Saturday, September 7, 2019
How soon they forget, even Ann Coulter: Trump squandered his victory momentum in the first six months on repealing and replacing Obamacare, and got BUPKIS, then took the Republicans' corporate tax cuts for his own because he needed a victory
It took Trump until the end of June 2017 to realize clean repeal should have been his gambit instead of repeal and replace, and by the end of July it was all over. The Senate went on summer vacay and came back to give Trump their own tax bill, not his (but did he ever have one?). Republicans hung Russia-conspiracy-embattled Trump out to dry, and played his hubris like a fiddle.
Having lost the House, Trump unwisely turned again, this time to trade war, which if he were going to fight one he should have saved for his second term. There are always casualties in war, as we're seeing with farmers and small businesses tied to the China supply chain. It's stupid to kill your voters.
Ann Coulter has repeatedly said solving immigration solves every other problem, including jobs, which is what Trump should have made his first term focus. But as we've come to see, Trump can't focus.
Infrastructure spending is a side show compared with all the money saved by fixing immigration. It seems Ann Coulter's forgotten this, too.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Just 3,000 full-time jobs created in Aug 2019 as Trump bump runs out of steam
Full-time increased to 132.156 million in Aug 2019 from 132.153 million in July, an increase of just 3,000.
Average full-time in 2019 at 50.3% of population is still well below the average two-decade experience of Americans between 1987 and 2008 when full-time averaged 51.8% of population. We can't even yet match the average cyclical high of 51.1% prior to 2008.
In August 2019 51.8% working full-time instead of the actual 50.9% would mean 2.23 million MORE people working full-time right now than actually do.
The spread between the 2019 average of 50.3% and the 1987-2008 average of 51.8% is even higher: 3.9 million MORE who could be working full-time on average this year but are not, simply because whatever broke after 2008 still isn't fixed, not by Trump, not by Obama, not by Republicans, not by Democrats, not by Bernanke, Yellen, Powell or by anybody else.
It's busted, I tell ya, but they still let legal immigrants in by the millions, not to mention illegals.
It's insanity.
American Airlines mechanic named Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani sabotages jet to obtain overtime
Yeah, overtime, that's the ticket.
Flight 2834 was about to depart for Nassau, Bahamas on July 17 with 150 people on board, when an error message appeared after the engines were started up. The crew aborted takeoff and returned to the gate. The plane was taken out of service for maintenance, American Airlines said. Passengers deplaned and American provided a different aircraft for the flight. ...
The mechanic, Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani, is set to appear in court on Friday, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Miami.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
New summer "Time of Use" rate coming for millions of Michigan customers of Consumers Energy in 2020 between 2pm and 7pm Monday through Friday: Penalty electricity rate rises 13.7% over summer 2019 penalty rate
The smart meter installation roll-out everywhere in recent years now affords the utility the ability to measure usage of each customer for the designated five hour period. In future customers are promised that ability also, in order to monitor their own usage hour by hour, through an online dashboard for their accounts.
Presently penalty electric rates are imposed in the summers for all use above 600 kWh without regard to time of day. Once you hit the threshold, you pay at a higher rate for the electricity. In my case that usually happens by day 20 of the month. This new way eliminates the 600 kWh threshold. Use energy during the five hour window on day one and you pay the penalty rate, period.
Some will be able to game this because they aren't home during the day anyway. For the rest of us, however, it will be a different story, shifting energy use to the mornings before 2pm and the evenings after 7pm, or to weekends, and perhaps turning off the A/C and shifting activities to the basement to beat the heat.
August 2019 climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan
August 2019 climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan
Max temp 89, mean 92
Min temp 49, mean 47
Av temp 70.7, mean 70.2
Precip 3.41, mean 3.07
HDD 8, mean 19
CDD 193, mean 189
Using cooling degree days, the month was about 2.1% warmer than normal, going back to the beginning of the record, failing to make even 48% of the August record, which is 404. Average temp was less than 1% warmer than normal. Max temp lagged the mean while min temp exceeded the mean. In other words, 'twere a wee bit warmer sleeping than normal.
IBD poll has Biden, Sanders, Warren and Harris all beating Trump in 2020
Elizabeth Warren Narrows Joe Biden Lead Among Democrats: IBD/TIPP Poll:
In a head-to-head 2020 election contest of Biden vs. Trump, the
IBD/TIPP Poll found a 54%-42% advantage for Biden. A month earlier, Biden led Trump by 13 points. Sanders had a narrow 49%-45% edge over Trump, while Warren and Harris had slimmer 49%-46% leads.
Independents preferred Biden vs. Trump, 55%-37%. Warren edges Trump
with independents, 47%-45%, while Sanders has a 51%-42% advantage.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Matt Taibbi spends 35 minutes talking about Trump's appeal in 2016 with Bernie leftist R. J. Eskow, never once mentioning illegal immigration
The enthusiasm for Trump from the time he announced in mid-2015 until August 2016 revolved around the illegal immigration issue, and these guys want it to be about anything but.
If Democrats had any brains they'd run on Trump's Issue Numero Uno because Trump has miserably failed to deliver on it, but Democrats have no brains.
Replacing that enthusiasm has been Trump's biggest problem, and its absence will spell the difference between victory and defeat in Election 2020.
Replacing that enthusiasm has been Trump's biggest problem, and its absence will spell the difference between victory and defeat in Election 2020.
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