Friday, April 2, 2010

Spread The Wealth Around: Abolish The Minimum Wage

Who wants to be a dog-kennel assistant, which is mostly a minimum wage pooper scooper making $8.55 per hour?

Apparently 260 jobless people do in Washington State, aged 14 to 60, including a graphic artist, a freelance photographer, two teachers, a financial controller, accountants, customer service reps, retail clerks and cashiers, waiters, laborers, construction workers, landscapers, and maintenance workers.

The story, reported here, says the unemployment rate at the lowest economic levels is running between 20 and 30 percent nationwide, which is a Depression-level statistic. People making over $100K, however, experience an unemployment rate far lower, it says, around 3 to 4 percent, and don't have a clue about what's really going on.

Has anyone thought of abolishing the minimum wage to spread the wealth around? There are countless jobs which people would do for less than $8.55 an hour if 260 overqualified people are competing for one job cleaning up after fido.

And while we're at it, let's abolish the Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 which requires government workers to be paid the prevailing wage. There are plenty of jobs in government which would get done much better for half as much in view of all the eager, qualified, unemployed people out there looking for work. And doing so would save the taxpayers billions.