Friday, July 19, 2019

Trump won't stop illegal aliens, Amash won't vote for impeachment, Sanders won't pay $15/hour to his own campaign staff

Pattern development. Trump is run by Javanka, Amash was kicked out by Javanka in a different form, and Sanders is Javanka.

50 years after a drunk Ted Kennedy killed Mary Jo Kopechne, AP still can't tell the truth about it

The car did it.

Communist Jews (aka Antifa) are mobilized on behalf of open borders and illegal aliens like never before

No borders, no wall, no USA at all.

JEWISH CURRENTS: July 15, 2019 Posted by Greg Afinogenov [teaches at Georgetown!]

The fact that American Jews are mobilized on behalf of migrants like never before is an important step in the right direction. ...

[I]s there such a thing as a border that is both strong and just? The historical record and present-day realities suggest that there is not, and that what we need is not immigration reform, but open borders. ...

[C]enter-left immigration arguments—which on the surface appear compatible with the pro-migrant politics of progressive Jews—rest on the same foundation as those made by the right. ...

Obama and Clinton permitted most of the same abuses as Trump, if not with the same overtly racist glee. ...

The borders between Israel and Palestine exist definitively for the have-nots, not the haves; ...

[A]n open-borders perspective is not just a tactical intervention in a debate about immigration, it is a new vision of a more just society. ...

[W]e should look to the radical alternatives that large numbers of Jews once supported in Europe and in immigrant communities across the world. ...

Jewish activists in the anarchist and internationalist socialist tradition argued that the answer was not to build a Jewish state, but to seek Jewish emancipation as part of a broader anti-capitalist movement. ...

The vast majority of Jews had more in common with Latvian, German, or Russian workers than they did with the few wealthy and powerful members of their own community, and Jews joined revolutionary socialist parties in the Russian Empire in disproportionate numbers. Even in a specifically Jewish socialist party like the Jewish Labor Bund, nationalism was anathema. ...

Many of these Jewish radicals, whether anarchists, communists, or socialists, retained their loyalty to the international working class when they immigrated to the United States. ...

Jewish immigrants came together with other foreign-born groups in organizations like the Industrial Workers of the World, helping to create one of the cornerstones of the American left. These left-wing Jews were among the earliest targets of the first Red Scare that followed the Russian Revolution. Woodrow Wilson’s Palmer Raids swept across the country, deporting immigrants who refused to abandon solidarity and internationalism in their new country. ...

The way out of the nationalist trap in which Jews have been caught since World War II goes through Jewish cosmopolitanism, but not in the form that antisemites have imagined. The idea that Jews are more loyal to Jews in other countries than to their fellow citizens should be replaced . . ..   

Xi Jin Ping has made millions of enemies among dispossessed Chinese elites and their clients

The exact number of "tigers" toppled by Xi's anti-corruption campaign -- in other words, officials who were once part of the designated elite whose jobs had to be cleared through the Party's central personnel system -- is not easy to calculate. The best estimates put it around 300 to 400, including scores of generals. The officials who have been prosecuted and jailed include members of the Politburo, ministers, vice-ministers, the heads of state-owned enterprises, provincial party leaders and governors, and mayors.

In each of those cases, the investigations don't just hit the individual official who has been targeted and detained.

Literally, hundreds of thousands of people who are tied into and rely on that single person for their income are effectively swept up with them. Their livelihoods, and all that they have invested in clawing their way through the system, can evaporate with the stroke of a pen. Some members of the patronage networks are often arrested themselves.

Xi has made enemies of them all. "Xi has destroyed millions of people in the elite who now all hold a personal grudge against him," said a China-based businessman, who asked not to be named, earlier in 2019. "These people are not a bunch of uneducated peasants from the sticks in Henan. They had skin in the game."

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pure insanity: 20% of total global bond market pays negative interest

Opinion: We haven’t seen interest rates this low since before Hammurabi, so what bonds should you buy?:
Some $13 trillion in bonds are paying negative interest rates, which means bondholders actually pay for the privilege of holding an issuer’s bonds. That represents more than 20% of a total global bond market value of $55 trillion, according to Bloomberg. Other bonds are paying positive rates so low they carry a real (after inflation) negative yield as well. ... Some civilizations, like the early Roman Catholic Church and Islam, were opposed to charging interest, but negative rates just didn’t happen, as far as Sylla knows, until the modern era. Now 14 European countries, including France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain, have negative interest rates on their two-year bonds.


Too bad his presidency will never be as good as his campaigning

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Audience at Trump rally in North Carolina shouts "Send Her Back!"

Like immigration-do-nothing Trump, Amash talked a good game about impeachment but voted against it when the time came

I'm sure the excuse was that he had to vote to table the bill because it wasn't perfectly in accord with the constitution.

Wack job Ilhan Omar is now quoting wack job Jesse Ventura

Must be something in the air up there, probably wafts in from Canada.

Global flight to US safety: Foreign holdings of US Treasury securities soar $105.5 billion month over month, $324 billion year over year

Japan is up year over year $52 billion, the UK $58 billion, Luxembourg $21 billion, the Caymans $30 billion, Singapore $31 billion, France $35 billion, Norway $49 billion . . .. 

Rush Limbaugh just reassured us that telling someone to go back to the country of origin isn't racist


Well, I guess Donald Trump, Helen Thomas, Barack Obama, Injuns, Abbas Hamideh, Rashida Tlaib and the rest of The Squad are all off the hook then.

Democrat from Michigan Rashida Tlaib's good buddy Abbas Hamideh wants the Jews to go back to Poland, too


Injun to Covington Kids: White people, go back to Europe where you came from, this is not your land

You Want To MAGA White People Go Back To Europe-This Is Not Your Land:

I guess everybody's forgotten that Barack Obama was cool with Helen Thomas, who wanted the Jews to get the hell out of Palestine and go back to Poland and Germany


Wow, the new publisher of Human Events has aged dramatically in the last 12 hours after CNN tirade

July 16th 4:05pm
July 17th 4:45am

Richard Spencer was on CNN just for you, Frank, just for you

"Turns on Trump" like it was just recently or something.

Rumor has it that Planned Parenthood has the fully intact body parts of an organization president for sale on the dark web

I did NOT learn this from Project Veritas.

Yes, thank G-d Jake Tapper maintained his ritual purity by NOT actually interviewing Richard Spencer on CNN

True dat: If we're going to have government of the shiksa, by the shiksa and for the shiksa, we should at least get a little side boob now and then

Head of Planned Parenthood aborted in third trimester

Just a clump of cells.