, holy smokes, this whopper was in there:
There is no peace without slavery.