Monday, November 18, 2019

Michelle Malkin should be judged by her enemies: Libertarian kook Cathy Young for instance

"In Defense of Internment" does make a convincing case that some Japanese aliens and even Japanese-Americans had pro-Japan sympathies, and that the Japanese military was working to recruit agents in their ranks. ... [T]he profiling measures Malkin advocates today, such as selective monitoring of aliens and visitors from countries with terrorist links, are moderate and fairly sensible. She is right that it's ludicrous to invoke Japanese internment as a parallel.

Yet somehow Malkin's still an "extremist". 

Only in your fevered mind of "awfulness".

And to think they predicted Trump would destroy the Republican establishment when he instead morphed into William F. Buckley Jr. and purged the right for the establishment: Welcome to the last Boomer election

Michelle Malkin 2011: Trump is a private-property grabbing statist little different from Obama

Jonah Goldberg bows to the tyranny of the Legislative

When there is actual evidence of crimes, Grand Juries are summoned. When there isn't, the politicians bluff, bluster and fulminate, beguiling the simple.

Kausfiles: John McCain and Victoria Nuland helped throw out Ukraine's president in 2014, Never Trump and Democrats doing the same to Trump in 2019

The parallels are almost eerie. In both cases the elected president (Yanukovych in Ukraine, Trump here) is regarded by the foreign policy establishment as corrupt. In both cases the president's original election was regarded as tainted--in Yanukovych's case by suspicions of vote rigging, in Trump's case by charges of foreign meddling. In both cases the villain is Russia. In both cases there is a big underlying policy dispute that calls forth intense passions: In Ukraine, it was whether the country would look West or East. In the US it's how vigorously to resist aggressive Russian attempts to restore the former Soviet empire in Ukraine and elsewhere. 

And in both cases, victory means tossing aside the results of a national vote. Ukraine’s "Revolution of Dignity" might not have been legal under Ukraine’s constitution — but hey, that's why they call it a revolution. Convulsions in foreign countries that bring better, pro-Western rulers to power are rightly applauded by Americans.

More here.

Transcripts of depositions before Democrat Adam Schiff's committee show example after example of halting questioning which might lead to origins of investigation

But so far at least, the investigation seems to have established that Trump's alleged misconduct exists in the eye of the beholder. Some officials heard the Zelensky call as it happened and saw no wrongdoing. Vindman, on the other hand, saw wrongdoing and got in touch with an unknown number of people about it. After that, the story grew and grew. How did one man's impression turn into the impeachment probe of today?

And that is what Chairman Schiff does not want the nation to know.

More here.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Elise Stefanik is an immigration squish, signed discharge petition in 2018 to force Republicans in Congress to compromise

Congresswoman Stefanik was one of the earliest signers of the discharge petition to force Congress to act on immigration. She previously announced that she will also support standalone legislation that addresses the separation of children and parents at our borders.

More here.

CNN treats Dan Rather as a reliable source

NBC News just assumes most black people are homophobes

Goodwin: Nancy Pelosi has gone full coup coup

The speaker, who often sounds and acts as if she is cuckoo, has gone full coup coup. ... I’ve written before how her friends distinguish the speaker from her party’s far-left crazies, but that’s no longer possible. She’s one of them.

With her actions and ridiculous comparison to Nixon, she seals her fate as a rank partisan heedless of the national interest. Pelosi had another, better option.

Recall that after Dems took the House in 2018, Trump complimented her, saying, “I give her a lot of credit . . . She’s worked long and hard.”

He added: “Hopefully, we can all work together next year to continue delivering for the American people, including on economic growth, infrastructure, trade, lowering the cost of prescription drugs. These are some of things that the Democrats do want to work on, and I really believe we’ll be able to do that.”

None of that happened. Pelosi aligned her power with the resistance and rejected Trump’s offer of bipartisanship, especially on immigration, where she refused even to negotiate.

Worse, she made the fateful decision to join Schiff and others in pushing Russia, Russia, Russia. When Robert Mueller gave them nothing to work with, they instantly seized on Ukraine, which GOP Rep. Devin Nunes rightly called a “low-rent sequel.”

Yet to this day, Pelosi continues to accuse Trump of being a Russian agent, repeatedly saying recently that with him, “all roads lead to Putin.”

More here.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Who was president in 1997 to set OMB standards on race and ethnicity, huh?

Then most Federalist Society folks are kooky: Senators and Representatives and Judges keep chairs warm for decades while POTUS becomes a lame duck immediately upon re-election

We live under the spendthrift tyranny of the legislative feared by Madison, with its access to the pockets of the people, augmented by a renegade judiciary before which the other two branches remain supine because of Marbury.