Gemini is anti-white.
Showing posts with label boob. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boob. Show all posts
Friday, February 23, 2024
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
LOL, CNBC story on Omicron in the UK avoids the word "breakthrough" like the plague
Yeah, let's talk about reinfections, or maybe about what they all had most in common for breakfast, anything but the elephant standing in every living room.
Bunch of boobs.
The UK has 6 million new cases in the last two months even though
"Almost 85% of the country’s eligible population — those over the age of 12 — is fully vaccinated against Covid, while 64% have received a booster shot."
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
China confirmed human to human transmission on Jan 20, but incompetent World Health Organization on Jan 23 insists no evidence of that
No evidence "outside China". US expert says no evidence "inside US".
How do these boobs think we're going to catch it, in Chinese carry out?
Monday, January 27, 2020
Friday, October 18, 2019
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
The New York Times flat out lies that there is no evidence Biden bragged about stopping the investigation of his son: There's video!
Mr. Trump made no direct or indirect mentions of aid to Ukraine during the July 25 call, according to the transcript. But Mr. Trump does repeatedly mention Mr. Biden, saying at one point that the former vice president had bragged about stopping a prosecution involving the company that his son worked for — a charge for which there is no public evidence.
Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired
The incompetent boob who put up this 2016 video of Biden speaking at CFR mistakenly dates it to 2006 in the leader, in addition to misspelling Ukrainian, etc., but it's been sourced from CFR all over the place for months. The standard Democrat response to this is that the Ukrainian prosecutor was corrupt. They never mention that he was investigating Biden's son's company.
The real point here is that Biden's son, who had no business expertise, got a sweetheart deal thanks to Daddy's influence and protection as Vice President of the United States.
The Democrats constantly claim Trump violates the emoluments clause when it's Democrats who milk emoluments like a cow.
The incompetent boob who put up this 2016 video of Biden speaking at CFR mistakenly dates it to 2006 in the leader, in addition to misspelling Ukrainian, etc., but it's been sourced from CFR all over the place for months. The standard Democrat response to this is that the Ukrainian prosecutor was corrupt. They never mention that he was investigating Biden's son's company.
The real point here is that Biden's son, who had no business expertise, got a sweetheart deal thanks to Daddy's influence and protection as Vice President of the United States.
The Democrats constantly claim Trump violates the emoluments clause when it's Democrats who milk emoluments like a cow.
Donald Trump 2019,
Joe Biden 2019,
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
Wednesday, April 3, 2019
Friday, February 15, 2019
Rush is full of it, saying Trump has no leverage
Trump has POLITICAL POWER. It's called the veto. He should use it! Make the Congress own this piece of shit border deal.
WAKE UP AND SMELL THE CONSTITUTION you boob, you dog, you spineless weasel, you limp dick sex drug profiteer.
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Friday, July 27, 2018
Rush Limbaugh is a GDP boob, again
Rush Limbaugh can't remember good GDP under Obama for two reasons.
One, he's never read the press releases from the BEA. These are available anytime of day or night, including right now, right on Al Gore's amazing internet, for the whole Obama era, but it's more convenient to ignore them at the time if they occasionally disagree with your broader political point.
Second, Limbaugh doesn't realize that real GDP is a moving target. Real means it's an inflation-adjusted figure, and therefore is constantly updated going back in time to incorporate inflation's effects. Therefore no report of GDP he remembers from the past is worth anything today, except in the context of its time.
Limbaugh also doesn't understand that while GDP is subject to constant revision from month to month for this and other reasons, today's report is the 15th comprehensive revision, which occurs every five years. The last one was in 2013. If you looked at the data before the 2013 revision and compared it after you'd see noteworthy differences in the numbers you may have remembered differently.
Comprehensive revisions incorporate new methodologies and measurements across all the data. Today's data revision does just that going back all the way to 1929. Limbaugh wants you to believe new methods and measures under Obama distorted Obama's numbers uniquely but weren't applied uniformly to all the data, which is a complete falsehood.
Here's the recent history of 4.0 real GDP or better from today's revisions vs. contemporaneous BEA press releases:
2Q2018: 4.1%
3Q2014: 4.9% (5% in third estimate Dec. 2014)
2Q2014: 5.1% (4.6% in third estimate Sept. 2014)
4Q2011: 4.7% (3.0% in third estimate March 2012)
4Q2009: 4.5% (5.6% in third estimate March 2010).
Trump's GDP in the first half of 2018 is comparable to Obama's and Bush's best performances before him. That's a hopeful sign. But Trump supporters like me will have something to really crow about if and when these numbers look like they did in the 1990s, and do it consistently.
So far, they don't.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Good Lord, Jeeves, The Atlantic fired Williamson but keeps nitwit writers who can't write
For example, this boob, who are clearly a college graduate, for whom mines excavate and unearth miraculously all by themselves:
But for all those years, the source material for the arguments have [sic] remained largely the same. ...
A team of archaeologists, historians, and climate scientists have [sic] constructed a history of Rome’s lead pollution, which allows them [sic] to approximate Mediterranean economic activity from 1,100 b.c. to 800 a.d. They [sic] found it hiding thousands of miles from the Roman Forum: deep in the Greenland Ice Sheet, the enormous, miles-thick plate of ice that entombs the North Atlantic island. In short, they [sic] have reconstructed year-by-year economic data documenting the rise and fall of the Roman Republic and Empire. ...
But these mines didn’t excavate [sic] pure silver: Instead, they unearthed [sic] an ore of silver, lead, and copper that had to be smelted into silver. ...
Once in the air, these lead emissions did not stay in one place. Instead, it [sic] wafted with the winds, eventually blowing into squalls and storms over Greenland. ...
The Crisis of the Roman Republic—the series of civil wars and political strife, spanning 134 b.c. to 27 b.c., that brought the Roman Republic to an end— were [sic] associated with a broad period of economic stagnation and disintegration, the study finds. And the early Roman Empire—especially the Pax Romana, the 206 years of mostly uninterrupted peace throughout the Mediterranean—were [sic] accompanied by an economic boom. ...
These simulations allow scientists to estimate how air from the Iberian peninsula—air that, in Roman times, would have been full of lead pollution—wafted up to the Greenland ice sheet. It [sic] also allowed them to distinguish between air from the Iberian peninsula specifically and ambient air from farther east in Europe.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
And right now the boob Rush Limbaugh is ranting against homeownership and its tax deduction
Rush says the mortgage industry lobbied to get the mortgage interest deduction, not realizing it's been there since the Income Tax became law in 1913.
It's like a conspiracy, this coordinated attack on homeownership today.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Rush Limbaugh is wrong, as usual, about Obamacare passing the Senate without 60 votes
Obamacare passed the Senate 60-39 on December 24, 2009 with 58 Democrat and 2 Independent votes (one Republican did not vote, Jim Bunning).
The House passed this bill unchanged March 21, 2010, thus avoiding having to go through the House-Senate conference process and another vote again in each chamber. The bill's elements, if changed, were subject to filibuster back in the Senate because Scott Brown's election to the Senate in the interim on January 19, 2010 foreclosed the possibility of Democrats being able to overcome the 59-41 barrier. 60 votes are required to overcome the filibuster.
Reconciliation was used instead to change only budgetary elements in the bill, which were wanted by the Democrats in the House. For reconciliation purposes, simple majorities only are necessary.
Without a filibuster proof Senate majority, Republicans will be unable to repeal Obamacare.
Their only option is to gut the budgetary elements using their majorities in the House and Senate.
Obamacare will not go away in form until the stars align and Republicans capture 60 seats in the Senate.
It can only go away in practice in the interim by defunding it.
Republicans should re-pass the 2015 repeal legislation, which Obama vetoed, and send it to Trump for his signature as a downpayment.
Here is the Big Boob on the Right, getting it wrong today:
CALLER: Did the Democrats have 60 when they passed all this? I mean, what the hell?
RUSH: No, the Democrats did not. That’s why they used what’s known as budget reconciliation for many aspects of Obamacare, which was trickery. They didn’t have 60 votes. The Republicans, however, did not have the votes to stop anything at the time.
Here is the Big Boob on the Right, getting it wrong today:
CALLER: Did the Democrats have 60 when they passed all this? I mean, what the hell?
RUSH: No, the Democrats did not. That’s why they used what’s known as budget reconciliation for many aspects of Obamacare, which was trickery. They didn’t have 60 votes. The Republicans, however, did not have the votes to stop anything at the time.
Donald Trump 2017,
Rush Limbaugh 2017
Monday, November 28, 2016
The New Yorker's Amy Davidson would like to blame Hillary's loss in Michigan on Jill Stein, not on the 604,000 former Obama voters who didn't show up for her
These people cannot face how horrible Hillary Clinton's candidacy seemed to Democrats, horrible enough to keep them away from the polls. But Jill Stein received 51,000 votes in Michigan. Yeah, let's blame her. Democrats ... good! Third parties ... bad!
(It is worth noting that Jill Stein won enough votes in Michigan and Wisconsin to account for Clinton’s losses there.)
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