Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Obama's Liberal Death Wish On Display In New Nuke Policy

Religious doctrines such as "resist not evil" endanger the lives of countless innocents when presidents recklessly apply them as government policy, as Obama has just done in forswearing the right of the U.S. to use nuclear weapons in self-defense. It represents a failure to fulfill his constitutional duty as commander in chief. And in doing so, he has more certainly veered off into combining church and state than George Bush or Ronald Reagan ever dreamed of doing, another injury, in this case to the establishment clause.

Obama is a menace who must be stopped before he gets us all killed.

Ralph Peters in "The Bad Nukes Myth," which appeared here, has this to say about Obama's crazy policy revolution:

Idealism has devolved into madness.

The left has never been willing to accept that deterrence works. In the left's world-view, hostile foreign actors aren't the problem. We are. If we disarm, surely they will . . .

Follow the link to read the rest.