Friday, January 24, 2025

Al Hunt and James Carville laughably pretend that Obama didn't dominate Washington by flooding the zone with shit like Trump is doing

Hey Obama! Guess where I'm calling from!

Al Hunt:  And [Trump] dominates today like no other president I've seen. And he dominates with a reckless disregard for truth and more importantly, for the rule of law. 
James Carville: The Democrats are depressed . . .. 
It's comic how these old farts don't remember 2009-2010, how civilian employment crashed by 6 million, how 6 million homes went into foreclosure, how housing wealth evaporated, how hundreds of banks failed, and how Obama was content to hand off all these problems to Democrat gangsters from Wall Street to bail out their cronies and prosecuted no one, all while providing zero leadership to a divided Democrat Congress preoccupied with . . . Obamacare, as if people losing everything in this situation had healthcare as their number one priority.
And then Democrats promptly handed everyone healthcare they couldn't afford and couldn't use.
Talk about depressing.
Talk about shit.