Saturday, January 12, 2019

Friday, January 11, 2019

FL Governor Ron DeSantis signs executive order removing Sheriff Scott Israel

To Donald Trump pussy is free, and so is liberal immigration policy

Trump's imbecilic shutdown over immigration ends paychecks for immigration enforcers

As we said would happen.



The art of the stupid.

Border security workers miss paychecks because of shutdown over border security

Tulsi Gabbard throws her hat in the ring

She would be a great future candidate, but needs to run for governor, win and serve before she runs for president. Not knowing this shows she's not such a great candidate.

Tulsi Gabbard to run for president

Trump tweeted about a path to citizenship for H-1B visa holders today, but Rush Limbaugh said . . .

. . . not one word about it.

They are not on our side.

Rashida Tlaib's (Democrat, MI-13) Muslim heritage means wiping Israel off the map

So much winning . . .

One term president flip-flops on H-1B visa holders

In March 2016 Trump didn't think too highly of H-1B visa holders, now he wants to make them citizens


Hey Doug Jones, D-AL, in 2018 YOU diverted $500 million of our money to build a wall in Jordan

Sen. Doug Jones, D-Ala., a member of the committee,  said Thursday that he hopes Trump doesn’t declare an emergency and divert military money to build a wall. “Congress is concerned about the overreach, and I think the American public is concerned about the overreach of the executive branch of government right now,” Jones said.

Russia is just the other side's QAnon, kept Hillary out of Wisconsin for 105 days

 "Russians reading Real Clear Politics is cyber Pearl Harbor".

Mental illness is pandemic.

QAnon virus swallows everything: Trump orchestrated outing of Bezos' affair

Like he didn't have better things to do.

Exhibit 329,097,425 for our failed education system