Sunday, December 16, 2018

Obamacare liar Jonathan Gruber decides it's safe to lie again, this time in The Boston Globe

Jonathan Gruber leaves out that millions of Americans already have unusable insurance right now under Obamacare, and that it already costs them tens of thousands of dollars out of pocket every year because their crappy, no-good rotten piece of shit Obamacare-era health insurance plan SUCKS, covering nada, nothing, nichts, doodlysquat.

Gruber just decides not to mention them.

Major lying asshole yesterday, today and forever.


Texas court strikes down Affordable Care Act, putting the health of Americans and our democracy at risk:

Millions of Americans who don’t read the fine print of their insurance contracts could once again buy insurance that leaves them with tens of thousands of dollars in uncovered medical bills.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Priceless: As The Weekly Standard shutters Bill Kristol says "Onward"

Kristol, meanwhile, tweeted optimistically that “we have much more to do. Onward.” 

Close enough.


Rule by the clitheads instead of the dickheads would only appear to be different

Hm, CNN followed the Women's March organizers for a whole year and completely missed their anti-Semites

To The Weekly Standard crowd al Qaeda collaborated with Saddam Hussein, Vladimir Putin with Donald Trump

NBC: Homophobia for me but not for thee

"Investor confidence cracking" in US, record flight to cash in the last week as China misses on two big measures

 Uh oh.

Record $46 bln pulled from US-based stock funds in a week, according to Lipper:

More than $46 billion thundered out of U.S. stock mutual funds and exchange-traded funds, the most ever, while a near-record $13 billion poured from bonds, according to the research service. Relatively low-risk money market funds pulled in $81 billion, also the most recorded, the research service's data showed.

The withdrawals appeared to show investor confidence cracking in the waning days of a wild year of up-and-down trading that has left many people with losses across both stock and bond funds, a rare occurrence.

China just reported 'ugly' industrial output and retail sales growth that missed expectations:

The weaker Chinese data in November shows that the positive impact of front-loading had begun to taper off and that downward pressure on the Chinese economy was increasing, wrote Sue Trinh, head of Asia foreign exchange strategy at RBC Capital Markets in Hong Kong.

The industrial output and retail sales data released on Friday were "ugly," she added in a Friday note.



Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ben Shapiro hated on Pat Buchanan as early as 2003, said he was yesterday's news, embraced neoconservatism as mainstream

A guy named Shapiro said all that? Color me shocked!

After Iraq, attack Pat Buchanan:

The conservative movement has progressed beyond the ideology of Pat Buchanan. But if the conservative movement continues to tolerate him, even as a fringe character, it endangers the gains it has made. 

And fifteen years later some people think Pat Buchanan's doppelgänger currently occupies the White House even as the neoconservative flagship The Weekly Standard is about to close its doors.

The horror . . . the horror.

Ralph Peters spews his vile crap on MSNBC

In Nigel Farage's mind the rioters in France are the Tommy Robinsonites who co-opted his UKIP

Feelings of bitterness can overpower reason and cause one to engage in false equivalencies, as in blaming the American Revolution on the Presbyterians.

Things haven't changed much.

BREXIT is the new chartered right of Englishmen. Unfortunately for them the result of the democratic process matters as little to the duly elected government of Britain as colonial representation mattered to George III.

Nigel is nothing if not a loyalist.


The First Amendment exists to help us identify our enemies, which is why the enemy wants to get rid of it

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Mike Pence has a Once in a Lifetime Talking Heads moment

Emmanuel Macron stars as Jimmy Cartier in "40 Years of French Malaise"

Tablet Magazine exposes how anti-white racists and anti-Semites of the black Muslim variety co-opted the Women's March on Washington

Calypso Louie strikes again.

Is the Women’s March Melting Down?:

According to several sources, it was there—in the first hours of the first meeting for what would become the Women’s March—that something happened that was so shameful to many of those who witnessed it, they chose to bury it like a family secret. Almost two years would pass before anyone present would speak about it.

It was there that, as the women were opening up about their backgrounds and personal investments in creating a resistance movement to Trump, Perez and Mallory allegedly first asserted that Jewish people bore a special collective responsibility as exploiters of black and brown people—and even, according to a close secondhand source, claimed that Jews were proven to have been leaders of the American slave trade. These are canards popularized by The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, a book published by Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam—“the bible of the new anti-Semitism,” according to Henry Louis Gates Jr., who noted in 1992: “Among significant sectors of the black community, this brief has become a credo of a new philosophy of black self-affirmation.”

To this day, Mallory and Bland deny any such statements were ever uttered, either at the first meeting or at Mallory’s apartment. ...

None of the other women in attendance would speak openly to Tablet about the meeting, but multiple sources with knowledge of what happened confirmed the story.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Ben Shapiro, rhymes with Cuck Hero, talks so fast all I can think of when he comes on is motormouth John Moschitta Jr.

It's amusing. For one or two minutes, three minutes max. Then it's suddenly annoying as hell.

This never comes up in Vanity Fair's recent “LET ME MAKE YOU FAMOUS”: HOW HOLLYWOOD INVENTED BEN SHAPIRO, which is all about how his makeover artist used video to make Shapiro into a brand.

Shapiro is set to replace Michael Savage on the radio for two hours everyday next year, a strictly aural medium which Shapiro has already shown he can't resist filling up with more words in a half hour than most hosts use in a week.

Savage listeners are going to be very disappointed.

Democrat Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez comes out as Sephardic Jew

Glad we got that cleared up.

Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Jewish Heritage at Hanukkah Event: 'My Family Was Sephardic':

Incoming Democratic congresswoman says it's the first time she's shared her Jewish heritage in public: 'Our destinies are tied beyond our understanding'

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Cuban American Republican Loser in FL-27 Maria Salazar to Sean Hannity: "We are more American than you are"

About 245,000 votes were cast in the 2018 contest lost by Salazar. It was a supposedly safe Republican seat, but about 43,000 fewer votes were cast than in 2016. There seems to have been a distinct lack of enthusiasm all around. Neither Salazar nor the winner Shalala got anywhere near the votes the retiring incumbent received in 2016. The 73% Hispanic district ended up picking a 77 year old Lebanese dwarf instead of one of their own. Must've been something really wrong with Salazar. I wonder what it could have been.

Salazar made the remark on Friday's Sean Hannity Radio Program.

Comey's stonewalling the institutions just shows that the institutions are already finished: one side disrepects them

Open rebellion is sure to follow, and then a tyrant to quell the violence with maximum violence. It's just a question of when. Democracy doesn't die in darkness, as The Washington Post claims. It dies in the broad light of day for everyone to see, as they gather round and take pictures of it with their iPhones. 

He's the same as Hillary and the other Democrat liars to Congress, going back at least to Eric Holder.