Wednesday, April 28, 2010

FBI Looks Incompetent in Hutaree Militia Case

The lead FBI agent in charge of the Hutaree militia case, Leslie Larsen, was questioned by militia defense lawyers yesterday and couldn't remember many of the details from what turns out to have been a two year investigation, according to the Toledo Blade.

A judge was surprised that the FBI agent was unprepared to answer despite being notified to be ready last week, saying "she doesn't know anything."

The agent indicated she hadn't yet finished listening to the recordings made by an infiltrator of the group, and couldn't say whether the Hutaree weapons were in fact illegal because they were still (!) being examined. She also seemed unfamiliar with other reports from the investigation, nor would she say definitively that the group's leader had taught anyone how to build a bomb.

Read more about it, here.